Status: After like 2 chapters I'm going to be doing a sequel, I have some ideas but comment if you want to help. :)

You Make Me Feel Like...

Dumbledore's orders and Trelawnys's vision

"How did Moody know about ym parents?" Liz asked once they were inside Dumbledore's office.

"Moody is an ex-Auror, it's his job to know things," Dumbledore said sitting at his desk. Liz smiled as Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes, landed on her shoulder and nibbled her ear.

"How did he know about my dreams, and the visions?" She asked startiling Fawkes.

"A question that I asked myself hundreds of times." Dumbledore stood and paced towards the window.

"Why does he even care? It's not like Voldemort is going to come into power anytime soon," Liz shrugged her shoulders.

"We do not know that my dear. For all we know he is at this very moment gathering things to become stronger." Dumbledore's eyes landed on her and Liz felt a shiver run down her spine. Fawkes ruffled his feathers and flew to his perch beside Dumbledore's desk.

"Liz?" Dumbledore asked. Not knowing she had been staring off into space looked at Dumbledore who chuckled.

"I said, go to class. I'm sure Proffesor Snape would like to have you in his class for part of his lesson," he said giving her a warm smile.

"Thank you Proffesor," she smiled and ran down the stairs. She got to the dungeons and walked in. Everyone looked at her, but Snape hardly looked up.

"Miss Turner, is everything all right?" Was that concern in his voice.

"Um, everything is fine Proffesor. Here's last nights homework," she said as the bell rang.

"If you need anything, you tell me, alright?" He asked.

"Of... of course Proffesor," Liz nodded and walked out of the class. She was headed for the North Tower for Diviniation when to dentical arms intertwined with hers.

"Well, hello lovely, we thought..."

"Moody was doing harm to you again." Liz giggled to herself. She loved when the twins finished each others scentences, it was so cute.

"No, just asking if I was alright after what happened," she smiled. They gave her suspicious looks as she headed up the silver ladder into Proffesor Trelawneys room.

"Liz!" Hermione was waving her to a table that was occupied by Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.

"Bye guys," she smiled and sat next to Lavender. Fred and George sat down with Harry and Ron and frowned at the crystal ball on their table.

"Boys." Harry, Ron, Fred, and George looked up to see Proffesor Trelawney place a seat next to them and look into their ball.

"Three of you love the same girl," she said. The boys looked at each other, but before they could say anything she continued.

"She is in love with someone else at the moment, or so she thinks. A competition for her heart and her life will ensue. And soon she will find herself without a lover. Three of you will swoop in and try to capture it. But only one will save it, one will die, and one will defeat the one that wants her body, her heart, and her soul." With that Trelawney stood and walked away.

"Some nutter, isn't she?" Ron asked.

"Yeah," Fred whispered.


"You okay?" Liz asked George.

"Fine," he shivered as she placed a hand on his thigh.

"You, George, and Harry have been acting wierd all day," she frowned as she sucked on a Sugar Quill Cedric got her at the last Hogsmead trip. She and George were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. She had her Potions book open while he was fidling with one of their Skiving Snackboxes.

"Just something Trelawney said in class," George sighed.

"She's quite a nutter, isn't she?" Liz giggled.

"Ron said the same thing," George laughed.

"Well... it's late, should head up to bed," she said quietly closing her Potions book. They both stood and stared at each other for a moment.

"Thanks for staying with me last night," she smiled.

"I probably would've stayed anyway," he shrugged his shoulders. Liz smiled and threw her arms around his middle. He hugged her back tightly and almost cursed when she let go to soon.

"Night," she smiled.

"Night," he smiled as his heart sped up. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, dangerously close to his mouth and walked towards the stairs.

"Liz?" He asked. She stopped on the first step and looked up at him. He was still taller than her. She wasn't short, unless you consider 5'7 short, he was just abnormally tall.

"Yes?" She asked. He leaned in and placed a very soft kiss on her lips, his fingers grazing her chin slightly.

"Good night," he smiled and walked up the stairs to his dormitory. Liz touched her lips and blushed. She walked into the room she shared with Hermione Granger, Katie Bell, and Ginny Weasley, a huge smile on her face.

"Someone looks happy," Katie giggled.

"George just kissed me," she said in a dreamy voice.

"I thought you were with Cedric," Ginny said tilting her head to the side.

"I am, and he knows that." Liz was now frowning as she sat on her bed.

"He must really like you to kiss you when he knows you have a boyfriend," Katie giggled.

"I guess so," Liz yawned.

"It's late, time for bed," Hermione instructed.

"Night," Liz sighed and blew out her candle, silently jealous of the disappearing smoke.
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Enjoy! New rule, no new update until more comments. Don't be a silent reader! I'll probably break my rule because I love writing this story so much. Thanks to my 1st subscriber. Whoever you are I love you!