Status: After like 2 chapters I'm going to be doing a sequel, I have some ideas but comment if you want to help. :)

You Make Me Feel Like...

Liz's worries get worse

Liz stormed into the Great Hall, a frown plastered on her normally cheery and beautiful face.

"What's with the attitude?" Fred asked as she plopped down inbetween him and Harry.

"Nothing," she snapped with a quick glance at George. The tips of his ear turned red as he turned towards his porridge.

"You hear about the Goblet of Fire being the impartial judge for the tournament?" Harry asked.

"George and I are gonna create an age potion to enter," Fred smirked.

"It won't work," Liz and Hermione said in a sing songy voice.

"And why, lovely ladies, do you think that?" Fred asked putting an arm around Liz's shoulders.

"Dumbledore drew an age line, and I doubt he would forget about kids using age potions," Hermione scolded.

"Plus, he knows you two, and I think he's smart enough to think of things that you to are liable to do," Liz said sipping her pumpkin juice.

"It will work, don't worry," George smiled.

"And I will be right there laughing my arse off when you two fail," Liz smiled and threw her curled hair over her shoulder.

"Liz, Cedric wants you to yurn around," Hermione said pointing towards the Hufflepuff table. Cedric was waving his arms around trying to get her to come over.

"He's going to embarrass himself," Ron snorted.

"The fact that he is in a house named 'Hufflepuff' embarrasses him," Liz laughed and went to sit next to Cedric.

"I am very disappointed in you George," Hermione whispered under her breathe.

"Why?" He whispered back.

"Liz told me what happened last night." George gulped loudly and Fred and Harry looked at him.

"All right mate?" Fred asked.

"Fine," George smiled and sipped his juice.


Liz sat in the library, her Defense Against the Dark Arts book opened to a page on protective spells when someone dropped a vile containing a silver potion onto her book. She looked up and saw Fred and George smiling down at her.

"What is this?" She whispered so Madame Pince wouldn't give her one of her signature glares.

"Our age potion," George smiled.

"Sure it's supposed to be grey?" She asked showing the the color.

"This color means we'll get older," Fred smiled and crossed his arms.

"Pretty sure you'll sprout beards with this." Liz uncapped it and took a quick sniff. It smelled like soap and pee. A distinct old person smell to it.

"Trust us, it will work," George said snatching at away from her.

"And trust ME, it will make you sprout long Dumbledore beards. I know my potions boys." She smiled wickedly as they rolled their eyes.

"See you in ten minutes. That's when we'll be entering." George smiled. Liz grabbed Fred's hand and pulled him into a row of book cases.

"Don't do it," she frowned.

"There's a thousand Galleon prize, we need that to start our joke shop. You of all people should know that.," Fred sighed.

"What happens if you do get picked? Huh? What happens if you die? Then George and I and your entire family will be in misery. And what happens if George gets picked and dies? Same thing." A tear dripped down her face and Fred wiped it away quickly.

"That won't happen, promise." He pushed her back lightly into a wall and pushed his body close to hers.

"I care for you too much to let that happen." Suddenly his lips were on hers. His hands tangled in her hair, while hers stayed at her sides. He pulled away and let their foreheads touch while they caught their breath.

"Don't worry," he whispered and walked out of the library. Liz sighed loudly and grabbed her things before heading towards Gryffindor Tower.

"Liz," Harry yelled stopping her in the hallway.

"Harry, I have to get to the Great Hall, Fred and George are about to make big fools of themselves and..." She was cut off by Harry's lips crashing onto hers. She pushed him away roughly and she looked at him confused.

"Everyone who isn't my boyfriend needs to stop kissing me!" She yelled and ran towards the Great Hall. She walked in just as Fred and George took the Potion. They jumped inside the Age Line and everyone clapped. They put two pieces of parchment in the Goblet and everyone clapped. Suddenly they were sent flying back and they sat up, both sprouting fully formed beards.

"Very sexy boys!" Liz laughed and nthe boys blushed. Dumbledore walked in and shook his head.

"To Madame Pomfrey boys," he ordered. As they left Cedric entered, a piece of parchment with his name and school on it.

"Cedric, you're entering?" Liz asked.

"Yep, I'm gonna make you proud," he smiled and kissed her lightly. He walked up and placed his name in the cup. Liz ran up to him and he picked her up and swung her around, his lips attached to her.

"Make me proud baby," she smiled and he hugged her tighter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I couldn't resist writing. I hope you guys like it, it really starts to make Trelawneys prediciton seem real.