Status: In the writing process as I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.


And He's Off The Market

WHOA. Stephen just broke up with Karen! Could this mean we could be together? Or should I just wait and see what he decides? Are we even right for each other? Why don't I just straight up ask him out?

I couldn't help but think about all those questions during History. I couldn't pass notes to Stephen since he's all the way across the room at the very front corner. And I, of course, was assigned the seat at the very back corner, directly diagonal from him. And we couldn't text each other since he sits right in front of our teacher, Mr. Fontona. So basically, I had to wait until the lunch bell rang to talk to Stephen.

OMG, I almost forgot! I'm supposed to meet Stephen at the fountain! How could I forget this kind of stuff?!?! I quickly ran outside to the fountain and waited for Stephen. About 2 minutes later, I saw him coming out of the building.

"Hey!" Stephen greeted with a smile. "I've got something to ask you," My heart pounded hard and loud. I swear you could hear it from Australia.

"Sure," I replied. "What's up?"

"Well," he began, my heart started pounding faster, "do you think I have a shot with Harmony?" My heart skipped a beat and all the world seemed like it was crashing down. Stephen, however, had the hugest smile on his face. I looked around and saw Harmony. She was pretty, funny, and full a life. I looked back at Stephen.

"Yeah," I said dully. "I heard she really likes you,"

"Really?" he asked joyfully. He obviously didn't hear the sadness in my voice. "Thanks so much, Aurora!" Stephen quickly hugged me andsprinted towards Harmony. "Hey, Harmony!" I heard him call out.

I let out a sigh. Well, this day can't get any worse. My best friend who I developed feelings for finally breaks up with his girlfriend, then chased after another girl. I decided not to eat and just sit by the fountain. Lunch was still another hour long.

I took out my sketch book and began to draw. I drifted into a world where I controlled everything with the led from my pencil, until someone interrupted me.

"Hey, Aurora," the voice belonged to Stephen. I looked up and saw him with a piece of paper in his hand. Most likely to be Harmony's number.

"Yeah?" I seriously was not in the mood to talk to him.

"You're going to our band practice today, right?" there was some hope in his eyes. I nodded and went back to my sketches.

"Great, now Harmony can talk to someone during our practice,"And with that, he quickly left. HE'S BRINGING HARMONY?! I was so pissed off I almost broke my pencil.

I looked at my watch and noticed class begins in 10 minutes. I got up but accidentally bumped into someone.

"OW!" I exclaimed. My books from my bag dropped along with my sketches and drawings.

"Oh, gosh," a voice said. Male with a British accent. Hot, much?"I'm so sorry!" he continued. I gathered my stuff and looked up at the guy. Black hair, blue eyes, a total cutie, with a British accent. Not bad.

"Don't be," I finally spoke, "I should watch where I'm walking," I stood up and noticed he was looking through my sketch book.

"You drew these?" he asked. I nodded. "Very nice," he gave me back my book and I put it away. "I'm Dean, by the way," Dean extended his hand.

"Aurora," I answered and shook his hand.

"Well, Aurora," Dean let go of my hand, "I hope to see you soon," He flashed me a smile and walked inside.

Weird. This guy, Dean, just gave me a rush of butterflies and made my palms sweat. Was I falling for a new guy?
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Thank you so much!
I'm sorry for the late update :( It's just busy with school and stuff.