Status: In the writing process as I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.


There's Always A Fight At Band Practice

I walked down the hallway towards Classroom 384 for Health. On the way there, all I thought about was Dean. His hair, his eyes, and of course his accent. I arrived at the classroom and took my seat near the back. The one next to me was empty, which gave me an opportunity to draw. Not many people know about my secret talent. Not even Stephen.

The bell finally rang and my teacher Ms. Jen closed the door as students took their seats. I noticed Dean was behind Ms. Jen. Her young, bubbly voice filled the room.

"Good afternoon, class," she greeted. I put away my drawings and sat up to listen. Health was actually the best class there is in this school.

"Now today," Ms. Jen continued, "we are introducing a new student from England!" Dean looked awkward, but soon saw me and smiled. "Dean, why don't you take the seat beside Aurora," she instructed, gesturing towards the desk on my left.

"Thanks," he replied as he made his way to the desk. Dean gave me a wave, "Hi, again," he said.

"Hey," I replied. Then Ms. Jen clapped her hands together to receive our attention. "Today we will be learning about the Heinrich Maneuver," she said as she wrote on the board. A piece of paper landed on my desk.

Doing anything later?
it was written in scribbled letters. I looked up and saw Dean watching me read the paper.

"Is this from you?" I mouthed. He nodded. I already promised Stephen that I would be at The Summer Set's practice but I reallywanna hangout with Dean. Then I came up with an idea and took out my phone.

Can I bring a friend to practice? I quickly sent the text to Stephen. In about 20 seconds came his reply.

Sure. Bring anyone you'd like to bring :)

I smiled and wrote on the piece of paper.

I'm going to a band practice to watch my friend. Wanna come with? I tossed the note back to Dean and pretended to listen to Ms. Jen's lesson. The paper came back to my desk.

Sounds like a plan. I smiled and nodded at him. Now I positively know I like this guy. Almost more than Stephen.


Health went by with a breeze and I was soon heading towards Biology.

"Hey, Aurora!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Dean. I instantly smiled. "Wanna ride together to the practice?" he asked, his cute accent still made me melt.

"Sure," I said. My stomach jumped for joy.

"By the way, which class do you have next?" Dean asked. "I got Honors Geometry,"

"Bummer," I replied. "I got Bio," My smile tried to slowly fade, yet it still stayed. I had Bio with Stephen. I brought my mind to the thoughts and feelings I had for Stephen. I still liked him, but I'm really digging Dean. Why does LOVE have to be so complicated?

"Well, I gotta go but I'll see you in about an hour?" he asked, waking me from my pondering thoughts.

"Yeah," I responded. More like, was all I can choke up. Dean went to Honors Geometry as I entered the Bio Lab, where I saw Stephen waiting at our usual table. I walked over to him and set my things by my chair.

"Hey," Stephen greeted.

"Hi," I smiled. "What's new?" I asked as if I hadn't seen him since forever.

"Nothing, really," he shrugged, then faced me as I tried putting on my goggles. "So, who are you bring to practice?" Crap. I haven't thought about how I'm going to tell Stephen about Dean....

"Just someone I met today," I knew he couldn't by that yet, "I'm showing them around, and decided to invite them over," Stephen nodded.

"Cool," he replied. "I just hope Harmony doesn't seem like a third wheeler," I sighed.

"Don't worry," I spoke, "she won't," Then the bell rang and class began. This was basically the only class where Stephen and I kept quiet. Bio is just not our best subject.


The bell finally rang, so Stephen and I cleaned our table.

"So," he spoke, "see you in about 20?" I nodded.

"Definitely," I replied. I left the lab and headed towards my locker. I put away my books, then went outside to head to my car. Outside, I saw Dean by the fountain. I decided to walk up to him.

"Hey," I called out. Dean raised his head and saw me.

"Hi," he responded. "Can I ask you something?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know we just met, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie Friday," he blushed.

"I'd love to," I said with a smile. "Now come on, we gotta get to the practice," He followed me to the car, where we placed our stuff in the back and drove off to the Gomez's.


About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the front door of Stephen and his younger brother John's house. We stopped at the front door and rang the doorbell. Jess answered the door.

"Hey, Aurora!" She exclaimed and saw Dean. "....and Aurora's friend!"

"Hi Jess," I greeted. She gave me Is-he-your-bflook, but I shook my head. "So, how's my favorite The Summer Set band member?" I asked.

She laughed. "Amazing! But don't call me that in front of the guys, they'll get jealous," I giggled.

"I know what you mean," I responded. We followed her to the kitchen which led to the garage in the backyard; the three of us entered the door. Brian, Josh, John, Stephen, and Harmony were there.

"Aurora's here!" I heard Josh yell. I was soon greeted with hugs and high-fives. Soon, Brian and John noticed Dean.

"Who's the dude?" John suddenly asked.


As I was playing some chords on my bass, Jess came in followed by Aurora, then........a guy? When did this happen??

As everyone greeted Aurora, I stayed behind for 2 reasons:

1. I already saw her today.

2. I needed to ponder about why I'm confused to see Aurora with another guy.

"Who's the dude?" John, my younger brother, asked.

"Yeah," I chimed in, "I want to know who he is..." Aurora stayed perfectly calm, then sighed.

"Everyone," she began, "this is Dean." Dean nervously waved. "Dean, that's Jess Bowen, Brian Dales, John and Stephen Gomez, and Josh Montegomery, or otherwise known as The Summer Set," she kindly introduced us as we all shook hands with Dean.

"Glad you can join us," Brian responded.

"Glad to be here," Dean said. Aurora and Dean made their way to the couch, beside Harmony. I noticed Dean put his arm around Aurora, and she didn't seem to mind. Weird. I walked up to them and plopped myself next to Harmony.

"Oh, and this is Harmony," I said to Dean. They shook hands.

"Hey, Stephen!" Josh yelled. "Stop messing with your girlfriend, get on your bass, and rock out with us!" I got up and obeyed his command.

We started to play "Love Like This", followed by "Young". After a few more songs, Brian decided that we should take a break. I decided to get myself a Dr. Pepper, then I noticed Aurora and Dean flirting a little.

Oh. So Aurora's playing at me now? Two can play at that game.

I went over to Harmony and put my arm around her. She giggled as I told her about how John basically created a fear of elevators for me. I heard Aurora laughing, and that's when I snapped.

"What the hell is so funny?" I asked with annoyance. Dean stood up for Aurora's defense.

"Blimey mate, it was just a -"

"Shut up, you Brit!" I snapped. "Can't you see I'm talking to her?" That's when Aurora stood up, and the Brit sat down.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked furiously. "You're verbally attacking my friend!" Harmony decided to get at her now.

"It's probably you," Harmony spoke up.

"Oh, shut up you priss!" Aurora yelled. Harmony sat back down. Then Jess came in.

"You guys," she said, "take this outside and Brian will be the ref of this argument!" I looked at Aurora.

"Fine," she said. "BRIAN! OUTSIDE! NOW!" she stormed out with Jess and I went through the door with Brian.

"What'd you do?" he asked.

"I honestly think I just hurt my best friend," I replied.
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So sorry I uploaded the same chapter twice! Here's the actual third chapter!