Status: In the writing process as I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.


Saying Sorry Doesn't Fix Or Mean Everything

While Jess and I waited for Brian and Stephen to come out of the garage, I couldn’t help but awkwardly play with my phone.

“So what gives?” Jess spoke up.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, why did you bring Dean?” I opened up my mouth but Jess continued. “I know you could like him, but everyone knows that you and Stephen like each other and are meant to be together,”

Whoa. Back it up. Did she just say Stephen and I both like each other? And that we are meant to be together?

I shook my head, “Not possible,”

Jess raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

“If Stephen likes me, then why would he parade around with Harmony?” I pointed out.

“Because,” Jess said in her “duh” tone, “he doesn’t know that you like him!”

I shook my head again, “That’s absurd, and why would he even like me?”

Before Jess could answer Brian and Stephen came out.

“Who likes who, now?” Brian asked.

“No one, Mr. Nosy,” I answered.

“Don’t talk to the ref like that,” he joked. “I could mark off some points for attitude,”

Jess slapped Brian’s arm.

“Just do your job!” She yelled.

“One, OW.” Brian said. “Two, fine. Aurora starts first,”

“Okay,” I began. “So Dean was talking to me and then Stephen sat next to Harmony, and starts flirting,” Stephen was just standing there awkwardly. “Then when I laughed at a joke Dean told me, Stephen starts verbally harassing him, I defend him, we started fighting, and here we are,”

“Very good story,” Brian said. He turns to Stephen. “Now you’re Point of View, dude,”

“Well,” he starts. “Aurora brings Dean to practice and he’s flirting with her,” I shot him a look of confusion. Why does he care if Dean flirts with me? “And so I start flirting with Harmony and all I hear is Aurora laughing and I just snapped because…” Jess, Brian, and I were just watching him waiting for a reason why, “…because it was annoying,” Stephen concluded.

“THAT’S BULL!” I yelled.

“No, it’s not,” Stephen defended himself.

“It kind of is,” Jess said.

“Well, let’s see what the ref says!” Stephen shoots a glare at Brian.

Brian was just thinking things over, and looked at me and Stephen. He took a deep breath.

“Sorry dude,” Brian said. “It does sound a lot like bull, so Aurora definitely wins this fight,” I smirked at Stephen.

“Fine!” Stephen said. “What are your conditions?”

“Apologize to me, then Dean,” I instructed.

“WHAT?!” Stephen bellowed, “I am not apologizing to that Brit!”

“Well those are my conditions!” I barked.

“Then pick a new condition!” Stephen yelled. We have never fought like this before.

Jess and Brian rolled their eyes at us and had a smug look on their faces.

“Dude, just apologize and get it over with,” Brian said.

“NO!” Stephen was seriously annoyed. “I have nothing to apolo-”

“Well,” I cut in. “I have another one in mind,”

Jess looked at me as if she knew what I was thinking. She quickly pulled me aside.

“Don’t ask him,” she begged. Jess definitely knew me better than Stephen. Girl-wise.

“Why not?” I asked.

“What’s this other condition?” Stephen kept bugging.

“Shut up for a moment!” Jess demanded. She turned back to me. “You wouldn’t be able to control yourself if you found out the truth,”

“Jess,” I pleaded. “I want, no, I need to know how he feels,”

“Aurora!” she said. “Just trust me on this,” I know that she’s legitimately serious when she says those 5 words.

I sighed. “Fine,” I turned around and faced Stephen and Brian.

“What’s your other condition?” Brian asked.

“Apologize to me and buy me dinner Friday?” I suggested.

“Deal!” Stephen said. “I’m sorry for harassing your friend, Aurora,” he sincerely told me.

“I forgive you,” I replied. He gave me a hug and almost squished me to death. “CAN’T. BREATHE.” I gagged. Stephen let go of me with a sheepish look.

“Sorry,” he smiled.

“Sure you are,” we laughed.

“Okay, birdies!” Brian said. “Let’s get back to the garage,” He and Stephen walked back, but Jess and I stayed for a little.

“What, now?” I whined. I love Jess, but she can be the older sister that gives you advice lectures, which you don’t want.

“Don’t you have a date with Dean?” Jess asked.

“I’m cancelling it,” I shrugged. She nodded and we walked back to the garage. I noticed Dean and Harmony flirting with each other. I didn’t even care. I looked at Stephen and he shrugged.

I sat down next to Dean and he didn’t seem to notice. I just decided to eavesdrop onto their conversation.

“So Friday?” she asked.

“Sounds great,” he smiled. That’s when he noticed me. “Oh wait, I already-”

“Go ahead on the date,” I interrupted. “I already made plans with my best friend,” I smiled at Stephen who shot me a thumbs up.

“Oh, okay!” Dean was elated. He gave Harmony his attention back. “Friday it is!” I smiled to myself and leaned back on the couch.

It turns out Friday is everyone’s happy day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Four!
Thank you guys so much for reading :)