How Could This Happen?


"One beef ramen," Orochimaru said.

"Make that two," I chirped up, raising two fingers in the air.

"Okay." The man that works there said. Orochimaru looked at me and I smiled my huge grin. Then I noticed his yellow eyes, and couldn't stop myself from staring at them.

"You know what, Oro-kun?" I asked, still looking at his eyes.

"Hm?" he said.

"You have amazing eyes" I whispered. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I blushed and turned the other way.

"Thank you."

"They almost look like snake eyes..." I say, my cheeks losing a little of their redness.

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"No, I like it. They're unique. In a good way, that way if I ever am looking for you, I can just look for your yellow eyes."

"Do you like snakes?" He asked me, looking down at the bar in front of us.

"Well, I don't hate them. I don't like ones that'll bight you, or poison you..."

"Okay," he said, accepting my answer.

"Orochimaru-kun!" Tsunade yelled as she saw him. I hit my head down on the table. She is so annoying! Damn fan girls.

"I was looking every where for you," she said as she sat in the seat next to him. "Why are you eating with Akemi?"

"Because I wanted to" he practically hissed out.

"Oh, you want to go to my sleepover? It's this friday!" she said.

"Not really," he said back to her.

"Well," Tsunade said looking over at me and sighing. "Akemi, you want to come?"

"Uh.. well... um, sure..." I responded lamely, completely lost with the change of events.

"Good. See you guys there!" She said, giving us invitations and leaving. I could only stare at the enevelope in my hand

"Are you going to go?" he asked me.

"I don't know. I don't like being with large groups of people."

"well if you don't go, I won't go" he said.

"why not?"

"Because if I have to suffer through it, so do you," he said with a smirk. Both of us started laughing.

"Okay, okay. I'll go if you go."

"Deal," he said as we shook hands. We then continued with eating our once steaming hot food.

"When are the chunin exams?" I asked, anticipation and worry filling my thoughts.

"Next week."

"Is it true that Tobi-sensei was asked to become hokage?"

"I don't know... wait, Tobi-sensei?" he asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, I gave him a nickname," I said with an eye shutting smile.

"You and your nick names..." He chuckled.

"Well, you gave me a nick name too!"

"That's cause you gave me one first," he said.

"You still did!"

"You did first!" he said, and then we both burst out laughing.

"I better get home," I said placing the money on the ramen bar.

"Yeah, me too," Orochimaru said. "You know I can pay."

"No, I'm going to pay," I said stubbornly.

"What if I want to pay?" he asked me.

"Well, you still can't."

"But I want to pay."

"But I'm already paying."

"Why don't we just go half and half," we both said at the same time.

"Deal," we spoke again in unison.

"Bye Oro-kun! See ya tomorrow at training!" I said as I walked away, waving at the closest friend I'd ever had.


"She really is the only one who broke his shell," Sarutobi found himself saying

"Yeah, I'm glad they have each other," said his friend that was standing at his side.

"They are cute. They'd make a cute couple when they're older," Sarutobi stated.

"That is if her dream doesn't come true."

"I sure hope not."

"Those two always have been strange children."



Knock, knock.

"Coming!" I called. I grabbed two blue berry muffins and ran to the door. There stood Orochimaru.

"You'er early!" I said, locking the door behind me.

"You're just late," he informed me.

"How can I be late if I'm at my house?" I asked with a chuckle. He shrugged. I handed him a muffin.

"You need food too," I said. He accepted it, and we walked to the training grounds, hand in hand.

"Jiraiya, you idiot! I wouldn't go on a date with you if my life depended on it!" Screamed an angry Tsunade.

"You're mean, Tsunade-chan..." Jirairya said, rubbing his head.

"Hi Orochimaru-kun!" She screamed and ran over to you two. We quickly moved our hands away from each other. Having a pissed Tsunade this early in the morning is very annoying, I thought to myself.

"Okay team, as you know, the chunin exams are less than a week away. Each of you are going to train on your own. Orochimaru will train with me. Jiraiya I have asked a special Jonin to come train you. Tsunade, there is a medical nin going to help you. And Akemi, and old friend of mine is going to train you," Sarutobi told us.

"But how come Orochimaru get's to train with you!" Jiraiya yelled.

"Because he will. No questions. Good luck with your knew sensei's!" He said and disapeared with Orochimaru.

"Bye Tobi-sensei! Bye Oro-kun!" I yelled to them.

"A special Jonin! I'm going to be trained by a special jonin!" Jiraiya yelled happily.

"Shut up, retard!" Tsunade yelled, chasing Jiraiya around. I just sad down by a tree.

"You'know, pretty young ladies shouldn't be all by their self in a woods," came a voice from behind me. I jumped up and turned to see it was a boy around my age. He had blond hair and golden eyes. I pulled out a kunai and got in a fighting stance.

"What do you want?" I asked warily. He chuckled.

"Just want to have some fun," he said pulling out a kunai. I stood there waiting for him to make a move.

"What village are you from?".

"Village of rock."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for the chunin exams," he said. He threw two kunai and one shuriken. I dodged them with ease.

"Heh, looks like your more than just good looking," he said to me, and I pulled a shiver go up my spine. This guy was creepy. He pulled out a large windmill shuriken and flung it at ne. I managed to dodge that as well, but then he came running at me. He used a fire ball jutsu and I used a water jutsu to counter it. He started punching and kicking me. I dodged but I was still missing some blocks and getting hit. I finally landed a punch on his face. A very hard punch. He flew through three trees and hit the fourth one leaving a large indent.

"You bitch!" he yelled. Blood now trickling down his mouth.

"Go away! I don't want to have to hurt you!" I yelled toward him. Then a guy with brown hair, around my age, came out, and helped him up.

"Sorry, for him. He gets in trouble a lot." the brown haired boy said.

"Can you show us to the hokage's office?" he asked.

"Yeah. Can he walk okay?" I asked pointing to the blond.

"Yeah, I'll help him."


"Thank you," the brunett said.

"No problem. Let's go," I said as we walked to the Hokage's office.