Status: Currently not active

The powerful acryster

We are taken to THE WORLD OF WATERS

Christopher told me that he sensed his spirit telling him of a couple more people on this island the next day. It did sound funny but could even be dangerous. We stepped out. It was decided that I would guard the cave which we feared would be taken over soon and Christopher would look out for danger.

He came back in the evening still sensing the people. He said, 'they wanted to take me to a place so called "The World of Waters" but I said that I cannot go. Then they said that I have no choice because everyone who lands here has to. Then I told them that you are here too. They said it was impossible but still agreed. They are waiting for us outside. You'll have to come.' It was weird but I followed.

The taller of the two called himself Frank. He wore black which matched his jet black hair. The other one, Davis had blond hair.

'We thought that there was only one person present here,' Frank said. 'Anyway, you both will be coming.'

'Where?' I asked.

'To "The World of Waters"' Davis said.

'Frank doesn't have a good sight,' I mumbled so that only Christopher could hear it. I knew he wasn't sure how I knew that but neither was I. We didn't have time to think of that. We had to act fast.

'How can I trust you that you're not gonna mislead us,' Christopher demanded.

'Trust us.'

We had no choice at the end but to go. So, they took us under the water, into a city.