Status: Active =] comments are welcomed <3

I Think Its Arrogance

The Beginning

“Grace Elizabeth Knight! Get up! You’ll be late for your first day!” My mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
I walked over to the door and yelled back, “I’m up mother!” then walked back to my desk to finish applying my eyeliner to my green eyes. First day of my sophomore year. I looked in the mirror and sighed. This would work for the first day I guess. I grabbed my lime green backpack from the side of my bed and threw it over my shoulder. I ran down the stairs and almost made it out the front door, but my mom saw me.
“Grace. You need to eat something.” She said as she leaned on the front counter.
“Ugh. Mom. Really?” I said as I spun around to face her. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I held it up. “Happy?” before she could answer I walked out of the door. Now to wait for the bus..

I walked into the school doors. There is only one word for what was going on in this building
Chaos .
There were all these girls running around hugging people and comparing their schedules. I sighed and kept walking to my first period class. I had math first. Lovely. I got to the math room and no one was in the room. It was empty. Even the teacher was missing from the room. I walked around each row of desks until someone came in the room.
“Clarice Richards!” I squealed.
“Grace Knight!” She ran and tackled me with a hug. “I haven’t seen you since our last gig in July!”
I laughed, “That’s because someone decided to go to the Caribbean for a month and a half!”
Clarice and I caught up for a little longer and then we were interrupted but the bell. Time for boring math. Yay.

Period two. French. Before I got up from I put my headphones in my ears. I pressed the play button on my iPod Touch and I Feel Like Dancing Tonight by All Time Low immediately started playing. I walked to the second floor and walked to the room. I knew where the room was from my last year’s French class. As soon as I walked through the doorway the teacher smiled at me and told me to sit wherever I wanted for the time being because we are going to have assigned seats. I sat in the back of the room and put my head down. The second bell went off signaling that class was starting. The teacher immediately started talking.
“Bonjour classe! J’espère que vous vous êtes amuses. Je m’appelle Madame Dupont. Je serai votre Prof de Français cette année” She said happily.
“Bonjour Madame,” The class said in unison.
“Now we need to assign the seats and partners for the quarter. I will choose for you this quarter and then i may let you choose next quarter.” She explained. “I didn’t choose seats that were alphabetical. So don’t assume anything.” She walked around the room pointing to seats and saying names. “Grace Knight” she said and pointed to the seat I was already sitting in. When I didn’t move she laughed, “It seems you picked a good seat to sit in Miss Knight.” She then turned to look at her seating chart again. “Now Ace Blair, you’re next to Grace.”
An extremely gorgeous guy walked to the seat next to me. “Hello. I'm Ace,” he said as he smiled. It was a very cocky smile. It was as if he was saying, “Hello. I’m Ace. I already know that I am incredibly attractive; you don’t have to tell me.”
“Grace.” I said back. He opened his mouth to say something back to be but the teacher started talking again.
“Okay class. Your partners will the person next to you. So Grace, you’re with Ace.” She continued to pair up our class. Great. I was with Ace. I don’t want to be with him.

First period lock in. Gotta love first period study hall. I had French second period though. Lovely. I grabbed my keys to my Black Volvo so that I could drive to school. I drove to school and went upstairs to the French room. I walked through the door seconds before the last bell went off.
Bonjour classe! J’espère que vous vous êtes amuses. Je m’appelle Madame Dupont. Je serai votre Prof de Français cette année” The teacher said enthusiastically
“Bonjour Madame,” The whole class other than me said.
“Now we need to assign the seats and partners for the quarter. I will choose for you this quarter and then I may let you choose next quarter. I didn’t choose seats that were alphabetical. So don’t assume anything.” She walked around the room while she was holding a seating chart. “Grace Knight” she said and pointed a seat that a girl was already sitting in. The girl didn’t move. The teacher laughed, “It seems you picked a good seat to sit in Miss Knight. Now Ace Blair, you’re next to Grace.” I looked at the girl that I was going to be sitting next to for the quarter. Her eyes were a pale green. Her hair was a dark and wavy.
I walked to the seat. “Hello. I'm Ace,” I smiled.
“Grace.” She snapped.
I was just about to say something else to her but the teacher started to talk again.
“Okay class. Your partners will the person next to you. So Grace, you’re with Ace.” The teacher continued to point at the other students, pairing them up. Grace looked at me and something in her eyes made me know that this would not be a good quarter.
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I've started a new story =] I would love comments to tell me you're ideas and suggestions.
