Status: Active =] comments are welcomed <3

I Think Its Arrogance

Let The Crowd Roar

One month since school has started. There are three words to describe the feeling I get when I have to go to French class. Kill. Me. Now. Grace is just a bitch. It’s like she won’t even give me the time of day. The only time I talk to the She-Devil is when I have to. That only happens when the French teacher forces us to socialize together. After I bragged about how I’m the drummer for Revenge, I found out that she is in a bad called Stone Hearts. I’ve heard of them. They seemed pretty good. Clarice used to have a thing with Sam Brooks from my band. I didn’t connect that it was the same Clarice from the Stone Hearts. I finally did when Grace was telling me all the people in the band that she sings for.
In all reality I never would have thought that her of all people would be talented! I mean. She seemed like the normal rebel. You know. They kind that just stays out until 11 instead of 10, does homework on their terms, and just does whatever they want. She was different. She did all of her homework. She was.. polite. To teachers that is, I’m a different story. But I always am, aren’t I?

“Hello?” I asked into the cell phone
“Hi. Are you Mr. Ace Blair? From Revenge?”
“Yes sir.. I am. May I ask who is calling?” I questioned
“Oh my. I'm sorry. I forgot that small detail. I’m Joe Kelly, the Musical Director for Accorn Park. You see. We had a band booked for tonight, but something came up with the drummer and they now refuse to perform for us. I asked my daughter if there was a good band in town that may be able to fill in and she recommended you guys. So what do you say? Will you do it?”
“Are you joking? Of course we will! What time do you want us there?” I asked in awe.
“Could you be there at about 5:45? The show will start at about 6. ”
I looked at the clock. 3:47. “Of course.”
“Okay. See you then!” and with that he hung up.
“GUUUYS WE’VE GOT A FREAKING GIG!” I screamed as I ran to the living room.
“Is he high or something?” I heard Sam laugh.
“No dude i'm not!” I said as I jumped on the couch. “We’ve got a gig in like two hours!”
“You’re kidding!” Eli yelled.
“No! I'm dead serious!” I yelled back.
Sam jumped off the couch and gave me a high five. “Dude you’re awesome! Where is it?”
“We’re playing in Acornn park dude!”
“Yo! We’ve got to get ready!” Eli yelled. We all ran into the garage so pack up the car.

“HOW ARE YA’LL DOING!?” Sam yelled into the microphone.”LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!”
And with that we started to play our first song. One of my personal favorites.
I wake up every evening with a big smile on my face,
And it never feels out of place.

The crowd instantly figured out the song and screamed. They started to sing along with Sam.
And you’re still probably working.
At a 9 to 5base
I wonder how bad that tastes?

Sam always gets really into his music. It’s as if he really is the singer who wrote the song.
When you see my face,
Hope it gives you hell
I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell

As if it was by clockwork, it started to pour.

Now where's your picket fence love,
and where's that shiny car?
Did it ever get you far?
You never seem so tense, love
Never seen you fall so hard
Do you know where you are?

Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying

Sam started to jump around the stage and sing into the microphone. When I was looking out into the crowd and saw a girl walking in the rain. She started to walk towards the stage.

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that’s worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell

Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself
Where did it all go wrong?
But the list goes on and on

Truth be told I miss you.
Truth be told I'm lying.

The girl started to come closer. I could make out red hair and pretty pale skin. I needed to figure out who this girl was…

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell.
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell.
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well,
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell

Now you'll never see
What you've done to me
You can take back your memories
They're no good to me
And here's all your lies
If you look me in the eyes
With the sad, sad look
That you wear so well

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell

She stayed towards the back of the crowd. Then something caught her eye and she began to push through the crowd.

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell

Wow. She was beautiful. She kept her eyes down until she got right to the stage. Then I realized who it actually was.
When you hear this song and you sing along well you'll never tell
And you're the fool I've just as well I hope it gives you hell
When you hear this song I hope that it will give you hell
You can sing along I hope that it puts you through hell

It was Grace

No.. it wasn’t… Why would she come to our show? She looked up and smiled that smile she had when she has a plan… I needed to stop this before it got too far.. I started to drum loudly so she wouldn’t be able to say anything to any of the guys. It was too late. Sam noticed her and gave me the same smile grace did. Shit.
“Hey everyone! I’d like to invite a special someone to the stage.” Sam looked back at me and smiled. “Grace Knight to the stage please!”
Grace walked up the stairs and grabbed an extra microphone. “Thanks Sammie! Let’s get this party started. Hey everyone! If you don’t know me, I’m Grace Knight from the band Stone Hearts. Come check us out sometime! But right now, I have a question.” She looked back at me and gave me she signature evil smile. “DO YOU GUYS WANT ACE TO SING WITH ME?!”
The crowd roared. Shit
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY EVERYONE! <3 dont hate me for not updating sooner please! I just havent been really inspired to write lately... But shotinthedark705 made me... So be happy shotinthedark705. xD well i hope you all enjoy <3
Comments=love <3