Status: Active =] comments are welcomed <3

I Think Its Arrogance

Lady Of The Night

When there is a ~~~~~ it means that it is a dream. When you see it again the dream ends.
“Grace. I’ve got to ask. Why didn’t Jess just give you a ride home?” I stared intensely at the road. I didn’t want to crash or anything considering that its now dark and pouring rain.
“No reason Ace.” She responded with a dead tone.
“Just wondering.” I quickly defended. I looked back over at her. She looked so pretty. Wait. What the hell was I saying? This is wrong. I hate her! Well.. I thought I hated her… After tonight, I just don’t know. They way she acted on stage. It was like we were best friends. At least that’s how I felt like it was.
I shook the thoughts out of my head and glanced back over at her. “I forgot to say something. But this stays between us okay?” She nodded in agreement. “Well. I just wanted to say thanks for forcing me to sing. It was such a rush.” I paused for a moment. “If you do that again though, I’ll slap you.” I added with a laugh.
Her head snapped in my direction. Her face softened when she saw that I was laughing. What did I say wrong? “Why are you so jumpy Knight?” I questioned.
She ignored my question and pointed out the window, “My house is right there. The blue one.”
“Fine. Bye Knight.” I was annoyed. I was trying to fix whatever had happened between us. I heard the door shut and I sped off. I wanted to be home. I couldn’t be there any longer. Why can’t she see that I’m just trying to open up to her?



The crowd was wild. What a rush. I looked over at Grace. She was already looking at me. I smiled at her. Then I looked back out at the crowd, “Everyone! My enemy Grace Knight!”
She quietly giggled and then walked to where the edge of the stage was and bowed. .
“And now my worst enemy Ace Blair!” She screamed into her microphone.
“Woah woah woah now. I'm your worst enemy?”


My eyes flew open. This wasn’t right. Why was I dreaming about this? Why was I dreaming about her? This isn’t right. I can’t do this to myself.
Resistance is useless…
Song lyrics? Now? Was I really writing a song in my head?
There's only one way down this road…
She has a boyfriend though. I can’t do anything about it.
Well, there's no way out of this. So let's stay in…
I was inspired. I couldn’t sleep now. I had to write. I had to. I couldn’t lose this song.


“ACE! I SAID GET UP! YOU HAVE TO DRIVE ME TO SCHOOL IN TWENTY MINUTES!” my sister screamed in my doorway. My head flew up off my desk. The paper I was writing on was stuck to my forehead. The pencil was still in my hand. When did I pass out?
I disconnected the paper from my forehead.
Two kids no consequences
There's only one way down this road

It was like a time bomb, set it in motion
We were only destined to explode
Oh, like a time bomb
Gotta use it, let's defuse it
Ticking like a time bomb
Wouldn't have it any other way

Well there's no way out of this
So let's stay in
Oh resistance is useless
Just two kids stupid and fearless
Like a motor, shooting a lesson
There's only one way down this road

That is what I have written so far. Damn. I can’t even remember it.
“ACE! GET READY NOW!” my sister screamed again.
I jumped up and got dressed.
This will be an interesting French class.


I sprinted down the hallway, trying to get to my class before the final bell. I couldn’t afford another tardy in French. Plus I wanted to talk to Grace. I walked through the door seconds before the bell rang. I walked casually to my seat acting like I hadn’t just ran up a flight of stairs and halfway across the school.
“Glad you made it Blair.” Grace muttered sarcastically.
“I'm happy to see you too Knight.” I said with a laugh. She gave me a funny look so then I said, “So Grace. Since your last name is Knight, does that mean you work at night?”
She gave me a confused look.
“Are you a “Lady of The Night, Ms Knight, is what he is trying to ask.” Our French teacher interrupted.
I looked over at Grace. Her face was as red as a stop sign. I felt a pang of guilt. It was quickly gone with the feeling of success of embarrassing her in front of the class. She looked over at me. When our eyes connected, I could see the pain in them. I noticed that there was a slight darkened spot on her cheek just below her eye. My eyes locked on the spot.
Her eyes widened when she realized where I was looking. She swiftly got up from her chair, grabbed all of her belongings, and ran out of the classroom.
I jumped out of my chair and looked over at my teacher. She simply nodded signaling that it would be okay for me to go after her. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and took off after her.
As I was out the door, I could just see her turn the corner. I ran down the hallway trying to catch her. She turned into the girl’s bathroom. I stopped outside of the door.
Should I go in? I mean it’s the girl’s bathroom. There is the possibility that there are other girls in there and my think that I’m a freak for going in there. I took a deep breath and decided to walk in, not caring what could be on the other side of that arch.
I took a step into the bathroom. I instantly heard crying. “Grace?” I whisper-yelled into the bathroom. I took another few steps into the bathroom. Woah. This bathroom was MUCH nicer than the guy’s was. It smelled much better too. “Grace?” I said a little louder. All I got in return was a whimper.
I walked all the way in and found her crouched down next to the sink crying. “Grace…” I said instantly going over to her and getting on my knees next to her. “Grace look at me.” I said quietly. She shook her head. “Please Grace…” I gently held her chin and made her look at me.
With all of her tears, it removed some of the makeup on her cheeks. I tilted her head to try and see where I had saw the spot. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It wasn’t just a spot.
It was a bruise.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. xD What do you think of the whole situation? Poor Grace =[
This was 2 and a half pages in word with size 9 font. so it should be pretty long xD
What song is Ace writing? even though its not even really his song.. but for the story it is! lol

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