Mommy, What's a "Sex" and Where Can I Get One?


Megan and Jordan were your average couple. Well, mostly. You see, they were foster parents. Every child that had gone through their home was from a different family, and from different parents. For over twelve years Megan and Jordan Haner had been parents to the kids who were less fortunate.

At this moment in time, Megan and Jordan had six children in their home. Shawn at age seventeen (one more year until he was able to go to a college dorm), Daniel (commonly known as Dan) at age fifteen, Jayde at age fourteen (almost fifteen), Samantha at age ten, Frankie at age five, and Tamara at age two. Everyone was very well behaved, and Shawn seemed to be like a third parent to the other five.

Despite everyone seeming different–from Shawn's ability to sing, to Jayde's piercing green eyes to Tamara's smile to Dan's humor to Frankie's pitch black hair to Samantha's drawing–everyone was very close. So close in fact that they told each other what was on their mind. But this was really only with Dan, Jayde, and Shawn because they usually understood what the other was going though. But, of course, "girl problems" for Jayde were saved until she had free time with Megan.

Megan and Jordan weren't exactly the most laid-back parents, but they didn't chain their foster children to the house, either. The kids at school liked them, and they were reasonably popular, especially Samantha. The kids (except for Frankie and Tamara, since they're too young) were allowed to go out and to see their friends, and go to parties. Their curfew was around ten or eleven most nights, and there wasn't much else the kids could ask for.

Yes, there were groups sometimes. Shawn and Dan, Dan and Jayde, Jayde and Dan and Shawn, Jayde and Samantha, Frankie and Tamara, and Samantha and Frankie. But that didn't mean that they didn't love each other. No, that wasn't the case at all. Everyone looked out for each other, and it was as if they were a real family. And it wasn't that they weren't a real family, because they were, but because they weren't related at all.

From the beginning of Dan and Jayde seeing each other, anyone could tell that they were going to be attached to one other. They spent nearly all their time together and did "homework" together. Of course, if you called telling each other their dreams "homework".
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This is a bit short, but I had to get it out there before I forgot.
Credit to my totally awesome Aussie friend for Jayde's name.