No More Room To Breathe

Chapter 3

***************Marilyn's POV*****************
I put the case of Dr. Pepper on the kitchen counter.

*Gotta try everything, right?*

No point in drinking any now. It was about 5:30 AM. I had to be to work in an hour and a half.
I continued through my daily routine of primping myself. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I was driving towards the music store I was currently working at: Trance Rock
I pulled into the lot and headed in.
ADTR's- The Downfall of Us All was blasting through the speakers. There was a wide range of customers today. Goths with the chains and multiple piercings, the skinny jean crowd (my favorite), and the more conservative people who just happened to find the cache of "rocker" music appealing.
Another song began to play over the loudspeakers.

"You've got to know by now that stepping in and out won't bring you down, until you make it definite..." The husky voice sang.

I liked this song.

*I wonder what band this is.*

Just then a group of rowdy boys erupted into whoops and laughs. Everyone turned to stare.

"We did it man! Can you believe this?!" said the guy with long, shaggy brown hair.
"I can't believe we got signed!" said the short, darker guy next to him.
"Hey Maika!!" said another guy with spiky, dark hair.

I looked in the direction he was calling, only to see the guy from the store last night!

*This is too he stalking me or something?! NO! Not everyone is stalking you Marilyn! Don't overreact!*
I couldn't go down that road again.
I watched the guy walk over to the group.
'Maika', I think he said?
He didn't seem to notice me.

"All our hard work has finally paid off guys. This is only the beginning!" he grinned.
"Hey!" the shaggy haired one yelled. "HEY!"
I looked back towards him. He was talking to me.

"Uh..can I help you?"
"Yeah, do you have this band's album?" he asked pointing to the loudspeakers.
"I don't know..who is it?"

"WHO IS IT?!" he scoffed, his eyes bugging out. "THERE FOR TOMORROW! The greatest band in the world!!!"
"Um. Let me check."

I walked over to the appropriate aisle to look for the album. That's when Maika noticed me and came over to talk.

"Hey again," he said shyly.
"Hi," I answered him, continuing to flip through the CDs on the rack. "So what's his fixation with this There For the Other Day band?" I asked nodding to the shaggy haired guy.

"It's There For Tomorrow," he laughed. "That's Chris... he's their drummer.
"Oh. That's cool. How do YOU know him?"
"Him and the other two guys over there live with me. I'm sorta in the band too."
"REALLY?! I didn't really take you for a play in a band sorta guy. What do you play?"
"I play the guitar.. and I sing."
"THIS is YOU singing?! Wow. You have a very beautiful voice...I guess I'll have to get a copy too."

I grabbed two copies of the album off the rack and kept one for myself.

"Yeah! Tell me what you think!" he said, taking out a pen and writing his number on my hand."I'm Maika by the way..."
"Marilyn," I said reluctantly.
"Nice to meet you again," Maika said. "I'll be expecting your call."

At this, he winked at me and turned back to his friends. I looked down at my hand again and felt something like butterflies in my stomach.

*What is that?* I wondered. I hadn't felt this way since... No. I won't think about that. This isn't even a similar situation!

I looked up at Maika. He had longer, black hair with a touch of premature grey. I found that I liked the grey, it added to him. He seemed sensitive and sweet. But, could I trust him? Could I trust myself?

*Do I like this guy?*

The one Maika had called Chris came up to buy the CD.

"How much?" he asked
"Free." I said. "If it's your first album, you shouldn't have to pay for it."
"Thanks!" he yelled, hugging me. "What's your name?"
"It's Marilyn."
"Well, I'll see you around, Marilyn!" he said walking towards the door.

The rest of the guys followed suit. Maika turned and gave me one last wave before disappearing through the door.

This could be a problem....