Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

We should go...

"Hey Madeline, Guess what?" I shouted at my roommate as she walked through the door.

"Uh, what?" Madeline said tiredly.

"I got us tickets to the circus at the RBC Center for tomorrow night." I said as I walked into the kitchen. I looked at her face and I expected her to be just as excited as I was.

"You did what!?" She shouted at me. "You know I absolutely hate the circus."

"Well I am trying to help you get over your extremely childish fear of clowns, it's going to be fun, I promise" I said. "And I'm not giving you a choice, you are going."

She sighed and stormed out of the kitchen and back into her room.

"Your pouty face is NOT going to get you out of THIS!" I hollered at her now closed door. Our beagle, Ebay, came running up behind me barking.

"What? What is it? You hungry? Need to pee?" He just wagged his tail at me, and continued barking and jumping around. "You are such a spaz!" I said walking back to the computer to print the tickets.

Madeline walked out of her room, now in gym shorts and a t-shirt.

"I'm going down to the North Hills gym, I'll be back for dinner" she said in a quiet voice, obviously still angry with me. She grabbed her phone and keys and slammed the door.

I grabbed the remote and turned to the NHL channel to watch my favorite team, the Carolina Hurricanes play against the New Jersey Devils and see my favorite player, Jeff Skinner, and right as the game is about to start, the announcers say Jeff Skinner has been chosen for the All-Star game. They continue on talking about how he is the Justin Beiber of Raleigh, and I can't help but smile and think that he is too cute for words. I turn up the volume and start making dinner.

Just as the 2nd period ends Madeline walks through the door.

"Hey!" She calls from the front door.

"I'm just finishing dinner!" Sounds like she forgot our little argument.

"'YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!" She was literally jumping up and down.


"I just rode up the elevator with Brandon Sutter!"

"Shouldn't he be at the game?" I asked.

"No, Remember he has that broken finger!" She said like I should know.

"RIGHT! I remember that. Skinner just scored at the end of the 2nd, 'Canes are up 2-0"

"Sweet, I love that dude. But do you not realize that i was just like 3 feet away from a Carolina Hurricane!" She said sitting down at the table. Ebay jumped up off his bed and under the table at the smell of mac'n'cheese.

"Ebay, go away!" I said gently, shoving him with my foot. "Do you think we should repaint the living room? I am, personally, tired of beige. It is our apartment now, not your brother's."

"Fine, but I choose the color, otherwise I am not going to the circus." She said harshly.

"Deal, I am taking you to the circus!"
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first story, sorry it's a little short. Please comment and tell me what you think, I could use some ideas. I knows it's not that good, but it's only the first chapter