Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Are You Serious?


“So when are you going to choose one?” Justin asks while I button up my shirt.

“I don’t think I ever will.” I said giving him a weird look.

“What?” he asks looking at my expression.

“Well it’s just that, you’re right, maybe I should choose one but I really like them both, they really nice and cool and- What?” Now it’s time for me to notice his expression.

Justin just raises his eyebrows and walks to the kitchen.

“Well, anyway I need to go, I’m taking Madeline and Sierra bowling.”

“Have fun.” Justin says still giving me that look.

“I will,” I said rolling my eyes, grabbing my keys and heading out the door. “ I’ll see you later,” I called as I headed for the elevator.



Looking up at the clock, 6:46 pm, he should be here any minute. I put my brown hair up in a quick ponytail, finish with my mascara, and sit on the couch to watch a recorded hockey game, waiting for him to come.

“Come on Sierra!” I yell. “He’ll be here any minute.”

“I’m coming” she says breathless walking into the living room. Wow, she looks great! She was wearing a red, plaid, strapless dress with dark brown cowgirl boots.
Her curly brown hair hung nicely on her bare shoulders. I couldn’t help being a little jealous looking at my normal jeans, Sperrys, and my white tee-shirt.

“Dang Sierra is that dress new?”

Sierra looks down trying to act all innocent and says “Yeah, do you think Jeff will like it?”

I raise my eyebrows. Already? We just met him a couple of days ago and Sierra is already trying to flirt with him.

“Yeah I guess,” I said getting off the couch almost running back into my room to change, “but it’s kinda cold don’t you think?”

She just shrugged and I hear a knock on the door.

I run to answer it before Sierra.

“Hey” Jeff says coming in. Man, he looked good too with a white button up and nice jeans. “Are you ready?” he asks smiling.

“Just about, let me get my jacket,” I respond running from the door into my bedroom to grab my phone and jacket.

I hear Jeff talking with Sierra “Don’t you look nice,” Sierra says obviously expecting a compliment back.

“You do too, but isn’t it a little cold?” Jeff answers. I started smiling a little bit but it faded when I saw how much Jeff’s attention was focused on Sierra, she really did look nice.

“Let’s go,” I said trying to get the focus off the Sierra.

“Yeah, let’s” Jeff said coming back to reality.

His car is seriously brand new. The seats look like they’ve never been ridden in before, even though we rode in them a couple of days ago when we went to Miltons. There was a bit of an akward silence until Jeff decided to turn on the radio and Katy Perry’s Teenage dream comes on. Sierra looks back at me from the passenger seat and we exchange a conversation sorta like;

Me: This song is amazing

Sierra: I know and it’s destiny to come on right when we’re in the car with Jeff Skinner.

Me: Jeff Skinner is a teenage dream.

Jeff noticed Sierra and I and asked “What’s going on?”

Coming out of our conversation I answer “Oh, nothing.” But Sierra and I share another glance and start giggling madly.

Jeff, not looking annoyed but confused asks “Um, you guys, seriously what’s going on?”

Sierra, trying to muffle her giggles answers “We just really love this song.”

Jeff raises and eyebrow and answeres “Really because I hate it,”

I think Jeff noticed how heart broken Sierra and I looked and quickly said, “I was just kidding!”

“Really?” I ask trying to recover.

“Yes, really” He answers smiling, as we pull into the bowling alley parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
A nice long one to make up for the one before. Sorry.