Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Did he propose?

I turned and walked back to the apartment. Cam and Justin were in the kitchen now chatting away. I was hoping to make it to my room without the guys stopping me.
“Beibs!” I sigh and turn around.

“What man? I am really NOT in the mood.” I say.

“What just happened here? We didn’t mean to interrupt.” Justin says, almost sounding concerned.

“Nothing, it’s- no it doesn’t matter.” I say turning down the hall.

“DUDE! You ok? You can tell us.” Cam said following me down the hall. I flopped down on my bed and pulled a pillow over my head. I heard Cam and Justin come in.

“Look, guys. I am fine.” I said coldly. “Please, just move on, and don’t say anything to the team. That’s the last thing I need.” I heard them leave and shut the door behind them.

What am I going to do? This is exactly what I did not want to happen. I hate making people upset. I cannot do that to Sierra and Madeline. They are best friends and I should not do anything to mess that up. However, I should also tell them the truth. I pick up my phone and call Madeline. I hear her pick up the other end.

“Jeff, please I’m really, I’m ok.”

“But I want to tell you the truth. I’m sorry that Justin and Cam interrupted us. But I did come up to your place to ask Sierra out. I didn’t want to hurt you guys though. I had fun with you today, too.”

“Well, I guess I asked the question. But now I’m not so sure I wanted to know the answer.”

I rolled over onto my stomach. “I’m sorry, but I still want you guys to come the All-Star game. BOTH of you.”

“Jeff I-“

“Think about it ok? Please?” I hung up the phone, before she could answer.

*** Sierra’s POV

“Hey Mad? You in here?” I called.

“Yeah, I’m in the living room,” She said, I walked into the living room and sat down beside her. “How were your old friends?”

“You know, same OLD same OLD.” I cracked up, and she just glared at me. “What? You always laugh at my corny jokes. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, OK, NOT-A-THING!” She got up and stormed out. I heard her door slam and I winced.

“OK, I wasn’t here; I can’t possibly have anything to do with this.” I said to myself. Just then my phoned buzzed in my pocket.

JEFF: Hey, can u come down to my place for a minute? I need to talk to u.
ME: sure. One sec.

I really hope this is a good thing. I leave a note for Madeline and go downstairs. When I walked up to his door, I heard shouting on the other side. It sounded like they were playing a game. I lifted my hand to knock and the door swung open and I ‘knocked’ on Jeff’s shoulder.

“Whoa, sorry.” I said.

“Its fine, come on in.” I walked in and saw Cam and Justin sitting on the floor playing Mario Kart.

“Sup little lady.” Justin said.

“Uh, hey?” I said questioningly as Jeff was ushering me into the hallway to his room.

“Dude, Jeff’s busy, un-pause the game.” Cam said shoving Justin. Jeff showed me to his room and shut the door.

“So I went up to your place tonight,” Jeff said.

“Oh, yeah I was out wi-“

“Yeah I know I saw Madeline.” He said sitting down and gestured for me to do the same.

“Ok, cool. Was she ok? Because when I got home, she was acting really weird. Normally she is fine with me going out with my old friends, but I-“

“That’s not why she’s mad,” Jeff said, looking down shyly. “I went up there looking for you.”

“Really?” I said, changing my tone. I could not help it, I was really happy.

“Yes REALLY!” He said playfully. “But you weren’t there, so I asked Madeline if she wanted to do something. And we ended up here.”


“But anyway she was asking why I came up in the first place, and I didn’t want to lie. But I guess she could see it on my face. She knew I went up to ask you out and then Justin and Cam walked in on us and she left really upset.” Jeff said.

“Look, sometimes she just gets that way. She gets really upset but then she tries to move on and ignore the fact that she got mad in the first place.” I tried to explain.

“But I don’t want this, ME, to make her mad. Or like, you know what I mean.” He said sounding exasperated.
“Honestly, I think she will be fine. I’ve known her 5 years. And she WILL get over it. Whether it seems like it or not,” I said. “And I like you too, and if I want to go out with you she can’t tell me I can’t.”

“So you like me too?”

I laughed a little. “Yes, OK? Now I’m going to go talk to Madeline. Then I’ll call you and see what she says. I got up and walked out the door.

“So how was it?” Justin asked jokingly as I walked through the living room.

“Did he propose?” Cam asked making a face. I just shrugged and walked out.
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Ok, So right now I'm leaning towards Sierra. Let me know what you think!