Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Who's Max?

“Hey it’s Madeline, I’m not here right now so leave a message after the beep and I’ll try to get back to you, thanks for calling!” her cheery voice answers.

I rubbed my eyes. I know that she doesn’t have class right now. I know that’s she up one floor and doesn’t want to talk to me but I need to talk to her. I just can’t decide if I should go. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked Sierra out. I mean I really like her but I also like Madeline. I guess this is why I never asked any of them out before.

“Alright,” I decide, muttering to myself as I grab my phone and keys and head out the door. In the elevator I realize that I’m actually nervous. What would I be nervous about? I just roll my eyes and go in front of their apartment door about to knock. I think for one second. No turning back now and knock on the door.

Madeline answers with curlers in her hair and a cheery face but it’s demolished when she sees who it is.

She looks at me coldly and says, “Sorry but Sierra’s not here,”

I’ve never seen this side of her before. It’s almost like you can feel how much she despises you. Shaking out of my thoughts I answer, trying to smile, “Actually I’m here to see you,”

I thought she was gonna lift her cold expression but it didn’t even budge. She just looks me up and down with those sad, brown eyes and says, “Well, sorry but I’m kinda busy right now,”

I sigh. I guess this was why I was so nervous. I was walking right into rejection. I still try to smile even though it hurts for her to treat me this way. “Are you sure?” I ask, “Not even for just a minute?”

She sighs and answers agreeing, “What?”

If it were different circumstance I would have laughed at how she said it but I couldn’t now, with her sad brown eyes looking at me.

“I’m sorry, I never wanted to hurt you,” I paused waiting for her response, she said nothing so I just kept talking, “Please don’t be mad at me,” I pause again and this time, she responds,

“Do you not realize what you’ve done to me?” I just shake my head. “All of the happiness that I have had spending time with you, Jeff I loved spending time with you, I thought we had something special,” I smiled about to say that we do have something special but she spoke first, “I thought wrong, now I have to go, I wasn’t kidding about being busy, Max is coming over soon and I still haven’t taken my curlers out, have fun with Sierra, I have to-

“WAIT,” I say, I don’t want her to close the door in my face, “Madeline I want us to be friends, I really do, I really like you!”

She shakes her head, “Sorry but that just can’t happen, goodbye Jeff,” she starts to close the door but I stop it with my foot and delicately push it back open.

“Who’s Max?” I ask remembering what she said.

She shrugs, “Just this really nice guy I met at school who is the most amazing guy I have ever met, he would never play me and go out with my best friend,” She snapped the last part with tears in her eyes and then slams the door in my face.

I couldn’t stand what she just said, “He wouldn’t play me and go out with my best friend,” the hard part for me was, that’s exactly what I just did. Especially last night when I went up there to ask out Sierra and spent the entire time with Madeline.

When I got in the elevator I slammed my head against the wall. How could I have been so stupid? I can’t believe I did that to Madeline. I guess that both of them going to the allstar game isn’t going to happen. I slammed my head again. I broke Madeline’s heart and all I care about is the stupid allstar game! I have never felt this bad in my entire life. What am I going to do?

I slip my phone out of my pocket as I get out of the elevator and call Sierra, “Hey Jeff, sorry I just got out of class, I’m so excited for our date tonight!” her exasperated voice says.

“Sierra I’m sorry but I just talked with Madeline and I called to call off our date for tonight,”

“Why?” Sierra’s voice didn’t sound sad but angry.

I sighed, “Because I know that I couldn’t do that to Madeline,”

“Oh COME ON!” she answers trying to stay sweet, “Jeff I know Madeline, she’ll get over it,”

“You didn’t see her face, I don’t think she will,”

“But Jeff she’s going out on date with Max, she’s totally over you!”

“I’m sorry but I just can’t do it, and that’s my final word,”

“But Jeff please I-“ I hang up before she could finish her sentence, oh great now I have two girls that I really like who hate me.
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i just can't decide who it should be, please tell me!!