Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Can you spell Jealousy?

“Hey, anyone home?” Jeff’s familiar voice fills up the apartment.

“In the kitchen,” I answer though it wasn’t needed since he already saw me. I had my apron on and the electronic mixer was mixing batter. “Sierra’s not here,” I tell him figuring he’s here to see his girl- ugh. I can’t believe my best friend is Jeff Skinner’s girlfriend, I’m happy for her and I love having Max as my boyfriend but I can’t help with being a little jealous.

“Actually I’m here to see you,” he answers pulling me out of my thoughts,

I raise my eyebrows, “Why?”

“Just because I’m dating your best friend doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”

“Oh-kay, but… alright,” I say kinda shocked. I knew it’s better that we are friends, I would like that but I don’t know, it hurts too much to be so close with him but not close enough that we’re dating.

“So whatcha making?” Jeff asks, pulling me out of my thoughts again.

“Cupcakes,” I answer, “For Max, he’s so sweet so I wanted to show him just how sweet he is,”

“Um,” Jeff says getting up walking over to look in the mixing bowl, “It’s looks more like icing,”

I laugh, “It IS Icing, the cupcakes are in the oven I have to finish with the icing, he’s coming over soon if you wanna meet him,”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” he asks me.

“Why wouldn’t it be? All we’re going to be is friends,” when I said that last part, I felt really bad, even though it’s true it still hurts. His face fell too. Just then the oven beeped and I took out the cupcakes and look at the clock, “Crap! Jeff could you be a sweetie and ice 12 of the cupcakes while I go get ready?”

He shrugs, “Sure, just ice em?”

“Yeah just ice 12, thanks, I owe you one!”

He laughs, “You bet you do, now hurry!”

I run into my room to my bathroom to straighten my hair, with my easy hair took ten minutes I put on concealer, blush, eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow. Then I put on a nice shirt and some nice jeans. I tuck in my shirt with a brown belt and run back out to check with Jeff

*** Jeff

“Hey I finished icing the-“ my jaw dropped. Dang she looked amazing, I mean she always did but especially now.

I could tell she was blushing but she shook it off like it was no big deal and she meant it.

She looked even better when she smiled and said, “Jeff thank you so much for icing the cupcakes he’ll be here any-“

"Knock knock knock"

“Jeff could you get the door while I straighten out the cupcakes?”

“Yeah sure” I answer.

I go and open the door. Max looks kinda confused but then realizes, “Oh My Gosh, dude you’re Jeff Skinnner!”

I smile, “Hey whats up?”

“Max!” Madeline says while running up and kissing Max. I felt a surge of jealously run through me and I feel guilty. I’m going out with Sierra, I know it shouldn’t bother me that she’s kissing her boyfriend but it just does, I really don’t get why.

“I have something for you,” Madeline says as she pulls away from Max.

“Oh really?” Max says raising his eyebrows, smiling, “because I have something for you too,”

“Oh really?” Madeline asks sarcastically. She pulls out the cupcakes on a green tray that matched her shirt.

“Haha aw thanks you know I love your baking! Now for my present, he slips what looks like an engagement ring box and I get really nervous, they’ve only been dating for three days, but when he opens it up it’s just a really nice heart shaped necklace.

Madeline gasps, “Oh Max, you really didn’t need too!”

Max smiles, “But I wanted too-“

Madeline kisses him again. This time fiercely and I wonder, do they even know I’m in the room? This is weird, I feel so protective of Madeline. I wait, 2 minutes go by, 4 minutes, so I decided to clear my throat, “Ehhem” I say trying to get their attention,

“Oh hey, Max this is Jeff,” Madeline says kind of pink in the face.

“Hi,” Max says putting out his hand to shake mine.

My eyes narrow but I shake his hand anyway, “You too,” I answer insincerely.

“Well,” Madeline says walking up to me, “Bye Jeff,” and kisses me quickly on the cheek as if I’m her father instead of her friend.

“Nice to meet you,” Max says politely.

“Um, Jeff could you mind? I kinda need to lock up the place,”

“Oh yeah no problem, have fun on your date, what time are you getting back?”

Her eyes look suspiciously into mine so I look away, “Why?” she asks, irritated.

I shrug my shoulders trying to act like that was a casual question and not that I’m jealous and want their date to be over, “Just asking,”

“Well, I don’t know,” she answers and we walked out and she locks the door, “I guess I’ll see you later,” She holds hands with Max and walks to elevator.

“Bye,” I murmur too confused with Jealousy and Guilt to say anything else. “See you later”.
♠ ♠ ♠
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