Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Here we are...

“Come on Madeline! I want to go to the petting zoo before the opening act.” Sierra called.

“Be right there.” I called back. I grabbed my phone, keys and my wallet, and ran to the door. When I got down to the parking lot, Sierra was leaning against my red Jetta impatiently.

“What is taking you so long?” She said as we got in the car. I didn’t feel like answering so I decided to turn on the radio.

"You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on…"

Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream, one of my favorites so I turned it up. We didn’t really talk much during the car ride so it got me starting to think about, what if I really do see a clown and he tries to turn me into a joke. Or puts clown make-up on my face. Man, being able to choose that paint color better be worth it!

I was trying not to say anything but by the time we pulled into the RBC parking lot I finally spoke up, “Sierra, how about you go in and I’ll wait in the car.”

She looked at me with an angry expression and said “You’re not bailing out now!”

“Oh come on, why do I have to go?” I responded as we parked. “I have my laptop, go have fun!”

“Just get out of the car!” she growled back.

“Fine.” I mumbled back harshly.

Luckily the way to the petting zoo was avoiding all the clowns and I love animals so I was happy to go. There were goats and sheep and you could get little bags of peanuts and feed them. It looked like a ton of fun. We each bought a bag of peanuts and went to a little baby goat to feed it.

Sierra was having a bit more fun than I was because I was still worried about the clowns, every five minutes I would search the grounds but I didn’t see any.

The little baby goat finally walked off after Sierra tried picking it up for the third time and I decided to go to this other adult goat.

Another guy was there with short, brown, curly hair. It wasn’t until he turned to me that I realized who it was.

“Sierra!” I quietly called to her.

“What?” she whispered back when she came over.

“Look, it’s Jeff Skinner!!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it!