Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Just His Little Sister

So maybe sometimes I get a little jealous of Max and Madeline, but every time Sierra laughs, I know I did the right thing. She is amazing and we have a great time together.

“JEFFY!” A high-pitched voice yells taking me away from my thoughts.

“Hmm, that sounds just like my sister!” I say and pull her into a huge hug. Jill and I have always been the closest.

“How’s my big brother?” She says when I let go.

“Good and getting better,” I say laughing at myself for using Sierra’s saying.

“What?” Jill asks.

“Nothing. So how’s my Jilly?”

“Amazing and so happy to be here!”

“You’re so happy to be in the RDU airport?” I say teasing.

“You know what I meant. I love Raleigh, it’s so warm down here.”

“You do realize it’s the middle of January right?” I say picking up her bags.

“Hey I would have loved to come in the spring, but you won’t be playing in the All-Star Game in April will you? Heck, you might not even be playing at all.” Jill says.

“You just got here and you’re already being a pain.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t even know I’m here.” She says.

“Why would I ask you to come if I didn’t want to know you were here?”

“Jeff, you are such an idiot.”

I unlock the car and put her bags in the back. Jill got in the car and made a really weird face.

“What?” I ask.

“It smells like sweaty socks in here.”

“My girlfriend doesn’t think so.” I say making a face back at her.

“You have a girlfriend?” She says practically jumping in her seat. “I want to meet her! PLEASE JEFF?”

“Sure you can meet her. She lives in the same building as me. But I didn’t tell her you were coming.” I say starting the car.

“Oooooh yay.” Jill says. “I love surprises.”

“You hungry?”



We got to the restaurant and got a table near the window.

“So tell me about your girlfriend.” Jill says.

“Her name is Sierra, we haven’t been going out very long, she has a dog named Ebay, she lives one floor above me, she was born in Raleigh, and she has a roommate Madeline.”

“I really want to meet her!”

“I know you do,” I say. “How are things going at home?”

“Good for the most part. Ben broke a finger yesterday at practice.”

“That sucks. How about mom and dad?” I ask, but right then the waitress comes to take our order.

“How can I- OH MY GOD, you’re Jeff Skinner.” She says in a really deep southern accent.

“Um yeah?” I say.

“Are you his girlfriend? ‘Cause if you are you are sooooo lucky!”

Jill laughs and I blush, “No I’m just his little sister.”

“OK, sorry. So how can I help you?”

We tell her our order and when she leaves Jill bursts out laughing.

“That was hilarious.” She says.

“Yeah, it happens all the time.” I say.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought it would be cool if his sister came to visit.