Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Admit it

“Man I love Jimmy Johns” Madeline says as we pull into the North Hills parking lot, “Why did you want to go out for lunch?”

“We’re friends aren’t we? Why do you keep on asking about why I ask you to hang out?” I say.

“Hey do you wanna go on a date tonight?”I looked at her confused, and then she realizes, “OH NO I meant like a double date, you, Sierra, me, Max?

I shrug, “Sure sounds cool, where should we go?”

“Well, I’ve discovered this really cool pasta restaurant called Noodles and Company, want to go there?”

“Yeah sounds fun,”

“Let’s do it,” She says excitedly, “You could get to know Max better!”

I shrug. Great I get to know Max better. Wahoo. Gosh what’s wrong with me? I have a great girlfriend who’s beautiful confident and fun. Nothing is wrong with her. “Except for she’s not Madeline,” a voice told me. I couldn’t help but secretly agree. I hope that when I see Sierra I realize that I made the right choice, I don’t think I could ever date Madeline, she seems to be over me.

We get inside the building and go up in the elevator to my floor. When we get inside Jill’s sitting on the couch flipping through channels but when she sees Madeline she gets up and almost sprints over to say hi.

“Hey I’m Madeline,” Madeline says.

“Madeline?” Jill says talking to me, “I thought you said you’re girlfriends name is Sierra.”

I roll my eyes, “Sierra IS my girlfriend this is my friend Madeline I told you about her, she’s Sierra’s roommate,”

“Sierra’s my best friend,” Madeline says giving Jill a hug.

“Hey, Um Jeff could I talk to you for a sec?” Jill asks me pulling me into the kitchen leaving Madeline in the living room.

“Why is your girlfriend Sierra if the first girl I meet is Madeline?” I shrug wondering what she means, “Oh my gosh you like her!”

My eyes open wide, but I try to stay cool , “Yeah I do, that’s why she’s my friend,”

“But you like her MORE that a friend,” Jill insists.

I look around trying not the look in her eyes, “No I don’t, JILL she has a boyfriend!!”

“Jeff, you’re such a bad liar, yes you do but don’t worry I won’t tell anyone,”

I refuse to give up “I really don’t,”

She rolls her eyes, “Whatever Jeff but when you’re ready to show your true feelings I’ll be here saying I was right!”

“But you’re not right, that day won’t come! I really like Sierra!”

“Hey um you guys, is something wrong?” Madeline asks from the living room.

“No we’re fine, you should go tell Max your BOYFRIEND,” I look at Jill, “About our double date,”

“Okay see you later,” Madeline says coming into the kitchen to say goodbye.

She comes up and gives Jill a hug and then come a kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

“Gosh Jill, oh yeah sorry but tonight I’m going on a date so I won’t be home, is that okay?”

“Is it with Madeline?” Jill asks mocking me.

“Yes,” I answer, “It’s also with her boyfriend, Max and my girlfriend, Sierra,”

Jill rolls her eyes again, “Whatever Jeff,”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short but it's important, next chapter, Double Date!!