Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life


Jeff, Sierra and I are hanging out in Sierra and I’s apartment. “Jeff I can’t believe the All Star draft is tonight!” I say really excited that I actually know a person that’s going to be drafted,
“Are you nervous?”

Jeff laughs, “Yeah but the key is to try and stay calm.”

“Gosh Jeff, I could never do that, I’d get stage fright,” says Sierra.

“Me too,” I agree, “Hey um Sierra it’s past noon don’t you need to be in class?”

Sierra gasps, “Oh yeah, you’re right thanks Mad.” She answers as she runs into her room for her book bag and coat.

Jeff gets up off the couch, “Oh you don’t have to leave,” I tell him because for once I was actually enjoying his company instead of being jealous.

He smiles, “I wasn’t planning on it just wanted to say goodbye to Sierra,”

Sierra comes running back out, “Don’t forget to feed Ebay,” She tells me.

When Sierra has her shoes on, Jeff goes up to her and grabs her waist and kisses her. I winced. I mean it shouldn’t have hurt but I’ve never seen them kiss before. I felt guilty afterwards because I couldn’t deny that I was jealous of Sierra, even though I’m going out with Max.

“Bye,” Sierra says after the kiss is over, “See you tonight, Oh and Jeff, Madeline and I are gonna be out there like all the other fans cheering you on!”

“You’ll notice us, we’ll be the ones screaming our heads off with the giant signs,” I add.

“Okay,” Jeff says, smiling and Sierra leaves.

Jeff comes back to sit down next to me, “So are you seriously cool about it or are you scared and you were just trying to impress your girl-ugh! Due I can’t believe she’s your GIRLFRIEND,” Oh My Gosh!! Did I seriously just say that out loud?!

“Um,” Jeff says kinda confused, “What do you mean?”

“I um nothing it’s just, uh” I look around the room not meeting his eyes because I know
they’re watching me.

“Are you jealous?” Jeff asks.

“Of what… You?” I ask.

“No, of Sierra,”

“No of course not, I can’t be,”

“What do you mean you can’t be?”

“Even if you chose me in the end it would never work” I can’t believe I’m actually telling him how I feel.

“Why not?”

“Because, she’s my best friend if you guys broke up, then your off limits for everyone! Plus, I
have a boyfriend”

“But what if I really want you to,”

I look at him, “Are you serious?”

“Yeah, I mean… well yeah,”

“Well I still couldn’t,”

“Why not?” He asks almost complaining.

“Because she’s my best friend. Unless she dumps you, which I seriously doubt is going to happen, then you really are off limits,”

“I think she might have yesterday,”

I look at him shocked, “Why in the world would someone dump the amazing Jeff Skinner?” I said it mockingly but I seriously meant it.

“Because I was jealous,”

“Of who?”


I raise my eyebrows, “Why in the world would you be jealous of Max?”

“Because he gets to date you,”


“I, no nothing never mind,”

“No, seriously, what do you mean?” I ask shocked even more.

“I’m jealous of Max because he gets to do this-

Jeff quickly leans over and starts kissing me, he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him on the couch so he doesn’t have to reach. A million thoughts and emotions run through my head. I was guilty, and happy and also sad. I am seriously kissing Jeff Skinner! Even though the kiss lasted only 5 seconds. I had enough thoughts running through my head to last a lifetime.

As I pulled away I guess I had a funny expression because Jeff laughed.

“What does this mean?” I ask as I scoot away from him since I was practically sitting on his lap.

“I don’t know yet but can you promise me something?”

“Is it not to tell Sierra because I won’t tell Sierra if you don’t tell Max,”

Jeff smiles. That was what he was thinking. “Promise?” he asks.

I smile and kiss him on the cheek. “Promise.”
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I know for some of you this is what you've wanted. It is a huge step in Jeff and Madeline's relationship though.