Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

All-Star Draft

“Hey.” I say walking into the living room. Jeff was sitting on the couch and Sierra had her head in his lap. “Whatcha guys doing?”

“We’re watching Harry Potter.” Sierra says.

“Which one?”

“The sixth. You know that’s my favorite.” Sierra says sitting up and patting the couch next to her. “Come sit.”

“Nah, that one is my least favorite.” I say walking to my room. “I’ll pass.” I look over at Jeff and his eyes are fixed on the screen. I was glad Jeff told me how he felt but I have a feeling things are going to be very awkward from now on. “Hey Jeff, don’t you need to be at the draft?”

“Actually yeah, I was just about to say I have got to go. But I will see you all later? Don’t forget about those big signs you promised.”

“We won’t.” Sierra says. Jeff leans down and kisses her. “Bye.” She says.

*** Sierra’s POV- The Draft.

Madeline and I took our seats in the first row for the fans.

“Whoa. This place is amazing.” Madeline says.

“I know. I can’t wait for the draft to start.” I say. “I’m so excited.”

“WELCOME TO THE FIRST EVER ALL-STAR DRAFT!” The announcer says a little too loudly. He introduces all the captains and goes through all the rules. Staal’s team wins the puck toss.

“I really hope he goes to Staal.” Madeline says. I laugh as Eric makes his first pick.

“Cam Ward.” He says. Ward looks truly surprised, but if I was him I would have seen it coming. They are getting down to the end. And Jeff is still there at the thirteenth round.

“It just wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t sitting next to me, so I’m going to go with my boy from the Carolina Hurricanes, Jeff Skinner.” Staal says.

Madeline and I jump up and start screaming just like everyone around it. I mean you can’t help it, he is so good, and unlike many nay-sayers he earned his spot in the game. He shakes hands with Eric then takes his seat. I take out my phone and text him.

-good job, DAH-LING. Were you getting nervous you were going to be last? And have to win that free car.

I look up and he is laughing.

-thx =) and not for a minute. I knew eric had my back.

He looks up and gives me thumbs up. Then Carey Price starts talking to him.

“Carey Price and Cam Ward?” Madeline says. “We so have this game in the bag.”

“Ain’t that the truth.” Says some lady sitting behind us in a Staal jersey. “You would seriously hope.”

Madeline starts cracking up when the lady turns around.

“Eves-drop much?”
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, just so you know, the last person picked did when a car. I beleive it was Phil Kessel. and when Staal called Jeff that is what he said. and I wrote that from memory. I watched it on replay at least fifty times when it happened. =)