Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

She was right.

“Congrats,” I tell Jeff. After the Allstar Draft. “We should celebrate!”

“Yeah!” Sierra says smiling holding hands with Jeff as we walk to where Jeff and Sierra are parked. “Well Jeff, it is YOUR day, where do YOU want to go?”

Jeff shrugs, “I kinda feel like cheesecake, I’ve heard that there’s a cheesecake factory here, can we go there?”

Sierra laughs, “We can go anywhere you want Babe,”

Babe? BABE?! Man, that’s just great. I wish I could get alone with Jeff again. He’s hardly talked to me all night. I don’t think we should keep this a secret anymore. I feel bad for Sierra and the longer we wait to tell her, the harder it is for her and the longer it takes for her to accept my apology.

Lost in my own thoughts, I realize that Sierra and Jeff are walking in different directions. I stop at where they split and look up, really confused. Sierra laughs from three cars down, “Hey Madeline could you go with Jeff? I have too much stuff in my car.”

YES! Perfect time to talk with Jeff! I almost smile, “Yeah sure see you there,” and then I walk into the opposite direction towards Jeff and his car.

The first thing Jeff does as we get in the car is turn on the radio really loud. I immediately turn it off again and look at Jeff. “Don’t act like nothing happened,”

“I know, I can’t but I feel guilty,” Jeff answers as we pull out and follow Sierra’s Suburban to the exit.

“I do too but I have twice the guilt,” Jeff looks at me confused, “I care about my Best Friend too as well as my boyfriend,” I try to explain.

“Well I also care about Ma-“

“No you don’t,” I say cutting him off, “I saw the way you looked at him, Man, I don’t know how I didn’t notice this before but you really are jealous!”

“I am! You’ve discovered that and I can’t deny it but will you stop saying it?!”

“You’re jealous, you’re jealous,” I say mockingly.

“Oh please, you said you were jealous too!” Jeff says playfully over my shouting of “You’re jealous!” that shut me up though.

“Um, well yeah but uh…” How could you explain to Jeff Skinner about these feelings, these really serious feelings. There’s so much more that I didn’t tell him earlier today.

“I wanted to talk to you about what this means,”

“What, what means?” Jeff asks though he knows what I’m talking about.

“You know, the kiss, you’re jealousy, are you going to tell Sierra? Will we ever be something? Cause, if we’re being honest I seriously want to be.”

“If we’re being honest, I want to too, I really like Sierra, she’s fun and sweet and-

“Don’t forget pretty,” I tell him, “I’ve heard this speech a bunch of times before with a bunch of Sierra’s old boyfriends,”

“But the point is,” Jeff says continuing, “I chose Sierra because I found these things about her that I liked very quickly unlike you, who is more protective and secretive, but the point is, is that now that I know you I realize that I like you jut as much if not more than Sierra,”

I was speechless. I guess I was afraid that if I said anything else I would ruin the moment. Just then Jeff’s phone buzzed. We were at a stoplight so Jeff picked it up and smiled when he saw who it was. Sierra, I thought because, well, I’ve never seen anyone else make him smile like that, just then the light turned green so I took the phone from him. I read it trying to act all discreet but I think Jeff noticed because he laughed and said “You can go ahead and read it, it’s Jill about the Allstar draft, could you do me a favor and text her back?”

I smile, “Sure, what should I say?”

“Tell her, tell her that she was right,”

I look at him confused, “Right about what?”

Jeff smiles and answers, “Right about me liking you, it’s true, I really like you,”

On the inside, I was really giddy and all I wanted to do is scream!! But the better side made me realize, that THIS IS WRONG! “JEFF you’re going out with my Best Friend!” I half yell, he jumped and I had to hide a laugh,

“Yes, and?” he asked kinda confused, I mean I could see why, just a second ago I was fine and happy and now I’m almost yelling at the guy.

“If you like me enough, then you have to break up with her and we can’t see each other for a while,”

Jeff frowns, “Why?”

“Because, I have too much respect for Sierra to see her going through this and she’ll have to get over you, and not a lot of people can get over Jeff Skinner,”

“You did,”

“No,” I tell him sighing, “I never did,”

“I don’t think I will,” Jeff tells me breaking my heart. “At least not now anyways, she might not be you but she’s a great girl and I don’t want to be without you, either of you,”