Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Girl's Night!

“Man that was so much fun!” I tell Sierra and Jill as we get out of the RBC Center.

Sierra nods, “I know right, who would’ve thought that the Super Skills would be so cool?”

“Jeff and I would watch them every year on TV but I think it’s so much fun actually being there!” Jill says. “Especially when your brothers in it,”

“It sure is cold out her though,” I say zipping up my jacket, “Hey uh Sierra, do you know when we’re suppose to meet up with Jeff?”

Like on command my phone rang with a message from Jeff I read it and said, “Jeff was wondering if he could go out with the guys tonight, I told him it was fine and that we can have a girls night!”Jill and Sierra both laugh and I ask, “So what do you want to do?”

Sierra shrugs and answers, “We should rent a movie and go back to our apartment, Madeline still hasn’t seen the walls,”

“Yes! I’m so excited!” I answer smiling.


“Close your eyes,” Sierra tells me cautiously. Wanting to keep it a surprise, I close my eyes. Jill puts her hand over them just in case and directs me into the living room. Then I open my eyes.

“Taa-daa!!” Sierra says.

I was speechless. They did more than just paint it. They have some magnificent paintings and new furniture. It was my dream room! With the colors, everything was so beautiful!!

“Do you like it?” Sierra asks. Usually when I like something I really say what I feel but when I don’t like it I don’t say anything.

“No,” I tell them. They looked so disappointed. “I love it!” I say smiling.

“Don’t do that,” Sierra says punching my arm.

Jill laughs and says, “Well lets pop that movie in, I’m ready for girls night!”

Even though we put Date night on, we didn’t really watch it. At first we sat there with Ebay but then he ran off the couch barking so we followed him, turn out there was a cockroach so we all were running around screaming until Jill have to courage to flatten it with her shoe and I threw it out the window.

After were we too excited to sit down so we decided to make cookies. The first batch was burnt and we ended up eating the rest of the cookie dough. Then, we played scattergories and joked around a lot. It’s like it was before without Jeff dramatizing our life. At around midnight we started getting tired and played truth or dare.

“Jill, truth or dare?” Sierra asks.
“Truth,” Jill says as Sierra and I try to decide what to ask her.

“Do you have a love life?” I ask after a lot of whispering with Sierra.

Jill laughs, “Yeah, I do,”

Sierra and I gasp while Jill’s still laughing at us. “What’s his name?” Sierra asks.

“Sam, he’s a hockey player,”

“I want details!” I say a bit over enthusiastically.

“He’s a rookie in the NHL, he use to live in Markham but I really got to know him at the draft,”

“Oh my gosh!” Sierra says, “Are you dating Sam Carrick?!”

Jill just smiles and nods but then her face goes serious, “But you can’t tell Jeff!”

“Why haven’t you?” I ask somewhat confused. I tell John everything.

“Because he always gets over-protective and tries to ruin my relationships,”

I nod, “I kinda know what you mean.” I was thinking about how Jeff acted around Max the first time they met.

Sierra just laughs, “That’s so cute!”

“Alright Sierra,” Jill says grinning mischievously, “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” Sierra answers giggling so crazily that we all had to join in.

“I dare you to run up and down the hallway screaming, I love Jeff Skinner!”

Sierra stops laughing, “No way Jeff could hear me,”

“Oh c’mon, I don’t even think he’s home yet” Jill says still laughing.

“Don’t be chicken,” I say laughing too.

“Fine,” Sierra answers and actually does it. Lucky for her no one came out and said anything so we just went back to the game.

“Alright Madeline, it’s you turn,” Jill says.

“Truth or Dare,” Sierra asks, still out of breath.

“Truth,” I answer, I hate dares.

“Who was the last person you kissed?” Sierra asks giggling.

I stop laughing, “On the lips?” I ask.

“Yeah on the lips,” Sierra says still giggling with Jill, both of them totally oblivious to my guilty face.

“Well, I guess um, that would be Jeff.”
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Sorry it's be awhile but I was having massive writers block. Plus I started some new stories! So I hope you like em and enjoy this one!