Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

It Was a Good Time?

In the split second, it took my mind to register what Madeline said I was on my feet and slamming the front door behind me. I guess Madeline had enough sense that she was not the person I wanted to talk to because I hear Jill call after me.

“Sierra!” She calls running down the hall to catch up to me. “Where are you going?”

“Jill, go back inside ok? Don’t worry about me.” I say choking back tears. Jill put her arm around me.

“It’s ok.” Jill says in a muffled voice. “Jeff’s not like that. I’m sure there is some kind of explanation.”

I try to compose myself, “I know.”

“So are you going to come back inside with me?” Jill says.

“No way. I know where I’m going.” I say and hit the elevator button with way to much force. “I am not in the mood to talk to Madeline.”

I get in the elevator and try to hold back my tears but right after I knock on Jeff’s door the tears begin to roll. Jeff opens the door and I guess I look really upset because without me even saying anything Jeff pulls me into a big hug.

“What’s wrong hun?” Jeff asks holding me tightly.

“It’s a long story.” I say.

“Come inside. I’ve got time.” We walk in and sit down on the couch, Jeff never lets go of me.

“So you said you were going out tonight. So Madeline, Jill and me were watching Date Night, squishing cockroaches and then we were eating cookie dough. And everyone knows once you bring out the cookie dough something bad is going to happen.”

“Cockroaches and cookie dough? This sounds like an interesting party.” Jeff says.

“OK, so no party full of girls is complete without truth or dare. So you really need to talk to Jill, and I had to run up and down the hall screaming that I love you. And then Madeline being the chicken she is picks truth and, and, and she said,” I say unable to finish.

“Oh my god, Sierra, I’m so sorry.” Jeff says.

“You know what she said?” I say turning to face him.

“That she and I kissed.” Jeff says looking down not wanting to say more.

“JEFF!” I say. “What happened? I’m not mad. I want you to know that.”

“Really?” He says.

“Ok, so I am a little mad. But maybe I won’t be if someone explains to me what happened.”

“It wasn’t like how you probably think it was.”

“The question was the last person you kissed. And she said you, so it had to be after we started dating and recently.” I say sounding urgent.

“It was not the last person she kissed because I’ve seen her kiss Max since then. She probably just thought it was a good time to tell you.” He says.

“It was a good time? In front of your SISTER?” I say hitting him on the shoulder.

“I didn’t say it was a good choice and Jill is no big deal. But anyway it was little, like this.” Jeff says and leans in and kisses me softly. I smile.

“Well that's not even like a kiss. I'm cool with that, if you don't do it anymore.” I say and Jeff smiles. I kiss him more until Justin walks in.

“Dude, you seriously need to work on your timing.” Jeff says to Justin.

“Sorry man.”

I wipe what remains of my tears and stand up. “Bye Jeff.” I say and he stands up and gives me a hug. I walk out and up to the elevator. When I walk through the door the first thing I notice is Madeline is gone and Jill is cleaning cookie dough off the fridge. Man, we really did get that stuff everywhere.

“Jill, you don’t need to do that.” I say. I guess I scare her because she drops the cookie dough and screams.

“God, Sierra.” She says and gives me a hug. “You better?"

“Much.” I say and start cleaning up the cookie dough.

“You didn’t tell him about Sam right?” Jill says looking concerned.

“No way. Your secret it totally safe here. But I still think you should tell him.”

“Maybe after I’m engaged.” She says and we laugh.

“What about Ben? Is he the same way?” I say.

“Not really, Jeff and I were just really close. Ben wasn’t close with me or the other girls really. He and Jeff were close though.”

“Oh, does anybody know?”

“I told Erica, because she got suspicious when I would disappear for a long time.” Jill says. “Well I better run. See you tomorrow?”

“Yeah at the game. Do you know where Madeline is?”

“She is up in her room, but if I were you I wouldn’t talk to her.” She says as she walks out.

I really want to talk to Madeline. Just to make sure she knows I’m really not mad. Jeff made me feel a lot better, but I’m not sure about how Madeline is going to explain things.
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