Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life


“Hey, don’t worry it’s okay uh…” Sierra says as she walks into my bedroom and I run up and give her a huge hug.

“I’m so sorry!” I say with tears rolling down my face. “I don’t know why we did it! Please don’t be mad!”

“Madeline, it’s fine I talked to Jeff, I’m not mad he said is was nothing,”

It was nothing? Jeff said he liked me, he said he was jealous! We told each other what we really felt and he says it’s nothing? As soon as I thought about that my sadness turned to anger. “So are we cool?” I said trying to put as much normality in my voice even though I was bursting with anger.

Sierra smiles, nods and says “Yeah we’re cool,”

“Okay good because after our little cookies thing, we ran out of flour and um, I need it for tomorrow so I’ll be right back,”

I left before she could answer. I wasn’t really going to the store, I was going to Jeff’s apartment. I feel my face turning red in the elevator and was that much more impatient to talk to Jeff.

I knocked on the door so hard it hurt my knuckles and when Justin answered I didn’t waste the energy on him and just walked past him, into the room to find Jeff on the couch who looks my way and jumps up and walks over.

“What’s up with you?” Jeff asked coming up to me.

“NOTHING?! YOU SAID IT WAS NOTHING?!” I scream ignoring his question.

“What are you talking about?” Jeff asks calmly.

“You said it was nothing,” I say my anger turning back to sadness as I start crying.

“Hey it’s okay,” Jeff says wrapping his arms around me.

“Get off of me,” I half yell pushing his arms off me. I should get to the point so I can leave, “I thought you said you liked me! You said you were jealous, YOU kissed ME!”

“What was I suppose to say?” Jeff asks a little more pleadingly. “It would break her heart if I told her the truth! She may not be you but I still really like her!”

“She may not be me?” I ask a bit surprised.

Jeff’s sad expression changes to a small smile, “Yes, she isn’t you, she is an amazing girl, she has the cutest smile and we have so much fun together, but she just isn’t you!”

“Jeff I don’t kno-“

“Just listen!” Jeff says even more pleadingly, “She doesn’t laugh like you, she can’t be as sweet and clumsy as you, I love all the little things about you, how you’re face turns bright red when you’re angry or embarrassed, how you get so excited over everything making me excited too, and how you’re never afraid to say what you really feel,”

I was surprised, so surprised that I forgot all the anger and sadness, “Really?” was the only thing I could say.

He smiles again, “Yes, really!” he leans in to kiss me but I turn my head so he kisses my cheek. “What?” he asks, offended.

I raise my eyebrows, “Do you really want a repeat of last time?”

He chuckles resting his forehead on mine, “You’re right, but I don’t know if I can go without kissing you for the rest of my life,”

I laugh too, “Me neither but when the time is right, we’ll be together” Jeff laughs again, “What?” I ask kinda confused.

“I’m sorry but that what the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard,”

I smile and sarcastically put my hands on my hips, “Well excuse me!”

“You’re excused,” Jeff says lifting his head to kiss my forehead.

After he pulls away, I shake my head, “What?” he asks.

“This next week is going to be dramatic isn’t it?”

“Yeah it is, but can you tell Sierra something?”


“Tell her that I really did and still do like her, but tell her when she’s feeling down okay?”

“Why?” I ask really confused.

“Because, no one has broken up, so she has no reason to fell bad yet,”

“Yet?” I ask almost scared.

Jeff’s face gets really serious, “Yeah, yet.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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