Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Is This Really Happening?

Jeff continued to pet and feed the goat, oblivious to me and Madeline giggling behind him.

“Go talk to him!” She said to me, “He is RIGHT there, now is your chance!” I walked up right behind him, and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Excuse me; can I pet the goat too?” I asked, trying not to scream.

“Sure,” He turned around to face me, and raised his eyebrows a little. “Go right ahead.”

“I’m Sierra McRichard.” I stuck out my hand for him to shake. “It’s nice to meet you.” I looked over Jeff’s shoulder and saw Madeline leaning against the fence, staring at us.

“Jeff, Jeff Skinner. It’s nice to meet you too.” He shook my hand, and turned back to the goat. “So, what’s your favorite part of the circus?” He was obviously trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

“I like the elephants, and the tightrope walkers.” I said

“Cool, I like the dogs. You know, they do the little dog tricks.” He told me. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I was really tempted to say I already knew that, from the Ask the Canes, but didn’t want to act like a fan.

“I have a little beagle. But he’s definitely not smart enough to do those tricks. The only thing he knows how to do is beg.” I said jokingly.

“Aw, he sounds cute. I used to have a golden Retriever when I lived in Canada, his name was Gretzkey.”

“Like the hockey player? That’s really cute!” I said. “My beagle’s name is Ebay, like the website.”

“That’s a really interesting name” He said questioningly.

“Yeah, I didn’t name him, my roommate did,” I told him. “I have no clue why she named him that, but why don’t you ask her.”

“Whaddya mean?”

“She is right over there.” I pointed at Madeline leaning against the fence. She point to herself then raised her eyebrows. I waved her over.

“What?” Madeline asked. “What do you want?”

“Madeline this is-“

“I’m Jeff Skinner. Hi, and I guess you’re Madeline?”

“Yeah, Madeline Johnson.” Madeline said.

“We should probably get inside; I think the show is going to start soon.” I said, and started walking toward the line to get into the building.

“Would you ladies like to sit with me during the show? I can take you through the V.I.P entrance.” Jeff asked grabbing my arm and pulling me in the direction of the V.I.P entrance. Madeline and I exchanged a glance and without saying anything followed him to the door.

“I do have to warn you, Madeline will probably scream if she sees a clown.” I told him as I got my ticket scanned.

“I might do more than just scream.” Madeline said. Jeff just laughed.

“So, how did YOU get tickets in the V.I.P section?” Madeline asked him.

Jeff raised his eyebrows and said “Are you serious?” and gestured toward her Carolina Hurricanes jacket. I cracked up along with Jeff.

“I was trying to not act like a dorky fan, like you must meet every day,” She said trying to defend herself. We kept on laughing. “I forgot I was wearing it OK? Shut up!” She said as she punched me on the arm.

“It’s cool” He said.

“Hey Madeline, didn’t that look like Bailey over there? Near the door?” I asked.

“Yeah, a little, I can’t really see her. There is a really tall guy in the way.”

Jeff chuckled. “That’s Bryan Allen. Like the defensemen.” And before I realized who they were talking about he was standing right in front of me. Me being a petite, 5’3” was literally looking straight up.

“Hey Beibs, What are you doing here?” Bryan asked.

“Really? You pull the whole Beibs thing NOW?” Jeff said. “The RBC Center asked if I wanted to come to the circus, because they know I like the dog tricks.”

I laughed. “I remember that one!”

“That one what?” Madeline asked.

“The Ask the Canes, remember? That game was on my birthday.” Bryan and Jeff were still standing watching us.

“Well, I see Jeff here, is on a date so-“

“We’re not on a date!” Madeline and I say a little too quickly.

“We just met.” Jeff adds.

"It must be you Justin Beiber-y looks.” Bryan said. Madeline and I started laughing. “I better get going. I brought the lady. She loves the elephants.”

“Really? Me too!” I said. Bryan chuckled and walked back to what I’m guessing is his wife. We started to walk to the seats right in the front row. Wow, Jeff really got good seats. I guess that’s one of the perks of being a Canes player.

“Hey Madeline,” I said leaning across Jeff. “Bailey just texted me, so maybe she is here.”

“What did she say?”

“Are my eyes messed up, or did I just see you with Jeff Skinner?” I blushed, embarrassed at my friend’s message, but Jeff’s cheeks were a little pink too.


“She said she warned the clowns that you might try to kill them if they come near you.” I said, laughing.

“Ha. Ha. Very. Funny.” Just then the lights went down and the Ringmaster came out to center stage to begin the show.