Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Now What?

“How could you?” I ask Justin as he gets back into the apartment. “I was going to tell her! I really was! I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, NOW LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE!” I tried so hard to stay calm but gosh, how could he do this?

“Dude, she is just like my sister and I would not want my sister to get hurt by some guy who was planning to go out with her best friend,” Justin answers way calmer than I ever was.

“Hey um you guys, what just happened? Sierra left and I don’t think I did anything,” Says Madeline’s confused voice from the door.

I glare at Justin, “This guy over here ruined out entire plan,”

Justin just shrugs, “What do you mean ruined our plan… JUSTIN YOU DIDN’T!” Says Madeline yelling too.

“You are her best friend, how could you do this to her?” Justin asks, I can tell it was hard for him to stay calm too.

“You’re right, she is my best friend, she knew I liked Jeff, but she went out with him anyway, now am I really the bad one?” Madeline asks.

Justin nods, “Yeah you are, at least YOU knew about it!”

“Wait!” I say before Madeline responds, “How is this going to help Sierra?”

“Alright Jeff, you seriously NEED to break up with her,” Madeline says, “Justin you need to stop getting into other people’s problems and I need to leave, see Sierra and not comeback until this entire thing has calmed down,”

“Wait what?” I ask. After all this I want to at least be with Madeline, “Why are you leaving?”

Madeline raises her eyebrows, “How well do you think it’ll go over if I’m going out with you when Sierra hates both of us right now?”

Great, if it weren’t for Justin over here, Madeline and I could be going out right now and I could be best friends with Sierra. I need to get out of this apartment. I grab Madeline’s hand and we run to the elevator.

“Do you know where she is?” I ask as we get into the elevator.

“Yeah she’s at Bailey’s house, we’ll take my car but YOU need to stay in the car,”

“Why?” I ask.

“Because between the two of us, who do you think she’d rather see right now, her best friend or the guy that broke her heart?”

“Okay,” I answer. I wouldn’t know what to say anyway.

“Plus I know her better and I really feel terrible. I know exactly what I would say and-“

I had to kiss her before something really bad happened even though I felt super guilty. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. “Jeff!” she says between kisses. She leans her head back and looks at me, “Are you serious?” I shrug not knowing what to say. She rolls her eyes and I let go of her as the elevator doors open.

“I had too, one last time,” I say feeling even more guilty.

“Trust me, after all this calms down, we’ll kiss and we won’t feel guilty about it, everybody will be happy and life will be great, just, not yet,”

I nod as we get into her little red Jetta. On the way Madeline explains to me what she’s going to say but I wasn’t really listening I just couldn’t help thinking about what she said, when everything calms down, I can kiss Madeline all I want without feeling any guilt. Sierra and I will be best friends and everything will be just as I want it. I can’t help but sighing and wishing. Madeline turns into a driveway and parks.

“Alright,” Madeline says taking off her seatbelt and opening the door, “Wish me luck,”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is going to be intense.