Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

I Wish Beibs

I threw my jacket over the back of the couch and turned to Justin. “So you and Sierra, man! What was that all about?”
“I don’t know, she is so nice and sweet.” Justin laughs.

“You forgot pretty.” I say.

“Very true.”

“Don’t you think that she is a little young? You know, for you.” I ask.

“Not really. Her twentieth birthday is next month, so only a few years.” Justin says.

“I don’t know man.” I say and hit him on the shoulder. “I’m going to bed, it’s what 3 AM?”

“You do have that All-Star Game thing tomorrow right?” Justin says.

“Yeah, you know no big deal.” I say shrugging.

“I wish Biebs.” He says and I roll my eyes.

*** Sierra’s POV

I said goodnight to Justin and went inside. I flopped down on the couch, “I’m exhausted. It has officially been the longest day of my life. Just this afternoon we were at the Skills Competition with Jill.”

“Where is she anyway?” Madeline asks.

“Jeff’s family was coming into town at like 4 AM and she was going to go stay at the hotel with them.” I say.

“Cool deal.”

“Hey Mad?”

“What is it?” Madeline asks sitting next to me.

“Thank you so much,” I say and throw my arms around her. “For tonight and setting me straight with Jeff. I’m sorry.”

“Si, come on now. Don’t make me cry.” I saw the tears well up in her eyes. “I’m glad you are happy now.”

“I’m beyond happy. I mean did you see Justin?” I say sitting upright. “He was totally glued to me.”

“I told you. It’s those chocolate brown eyes of yours.” Madeline says. “We need to get some sleep.”

I still have my arms wrapped around her; I kick off my heels and lay back down. “I don’t know about you, but I am staying right here.”

“Next to my biffle.”

“You are so seventh grade!” I say and we start laughing and I can’t stop until tears roll down my cheeks and my side aches.

“Ya’ll are hilarious.” I hear Justin say. “Hey, Sierra you left your phone in Jeff’s car so here it is.”

He hands the phone out to me. “Oh, thanks. I didn’t even notice.” I wipe my tears of laughter off my cheeks. “’Night Justin.” I say and kiss him on the cheek. He turns around and walks out, I turn back to Madeline and her jaw hangs open.

“You are insane, you know that right?” She says.

“He’s not exactly ugly.” I say and shrug.