Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

Why the Circus?

“Ladies and gentleman, children of all ages, welcome to the greatest show on earth!” boomed the Ringmaster that was right in front of us, but I wasn’t really listening. I just couldn’t believe that I was really sitting next to Jeff Skinner. I hope this show didn’t have many clowns because I would surely make a fool of myself in front of Jeff. I’m glad I came but why did it have to be at the Circus? Why not a hockey game or a concert?

Luckily it started off with some acrobats so I tried to relax and enjoy the show. Afterwards, there was this illusionist. Man, he was really good. Maybe Sierra was right. I was really enjoying the show, but then, the clowns came out.

Almost anyone would say that the front row seats are the best but actually, they’re terrifying. When they came out, they walked right in front of Sierra, Jeff, and I. Out of fear and shock, my hand dropped. It landed on Jeff’s nee. I lifted my hand back up but I knew it was too late, he noticed. I felt my face turn bright red and Jeff looked a little pink too.

“Sorry.” I whispered but he just shook his head and smiled at me. Man, I’ve seen that smile in pictures, and on TV but in real life, it’s 100 times better. I thought I was going to faint!

Sierra saw the whole thing and just looked at me, somewhat impressed. I just shrugged and turned back to the show.

When the clown show was over I took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. I think Jeff noticed because he smiled that amazing smile again and said, “You okay?”

Smiling back at him, I said, “ Yeah, I’m fine.”

Afterwards there were the lions and tigers. I was actually starting to enjoy myself, but I felt bad for the animals. I told Jeff that I thought it was animal abuse but he just shrugged and said “The animals look like they’re having fun."

I stopped talking after that. During intermission Jeff went to get some popcorn so I stayed behind and talked with Sierra.

“What was that?!” she asked me.

“What was what?” I replied trying to sound innocent. I felt my face turn red again.

“Oh, you know what!”

I couldn’t decide if her tone was angry or excited so I asked “ Are you mad?”

She shook her head but probably thinking I couldn't hear her, she mumbled, “I wish I thought of that.”

I was gonna say that I didn’t do it on purpose, but then, Jeff came back with a bag of popcorn.

“So ladies, how are the V.I.P. seats?” he asked while sitting down between me and Sierra.

“Scary.” I responded almost automatically.

Sierra sighed and gave me a “you blew it” look but Jeff just started laughing.

“Thanks for the popcorn” Sierra said. “You didn’t have to-“

“No, it’s okay you two are my guests.”

Sierra and I exchanged another glance just as the lights dimmed for the second half of the show.
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