Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life


The second half of the show went by too fast. I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Jeff just yet. I was jerked away from my thoughts when the Ringmaster yelled, “THANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!”

“Come on Sierra, let’s go.” Jeff said. I got up and followed them up the stairs to the exit. When we got out to the parking lot the sun was blinding. I had to squint to keep my eyes open.

“Sierra, my car is this way.”

“Sorry, thank you so much Jeff, I had a really great time.” I said.

“Yeah, me too.” Jeff said. “Let me walk you to your car.” We started walking toward our car when Jeff got recognized and started a to create a scene.

“OH MY GOSH! THAT’S JEFF SKINNER!” A little girl screamed, probably as loud as she probably could.

“Well, that’s my cue to leave.” Jeff said as he turned to hurry back to his car. Madeline and I got in the car, and right when she started the car both of our phones buzzed.

“Whoa, that was weird.” Madeline said as she pulled out of the parking lot. I picked up my phone to read the message and say that it was an unknown number, and Madeline’s was too.

“Do you know this number?” I asked her.

“Uh, no? I don’t think so. Read it, see what it says.”

“OK, it says: Hey, I was wondering if I could meet your dog sometime. Ebay sounds really cute. Jeff.”

“Whoa, how’d he get our numbers? That’s weird.”

“Should I text him back? I don’t know what to say.” I said.

“Yeah, just tell him to come over tomorrow, at noon or something. We can eat lunch.”

“Ok, cool.” I got out of the car, and started my message, when I ran right into a big, tall, wall-like, person.

“Excuse me sir.” I said apologetically. I glanced up and realized it was Brandon Sutter. I continued walking and Madeline said “See, I told you I saw him in the elevator!”

“Today has been a good day for us. Three hockey players and you didn’t kill a clown.” I laughed. We stood and waited for the elevator for almost 5 minutes until the lady working at the lobby desk told us it was broken.

“Argh!” Madeline said. “I hate stairs.”

“We are only on the 4th floor. Relax.”

When we got up to our door I could hear Ebay on the other side barking.

“I wonder what he wants. We fed him and let him out before we left.” Madeline said. I pushed open the door and was horrified by what I saw.

“EBAY! NO! BAD DOG!” I hollered. The living room was a mess. Pillows and papers were everywhere and Ebay’s toys were everywhere.

“Ebay, What did you DO?” Madeline said. “Geez, This place is a wreck. What could have freaked him out so bad?”

“Maybe he was bored.” I said, trying to clean up the mess. “This will take forever!”

It took us 2 hours to clean up the mess, and by the time we finished we were both starving.

“Do you want to go to Five Guys and grab a burger?” Madeline asked.

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Hope you like it.... and please comment!!! I need some ideas.