Sequel: Happy Times
Status: Finished =) Duet

53 Minutes That Changed My Life

You do WHAT to Your Pizza?

“I’m not the greatest chef, but I think I can do mac’n’cheese.” Jeff offered.
“Sure, that works for me.” I said, I said sitting down on a bar stool. Madeline came over to join me and we sat in silence, watching Jeff make mac’n’cheese.

“Alright! Let’s eat.” Jeff said putting the plates down on the table.

“Yum, I love the smell of cheese.” Madeline said. “But Miss Picky over here doesn’t eat cheese, except for mac’n’cheese.”

I made a face at her and said, “I’m sorry, for not liking the most fattening food ever!”

“Well, excuse me! But I think it is delicious.”

“It’s good with pasta, but not on like crackers and stuff. It’s gross.” Jeff started to laugh.

“You really don’t like cheese? How can you not like cheese? What about pizza, that’s like one food everyone likes!” Jeff said, sounding suprised.

“I never really did like cheese, but mac’n’cheese is good because all you really taste is noodles, and about pizza-“

“She peels the cheese off and just eats the bread and sauce.” Madeline interrupted. Jeff burst out laughing, and tried not to choke on his food.

“You do WHAT to pizza? Just take the cheese off?”

“Yes sir.” I said, standing up and taking my plate into the kitchen.

“You don’t have to call me sir, or take your plate in the kitchen. I’ll get it.” Jeff said jumping up. “You’re the guests.”

“That’s OK, I got it.” I said and the door burst open, and a loud voice hollers, “JEFF, YOU IN HERE?”

“I’m in here man, and talk quieter we have guests.”

“Sorry, and by we have guest, do you mean you?” Justin Peters said as he walked around the corner and into the living room.

“Sure, I-“Jeff started.

“Hey, I’m Justin Peters, Jeff’s roommate. Nice to meet you.”

“Sierra McRichard.” I said.

“Madeline Johnson.” Justin came over to shake our hands. “Nice to meet you.” Madeline said.

“I thought you were practicing with Ward today.” Jeff said.

“Yeah, we were, but his wife called and said the kid was sick or something. So he said he’d better go.” Justin said grabbing a Gatorade out of the fridge.

“Well, we’d better go. Thanks for lunch, Jeff.” I said turning to the door.

“Yeah, come and visit Ebay sometime.” Madeline said.

“Yeah, I will.” Jeff said. We turned and started walking down the hallway.

“OK, isn’t Peters way cuter in person?” Madeline asked.

“Are you serious? The guys like 24!” I said. Madeline shrugged and pressed the elevator button.
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Sorry, this one is kind of a filler.