Status: Drabble. Complete.

The Painter


He became more and more aggressive with his painting when he started to think about his life. How could he be a real artist without being able to feel pain?

Real artists thrived on pain as inspiration. How much would it actually take for him to feel real pain? Or would he be doomed forever to live as this empty shell.

The more he thought, the more he painted. The more he painted, the more his thoughts ran wild.

What would it take to paint a masterpiece? Something with pure expression, pure talent, and pure emotion, he thought.

He stopped painting and simply stared at what he was doing.

No pain, no emotion.

He had to feel pain, and he was going to feel pain no matter what he had to do.


"Seeing this never gets any easier."

The image had haunted her ever since that tragic day.

She'd seen his masterpiece so many times, and yet every time she saw it, she had the same reaction. She would draw a blank face and just stare, almost stunned by it.

He was now well known as an artist all over the country, his works featured in hundreds of galleries, his story told by hundreds of people. . .

And yet here his soul was, sitting upon the canvas.
♠ ♠ ♠
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