Status: Finished.

Four Matches.

Frank's left the band...

Gerard’s P.O.V.
-Six Months Later-
I watch Jake across the room, using my art stuff to draw. I keep thinking if I should tell him or not. He’s happy. He had gotten over Frank a month ago and to my dismay he and Mikey were still seeing each other for quickies. But he was happy. He had gotten himself a job, thanks to Mikey actually. It was in the book store we used to work at before MCR. Mikey managed to give a good word for Jake and said he’d be just as good as a worker as himself. Jake had been working there for 4 months now. He loves it. He tried giving my mum money for rent. She refused of course. So every pay day he would go buy her something; wine, flowers, chocolates, a necklace, basically anything he knew she’d love. But this afternoon while Jake was at work, Ray popped by with some really bad news. I didn’t know how to tell Jake, maybe just show him the MCR website? I couldn’t do that… I’ll talk to him.
“Jake…?” I ask looking over at him still.
He put one figure up for a second then turned to me. “Yeah…?” He smiled.
“We need to talk… think you could take a break and come join me over here?” I smile as he nodded putting the pencil down and walked over before climbing onto the bed next to me.
“What’s up Gee bear?” He smiled and took one of my cigarettes from the packet.
I lean over and light his cigarette for him. “Well… Ray came around earlier and gave me some bad news…” I sigh and get out a cigarette for myself.
“Oh?” Jake raised an eyebrow, taking a drag. “Did someone shit on my parent’s grave or something?” He laughed a little.
A few weeks after we found out they had died, Ray planned on having them buried next to each other. I had forced Jake to go as much as he didn’t want to. I understood, but he needed to.
“Frank has left the band.” I start, watching for his reaction.
“What? Why? Is it because of me? Because if it is, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, My Chem is way more important than me.” Jake said staring at me.
“You aren’t the only reason… apparently he doesn’t like how everything has changed and how Mikey is now… and even me apparently… He doesn’t feel like a member of the band and decided it was time for a change. This also brings me to the other thing… Ray told me that apparently he has met someone…” I take a drag, watching Jake still.
“Oh…” Jake sighed and looked down, taking a drag of his cigarette. “Well good for him… I can’t say he can’t can I? I mean I’m the one that’s been fucking Mikey…”
I sigh and put my hand on his shoulder. “And he is moving… it’s all on the MCR site if you want to read it yourself…” I sigh and take a drag.
“Oh…” Jake said again, this time with a tear falling from his eyes.
I sigh and pull him close for a hug, wiping the tear away. “You don’t need him, Jake. You are much better. Please don’t let this affect everything you are doing now.” I stroke his back.
He shook his head. “I won’t… I love my job and my drawings… I just… He said we might get back together once he had recovered from the accident? Do you think it’s because he knew it was my parents?” Jake looked up at me with new tears falling.
I sigh, taking a drag and stroking his back some more. “You are amazing Jake… you just need to move on… you’re too good for him. Anyone could tell you that.” I kiss the top of his head.

-Two Hours Later-
Jake’s P.O.V.
I took a drive in my car. Yes, MY car. I had bought it last month with my 3 months worth of wages, along with the money Gerard and Mikey added to it. It isn’t anything special, but it runs, it has no problems and it’s sexy and it is all mine. I’m driving across town with ‘Taking Back Sunday’ playing through my stereo. They aren’t that bad. It’s not my CD, Mikey left it in there from last week after we went for our little adventure… I giggle a little, remembering how we decided to drive to New York just for the fun of it. I’m glad me and Mikey are friends now. Yes we fuck, but we’re friends. We talk, hang out like playing on the X-Box or listening to music, we go for rides in our cars and we just generally get along, not just in bed. I couldn’t see myself with Mikey. I mean, I like him, only in a best friend kinder of way and yes, I lust for him but nothing more. I know he feels the same, we discuss this quite a lot of the time. But now, I’m currently on my way around to his, I stop of at Taco Bell on the way.
“Welcome to Taco Bell, what can I get you?” The woman asked.
I told her my usual order, along with Mikey’s and drove around to the window. She told me how much is it and I grabbed my wallet, handing her the money. She handed me the change, followed by the bag with our food.
“Thank you, have a nice night.” I smiled at her politely and drove off.
About 2 minutes later, I pulled up outside of Mikey’s apartment and turned the engine off and got out. He knew I was coming round with food as I had texted him before I left. I knew he didn’t mind me just popping by, but I still hate just showing up unannounced. I knocked on the door 3 times and just as I was about to knock for the fourth time, Mikey opened the door and smirked, moving out the way for me.
“I brought dinner.” I smile and walk into the front room, quickly followed by Mikey.
“Yummy.” He smirked and sat down on the couch next to me.
I handed him his food and drink and got my own out. We sat and ate in silence, watching whatever Mikey had previously been watching on the TV. No more than 15 minutes later, we had finished eating and had sat back, my legs over his lap and laughing at the TV.
“Jake… I need to talk to you…” Mikey broke the silence and looked at me.
“If it’s about Frank, Gerard told me. So don’t worry, although I kinder want to know who this boyfriend is…” I frown.
“No, it isn’t about Frank, although his boyfriend’s Jared.” Mikey stroked my legs.
“Jared…?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Not as in Leto right?”
“Yeah, that’s why he’s moving to LA…” Mikey sighed.
“Oh… Sorry, what did you want to talk about?” I sigh and force a smile.
“I feel like it might hurt you more, now you know about Frank…” Mikey sighed and looked down, stroking my legs again.
“Just spit it out Mikes” I smile and sit up.
“Uh… we can’t… fuck and stuff anymore.” Mikey looked at me.
I raised an eyebrow again and chewed my lip. “Why not…?”
“You know, I’ve been spending time with Adam lately? Well… we sort of got closer the past few days… and well… he asked me out.” Mikey chewed his lip.
“Oh… That’s fine Mikey. We were only friends with benefits anyway.” I smile and hug him. “I’m happy for you. I’m glad you have someone.”
He smiled and hugged me back. “Thank you for being so understanding Jake. It means a lot. I’m sorry we won’t be able to do stuff anymore though…” Mikey said as I pulled away.
“No, don’t be. You have a boyfriend! You should be happy… I can find someone else or whatever… it’s not like we won’t be friends anymore is it?” I poke my tongue out at him.
“I’ll always be your friend.” Mikey smiled. “Thank you.”
I nod. “I think I might head back… I left an unfinished drawing, which needs to be completed.” I stood up.
“Ok… don’t be a stranger ok? Come round whenever you want.” Mikey stood up and hugged me properly.
We stood there for a minute, hugging before I pulled away. “Catch you later Mikes.” I smile.
I walk out to my car and get in, driving off quite quickly. I feel a tear fall. Why the fuck am I getting upset over this?! It’s not like me and Mikey were serious. I never wanted it to be! It’s just gone now… I don’t have the closeness, we shared. I pulled up outside of the house and turned the engine off. I sat in the car for a while. I tried to compose myself as I got out and walked inside. I walked down to Gerard’s room to see him, watching some horror on the TV. I sigh and sit back at the desk, continuing with my drawing from earlier. Neither of us said a single word to each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you prefer how this is layed out compared to how I used to type?
Could you let me know? Thanks :)