Status: First story!

This is just a dream right?


"Hush dont tell no one!",i said concerned. My friend Luey just sit there laughing like nothing is a big deal. I simply asked him what was wrong. "You L-liking Kirby!",He bursted out laughing. Ofcourse i wanted to cuff his throat with my hands,but i thought to be kind and let this pass. "Boys,its time to drop you guys off at Warped tour",his mom said while holding the door open. I sighed of relief. Me and Luey got off our butt's and walked out of his bedroom door. "Im so excited!!",Luey said. I gave him a half smile,so he doesnt complain if i dont. Im not in the mood for bitching.We all got in the car, After discovering all the objects outside,i thought about what was going to happen at Warped Tour. I rested my head onto my hand, and closed my eyes. Everything was pitch black,suddenly it showed me and Kirby at Warped Tour,making out. I fastly opened my eyes and shook my head,out of shockness. "Bro,are you okay?", Luey asked. "Yeah im perfect. Then smiled. Luey's mom stomped on the break and i went flying. My head landed on His mom's leg and my legs were leaning agains the passanger seat. "Are you sure you got your license?",i asked. She giggled. I got out of the car and rubbed my head. "Andy! look its K-",Before he can say Kirby i ran and jumped on him. Which made us both fell to the ground. "Oh my god!,im soo sorry!,i pleaded to him. "Bro, your on top of me!..Get off!,people are starring!",Luey whispered. I got off him immeditly and whiped my clothes off. Me and Luey walked up to this big buff guy,and handed him our tickets to"My chemical romance". He then, unleashed this red flexable pole and let us into the entrance of the concert. When i saw Gerard Way,the lead singer talking to a bunch of poparazzi,I litterally freaked out. "OH MY,LOOK!",i yelled as well holding onto Luey's left arm and jumping up and down. Luey took my hand off his arm, "Dude chillax,ladies are hear now." I pouted and followed Luey to a seat. "Ooo! there", i said while i pointed to seats up in the front row. I ran to our seats and sat down. It took awhile for Luey to come. I turn around and saw him sucking faces with....KIRBY! I felt m temper going up and anger coming threw my system. I got up and pushed Luey away. He wiped his lips and looked at me blankly,"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I gave him and Kirby a death stare and went back to my seat. Finally, the band went on stage and was getting read to perform. "Alright everybody!!!,has everyone had a good day today?", Gerard speaked into the microphone. Everyone screeched "YESSS!!",I just covered my ears from all the noise. Again he said, "Okay!,today we are going to sing:Welcome to the black parade!,Give 'Em hell kid, and Vampire money!!!". I whistled loud,while everyone scream like bloody murder. Just as they begin, i was getting a call from my friend Mark. I answered it and whispered "What do you want?!?,i am in the middle of a concert!". "I just wanted to say hey bro but whateves". He hanged up. I just sat in my seat like a retard,all by myself,smiling,starring at gerard under garments. Right when he sang, his voice went right through my ears.They felt like heaven,im pretty sure right now my ears are happy as a duck. On accidently,I let my head against the back of the chair and slowly closed my eyes. "Son,Son! time to get up!". I opened my eyes and wiped away my drool. "Oh my god! i slept threw the concert!",i panic. "Yeah now its time to go home,fellow.",a guy said. "Uhm there's a bit of a problem there,sir." I gulped. "Dont tell me you have no ride!",he sighed. "Sorry i dont!". Hopefully he takes me home,I know my parents wont bear to pick me up. I shaked my head and sat down onto a chair,and stuck my face into my hands. "Alright!,c'mon i will give you a ride",he said. I hopped up and smiled. We both walked out the place and head to his mustang. "Woah,she's a beauty",i said. I got into the passanger side and he finally start the car. I pressed some buttons to see what songs were on. Ooo! Situation is on!,i thought. I turn the volume blasting loud and nodded my head to the music. When he dropped me off at my house, my mom went coco's when i got inside. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?",she said worried. "Yes mom,stop worrying about me! im 16 years old now! i dont need to be babysit by you anymore." I said and went to my room. I could've felt her emotions. Ah i was totally a bitch to her. I opened my door to my room and plopped down on my soft,comfortable bed and sighed. Why am I so ugly!, i yelled. Right then, my mom rushed in and ran to me,"Are you okay honey?" I lifted my head up and nodded. "How was the concert?",she smiled. "It was ok. Not like I expected to be ,but it was ok." She then kissed me goodnight on my forehead and closed the lights. I thought about what should've happened today,Me kissing Kirby and having an amazing time at the concert. It went totally the oppisite way. I sighed again and closed my eyes. Then again, all i saw was darkness.
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How you fellow mates like.
Comments,eh? :3