Status: One-Shot

Crazy Kids

Crazy Kids

Pat and I had been best friends since we were little kids there wasn't really a day that we were not together. Everyone thought me and him were crazy because of the stuff we did i loved it we didn't live life by any rules but our own but one day that all changed when me and Pat decided to be a couple and this is the story of how it all happened.

Today me and Pat were going to our local fair i was super excited we had plans to get our faces painted, eat a lot of candy and go on as many rides as we could without getting sick. I was deciding what to wear when i saw that i had a text it was from Pat.

"Hey i will be there in an half an hour" pat:)

I texted back a quick ok and finished off getting ready i decided on wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a simple band T and converse to top it off i had my hair down and straight i never wore make up I didn't think i needed it when i was finished i went downstairs into my kitchen to grab something to eat before Pat got here. I grabbed some juice and cereal and sat down at my kitchen bench i was nearly finished when pat walked into the kitchen running up to and jumping on me screaming hello i just laughed and hugged him.

"Hey Pat"

"Come on Krysta let go i wanna go now come on" he said to me

I laughed at his silliness that i thought was so cute and got up from my seat and walked to my front door with pat following close behind me. I got into Pat's car and waited for him to get into the driver seat.

"Im so excited Pat today is going to be awesome we are going to eat so much candy and go on all the rides and get our faces painted' i smiled brightly at him

He started jumping up and down in his seat while giggling i was a bit scared since he was driving but laughed along with him anyway.

"Yes i want to get a tiger painted" he turned to me and roared and scratched his hand at me like a cat and then started purring.

I laughed uncontrollably at this but that was Pat my best friend and i wouldn't change him for the world me and him were the same and we understood each other like others didn't.

"Hmm I want??, Actually I don't know what I want what do you think Pat? " i asked him

"How about a Lion then we can kind of be the same or a Monkey that would be awesome"

"A Monkey"I asked laughing

"Do you want me to be like this?" i started pretending to be a money and grabbing at Pat's hair sounding like a Monkey

We arrived at the fair it was almost night time and all the lights were starting to go on.

Pat got out of the car and looked at me and smiled

"Of course because we are Crazy Kids and thats the way it always going to be" he said while coming around the car and linking arms with me we ran into the fair like little kids laughing our heads off while everyone stared at us but we didn't care we just kept doing what we wanted not caring what they thought.

"Lets get our faces painted first" i said while running to the face painting booth while yelling back to Pat.

"Oh by the way last one there is a rotten egg" i was quite confident that i was going to win until i felt someone grab my shirt and rip me back only to see Pat get to the booth before me all i could think was damn my short legs and his long ones

"That's no fair Pat you have long legs and i don't" I wined all he did was laugh at me and ruffle my hair.

We got our faces painted and decided to go eat some candy Pat got a bucket full of candy and we sat on the bench and started to eat it we were about halfway through when i couldn't eat anymore

"I'm going to be sick if i eat anymore" I told pat

"Time for rides"Pat said jumping up and down maybe more sugar wasn't the best idea for a crazy kid like pat i just laughed at him and nodded.

"What do you want to go on first" I asked him

"The Coaster" he took off in the directing of the roller coaster with me close behind him laughing

As we took our seats on the roller coaster I grew a bit nervous i never really liked them but i went on them for Pats sake and to make him happy because I loved seeing him smile. I liked Pat and I didn't mean just as friend it was more than that but that is something I would never tell him.

I would never want to ruin what we have, The coaster started and i turned to see pat looking forward with a big grin on his face but it was weird he kind of looked like he was deep in thought and whatever he was thinking about was making him smile.

The coaster was so fast and so much fun I felt a bit queazy when we went down the big dips but I soon got over it. I was having so much fun and tonight couldn't get any better then it already was the coaster came to a stop signalling that the ride was over we got off it and walked over to a bench.

"What's Next Krysta?" pat asked

"The Ferris wheel?" Pat looked at me and nodded we walked over to the ferris wheel we got into our carriage and we were off.

"How has your night been so far ?" pat asked me

"Awesome how about yours?"

"Great but there is something I have wanted to do all night" he smiled at me

Why is he acting so weird he is not being himself Pat is not usually like this something must be Wrong.

"Oh and what is that?" I asked

"This" he said then leaned in and gently kissed my lips

i was so shocked i didn't know what to do or say I was speechless, i wondered did he feel the same way as I did? I felt the excitement in the pit of my stomach and smiled at him.

"What was that?" i asked

"Listen Krysta I like you! and you mean more to me than just a friend and you have for a while i just wasn't sure how to tell you." he said shyly

I smiled.

"Me and you have been best friends since we were kids and were both so much alike, We both understand each other so well and i can't see my self with anyone else but you! I wanna be Crazy Kids with you FOREVER!" he smiled at me

"I feel exactly the same Pat, You don't know how happy this makes me" I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips as the ride came to a stop letting some of the riders off as It started again.

"Crazy kids forever"i whispered he smiled down at me capturing me in a kiss again

"Crazy kids forever" he whispered back and cuddled into me.
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this one shot is dedicated LuvRiot. read her stories there amazing:)
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