Fear Is Just for Losers

Live for the Moment

Early November

I swore quietly to myself.‭ ‬What did I honestly think I was doing‭? ‬The police would find me in no time and drag me back anyway.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬why should I embarrass myself by making the whole capitol of Raleigh search for me‭?

I shook my head.‭ ‬Why was I thinking like that‭? ‬I did it to get away‭…

Lifting my arm,‭ ‬I gazed at the large bruise where my father’s hand had pinned me against the wall.‭ ‬My head spun with images of his drunken speech and the gleaming silver knife in his hand.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬the sudden pinch as the blade cut a long line across my chest.‭
I’d been out walking the crowded streets all morning searching for a job.‭ ‬I entered store after store,‭ ‬filling out the same information and getting the same response.
‭“‬We’ll call you.‭”

Like hell they will‭! ‬I’d have to call in a few days just to make sure that someone knew that my application was in existence!

But,‭ ‬I wasn’t going to give up yet.

What did I honestly think I was going to get being a runaway‭? ‬That I was going to be able to go to college and become this important veterinarian who would save the lives of innocent animals‭? ‬I wish I could,‭ ‬but what was some‭ ‬19‭ ‬year old runaway really going to be capable of doing-‭ ‬especially one with only a bank card for‭ ‬2,000‭ ‬dollars and a backpack full of clothes‭? ‬The odds of being successful were slim to none.

I flipped my long red hair and continued.‭ ‬Maybe if I got a job and saved up enough money,‭ ‬I would be able to at least get myself a small place or something.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬things wouldn’t be so bad.

I quickly ran into a small corner shop and filled out an application.‭ ‬They didn’t look too interested when I handed it to a small woman behind the counter.‭ ‬I shrugged.‭ ‬Guess I’m not going to get‭ ‬that job.

Then,‭ ‬I merged into the crowd while it started to rain.‭ ‬Great-‭ ‬just what I needed.‭ ‬And I had no umbrella and nowhere to go.‭ ‬I sighed and stopped underneath the tarp of the largest arena in the capitol.‭ ‬At least here I could wait until it slowed down enough to continue.

I began to read the large bulletins that hung against the windows.‭ ‬The Barnum and Bailey Circus coming next week‭… ‬an ad for a lost cat‭… ‬various posters for local bands playing shows and then at the bottom of them all was a small piece of paper.

‭“‬Looking for friendly,‭ ‬female applicants to take a multiple task position-‭ ‬ability to travel is mandatory.‭ ‬Great pay and lots of benefits.‭ ‬Please contact Vince McMahon.‭”
Then at the bottom of the paper was a small number and a note.

‭“‬Call or come in to pick up an application today‭!”

I snorted.‭ “‬It sounds too good to be true.‭”

Then,‭ ‬I pulled the double doors open and walked up to the woman at the front desk.‭ ‬She glanced at me while she painted her nails a bright pink.

‭“‬Umm‭… ‬I was hoping to grab an application for the job posted outside.‭”

“You mean the one working for Mr.‭ ‬McMahon?‭”

I nodded my head.‭ ‬Yeah,‭ ‬I think that was his name.

She pointed to a heavy door on my right.‭ “‬You can pick one up in there.‭ ‬Talk to his secretary.‭”

“Thank you.‭” ‬I replied and headed for the room she had been referring to.‭ ‬I knocked carefully and opened it just enough to slip through.

There was another woman sitting behind the desk.‭ ‬She was beautiful with full, long brown hair.‭ ‬I walked up to the counter and smiled at her.

‭“‬Are you applying for the position‭?” ‬She spoke with a kind voice.

‭“‬Yes,‭ ‬please.‭” ‬I answered,‭ ‬feeling very underdressed.

Then,‭ ‬she handed me a clipboard.‭ “‬Good luck.‭”

I wasn’t sure how she meant that,‭ ‬but I went and sat down at a nearby bench.‭ ‬I reviewed the long application before proceeding.‭

They wanted all the usual stuff:‭ ‬name,‭ ‬birth date,‭ ‬and social security number‭… ‬Then there was another whole section that wanted to know if I had a fear of flying or was extremely camera shy.‭ ‬I shook my head.‭ ‬What the heck was all this‭?

Suddenly,‭ ‬the secretary’s voice broke my silence.‭ “‬Mr.‭ ‬McMahon‭?”

“Yes,‭ ‬Taryn‭?” ‬A deep voice rang around the room.

‭“‬You have another applicant.‭”

I straightened up as the man walked into the room to gaze at me.

‭“‬Well,‭ ‬that’s more like it.‭” ‬He smiled.‭ “‬What’s your name‭?”

I put down the application and stood up to shake his hand.‭ ‬That would make a good impression,‭ ‬right‭?

I pushed my hand out in front of me.‭ “‬My name is Alexa.‭ ‬It’s nice to meet you.‭”

He let his hand grasp mine.‭ “‬It’s a pleasure to meet you.‭ ‬Please,‭ ‬bring your application and come into my office.‭”

Shock ran through my veins as he turned and opened a small door behind his secretary.‭ ‬I ran back to grab my untouched application and follow him through the door.

When I entered,‭ ‬he was already standing behind the large desk.‭ “‬Please have a seat.‭” ‬He gestured to a few chairs in front of him.‭ ‬I walked over and sat down on one.

Mr.‭ ‬McMahon sat down and smiled.‭ “‬So,‭ ‬tell me a little about yourself,‭ ‬Alexa.‭”

I cleared my throat.‭ “‬Well,‭ ‬I’m‭ ‬19‭ ‬years old‭…” ‬My head shot a warning at me.‭ ‬Maybe he wouldn’t consider someone so young for the job.‭ ‬I better cover my butt before it’s too late‭…
“I’m still fairly young,‭ ‬but I’m sure I can handle anything that you’d like me to do.‭ ‬I’m a really hard worker and show up to work on time‭… ‬I learn pretty easily too‭…” ‬My voice trailed off.

He nodded silently.‭ “‬Do you know who I am‭?”

The color drained from my face.‭ “‬Maybe not the way I should.‭” ‬I admitted.

He laughed mightily.‭ “‬I’m Vince McMahon‭! ‬I own the most successful pro wrestling company in the world‭!”

I suddenly remembered the wrestling shows that I flipped on TV every once and a while-‭ ‬the ones where Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin reigned.

I nodded,‭ ‬understanding.‭

“The job you are applying for will have you doing little things around the arena’s we are playing at.‭ ‬Won’t your parents be upset‭?”

I automatically rubbed the bruise on my arm.‭ “‬No.‭”

Mr.‭ ‬McMahon stood and walked around his desk to me.‭ ‬He reached over and took my arm in his hand.

‭“‬But,‭ ‬you’ll be away almost all of the time‭…” ‬He let his eyes lower and rest on the bruise.‭ ‬He lifted my arm up to get a better look of it.‭ ‬Suddenly,‭ ‬realization settled over his face.‭ ‬He must have made out the imprint of my father’s hand.‭

‭“‬I see.‭” ‬He answered.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬he walked back around the desk and sat down.

‭“‬You’re trying to get away,‭ ‬then.‭”

I nodded,‭ ‬feeling a bit ashamed.

‭“‬Well,‭ ‬then I’d be happy to hire you.‭”

My eyes widened.‭ “‬Really‭?”

He smiled.‭ “‬There’s nothing I like more than giving a good job to such a beautiful young lady.‭ ‬Especially if she’s not being treated right.‭”

I swallowed.‭ ‬Was he really serious‭?!

“Let me describe the position and you can tell me if it’s something you’d be interested in doing.‭” ‬He nodded his head and continued.‭ “‬I will have you doing small little things around here like delivering mail‭; ‬maybe even a little secretary and tech work if they need help.‭ ‬Other than that,‭ ‬I'm going to have you learning our schedule and letting each of the guys know when they need to be in the ring.‭”

I nodded.‭ ‬That didn’t sound too hard.

‭“‬So,‭ ‬you get the privilege of working directly with the guys.‭ ‬Maybe later after you’ve got a handle on everything I’ll have you doing a little acting on camera.‭ ‬If you’re good at it,‭ ‬I may just team you up with one of my guys and teach you to wrestle.‭”

My head spun.

Mr.‭ ‬McMahon smiled happily to himself.‭ “‬What do you think‭?”

I was speechless.‭ “‬Mr.‭ ‬McMahon…this is just‭…”

“Please.‭ ‬Call me Vince.‭”

I shook my head.‭ “‬This is more than I could have ever asked for.‭”

He nodded.‭ “‬I’ll start you off at‭ a little over five grand a month‬.‭”

My mouth dropped.‭ Five grand?! ‬I was expecting‭ ‬$7.50‭ ‬an hour at all the local stores‭!

“But,‭ ‬don’t worry‭; ‬there are plenty of things that can get you bonuses and vacation time.‭ ‬I’m not an unreasonable man.‭”

“Thank you so much‭!” ‬I blinked.‭ “‬I won’t let you down.‭”

The man grinned.‭ “‬I wouldn’t doubt it.‭”

I nodded.

‭“‬Great.‭ ‬Then,‭ ‬you’re hired.‭ ‬Be here at noon tomorrow and we’ll get you started.‭ ‬We’ll send you to Eliza and get you a nice wardrobe and some make up.‭”

I stood and reached over to shake his hand.‭ “‬Thank you so much,‭ ‬Mr.‭ ‬McMahon‭!”

“Vince." He reminded. "It’s no problem at all.‭ ‬I’ll see you tomorrow.‭”

I grinned and sprinted out of the arena,‭ ‬feeling as if I was on top of the world.‭
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Don't be too hard on me, okay? I'm not saying that this story is correct with personalities all the time. It's a fan fiction, guys. Roll with it, kay?