Coming Alive in August

Unfortunate Events

Claudia's POV:

I groan loudly throwing my head back. Kait sighs and goes to my dresser and looks through all my clothes. "I don't know why he is taking me to a baseball game. I don't like baseball. Can you come with us? Please?" I fall back onto my bed. I stare up at the ceiling sighing. "I've seen him every day since we met. Its been great. But this, no this is too much," I hear Kaitlin close one of my draws.

She falls back onto my bed next to me and looks up at the ceiling too. "I can't just go to a baseball game, I need a ticket. This isn't too much. He wants to have fun, just let him. It's not like you are meeting his parents," she starts to laugh at me and sits up. I sit up too and just stare at her blankly. "Get dressed. Keep it casual. I am going to Ryan's house so I need to get dressed. I shall see you later. Keep me posted," she slides herself off of my bed and starts to head for the door.

"Wait," I stand up from my bed and wait for her to turn and look back at me and stop. "Why don't you hang out with Ian today? All you have been doing is seeing Ryan," I rub my arm feeling like a jerk for saying this. It was true though. I know I have been spending my time with Joe, but I am pretty sure by now we were a couple or at least close to it. I had confessed to myself that I wanted this and liked him. But Kai, she hung out with Ian that one day at the restaurant. I don't even think she has talked to him.

She doesn't respond with words but a simple shrug. She turns to walk away again but I hurry to her and grab her arm. When she looks at me I give her a questioning look releasing her arm. "We didn't exchange numbers. I kind of ran away from him when dinner was over. I had a good time with him but I don't know. He probably thinks I have issues. He'd be right. Just let me hang out with Ryan. I like him," she give s a little shrug.

"Like him, like him?" I ask her. I sounded childish like I was in elementary school or something. When you told your best friend, I like like him, or something along those lines.

"Its Ryan. Of course I like like him, its just I would never date him because I know his past. I don't know. Just focus on you and Joe," she smiles then skips away shutting the door behind her.

I roll my eyes playfully with a smile on my face. I am going to listen to her. Focus on me and Joe. Will do.


Kait decided to walk to Ryan's house. She wouldn't take my car or let me just have Joe drop her off. She didn't even want Ryan to pick her up. I don't know, but the weather is close to perfect today. Not the normal overly hot California weather. There is a nice breeze and the sun is high in the sky. I guess it was nice enough to sit through a baseball game. I sit outside waiting for Joe to pick me up. I didn't have to wait that long for him to show up. The second I saw his car I walked over and got in. I turn to look in the back seat and meet eyes with William Beckett and Adam T. Siska. "Uh, hi?" I mutter then turn around and put my seat belt on.

Joe looks back at the two then at the road driving off. He looks at me with a smile and takes my hand rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "They are going to the game so I figured I'd take them with us and save the planet," he chuckles softly.

"Plus, Pete is waiting till he picks up Bronx to go and we wanted to see the game from the beginning," Will pitches into the conversation. "Once at the stadium we will leave you. Sorry for intruding," he added softly after.

"We're all Dodger fans here," I say feeling like an idiot. I'm not. I don't like baseball. This is stupid. Why did I even agree to going? He should be going with Pete, Will and Sisky, not with me. "You know, you could have just gone with them to the game. It probably would have been more enjoyable," I look at Joe feeling guilty. I'm not exactly sure why, but I feel like I am doing something wrong.

"I want to go with you. We don't even have seats near each other. I thought it would be something different for us to do," he shrugs and glances at me quickly then back to the road. "Was this a bad idea?" he keeps his voice low and soft.

"No, its great. We get to be out on this nice day," I sound confused with my words. I look at him and smile to tell him I really am happy to be with him right now. I didn't want to be the bitchy girlfriend that never let her boyfriend do anything. I am not even his girlfriend, but still. Joe looks at me and smiles again. He nods keeping the smile on his face.


"We'll see you around," Joe says putting his arm around my shoulders. He already had bought himself a beer. He tried to get me one but I had him just buy me a coke. I didn't really feel like drinking today. I never really feel like drinking and when I do I only do just because I can. Its like when you turn 18 you can buy cigarettes. I like knowing I can even though I don't smoke. Same with being 21 and buying alcohol. It gives me a sense of being important.

Our seats were near third base. I'm not sure if that is good or not but you could see everything really way. He kept hold of my hand. It felt nice. I couldn't really stop myself from staring at it. He nudges me with his elbow making me look away from out hands and up at his eyes. "It means a lot to me you came with me. I've never made a friend as quick as I have with you," his thumb grazes over my hand.

"I'm happy to be here," I tell him and kiss him on the cheek quickly as a thank you. We haven't kissed since the second day we knew each other. I've held back my feelings. I didn't want to scare him off by kissing him all the time. We only knew each other for a little over a week.

A few innings into the game I went off to use the restroom. I didn't even have to use it I just wanted to splash water on my face and get another coke. I told Joe I would grab him another beer while I was out there. He offered me money but I told him it was my treat. He had already done enough, the least I could do was buy him a drink.

When I want out of the restroom I see Sisky. "Hey, Sisky," I call out. He stops and looks at me afraid. He then smiles and comes over to me. "Has Pete showed up yet?" I ask keeping a friendly smile on my face.

"Yeah. He has Bronx wearing a Dodger's hat and shirt. Its pretty cute. Are you and Joe enjoying the game?" he bites into his hotdog and looks around for a second then focuses back on me.

"Yeah. I'm not really in to baseball though. I'm not so sure Joe is either. He keeps staring at me instead of the game," I shrug.

"Heh, well if it helps Joe has been talking about you. He thinks you're pretty awesome," Sisky chuckles and shakes his head. "I should get back to the guys. It was really great meeting you Claudia," he smiles.

"Could I get your number. Maybe I can talk Joe into having a cookout at his condo after the game," I couldn't stop the thought from leaving my head. I sort of shouted it at him even though he was standing right next to me.

"Yeah, give me your phone, here," he hands me his phone and I hand him over mine. It takes only a few seconds for us to input our numbers. "Thanks," he waves his phone then walks away.

I smile to myself putting my phone away and headed over to a stand to guy a beer and coke. The line was pretty long and I could hear cheering. It was so loud that when it ended I had ringing in my ears. When I came back to my seat Joe stood at the sight of me.

"What took so long? I was about to call you," he sits back down as I do. I hand him his drink then take a quick sip of mine.

"I talked to Sisky and then the line was long," I tell him and go right back to holding his hand.

"How about after this inning we leave? We can go back to my place and relax or maybe go catch a movie," he smiles letting go of my hand and putting his arm on the back of my chair.

I felt all giddy inside. I've been feeling like this a lot lately. It was a new feeling but I really hope it lasts. Everyone deserves to be happy and Joe is making that happen for me. "We could watch a movie at your house," I bite my lip and look away from him embarrassed. It was nice.

"So basically i now have an excuse to get close to you on a couch?" he chuckles then winks at me. He finished his beer quickly and my best guess was that I should probably drive us back to his house. There really shouldn't be an argument over that, I want us both safe. He doesn't seem drunk and he could probably drive perfectly, but I wanted to be safe.

The players on the field switched and Joe looked at me smiling wide. "Ready to head out?" he asked. We stood up at the same time and he took my head leading me away from out seats and outside of the stadium.

I wanted to wait till we reached the car to ask to drive. I didn't want to seem eager or pushy. "Hey, uh do you mind if I drive?" I ask the second I see his car.

"Yeah, sure," he hands over his keys and lets go of my hand. That was too easy. The only way that could have been easier is if he had asked me to. I am happy it was easy though. Some people have this weird thing about people driving their car. I do from time to time.

After driving for a few minutes I catch Joe pulling something out of his coat pocket. I didn't want to look away from the road and tried my best to see what is was through the corner of my ear. He flicked open a lighter and lite up what from my view looked like a cigarette. The second the smoke started to spread throughout the car I knew it wasn't. It was weed. Fucking weed. I don't understand why he would just pull that out right now.

"Joe," I sternly say and finally look over at him. I grab the joint out of his hand. "This doesn't make you look cool" I stare at it, take a puff trying not to choke then blow it out. My body shivers with disgust and I throw the joint out the window "I've never had to say this but could you maybe not smoke in front of me? I'm sorry but its gross. And pot is illegal," I look away from him then in the rear-view mirror seeing police lights. [i[fuck! I pull over and grip the wheel.

"Claudia, I didn't know it would bug you so much. I'm sorry," he sounded like he meant it.

"It is not something you just pull out. I know this is your car but I don't want you putting something in you that could hurt you," I sucked in air to fight away the sudden feeling of crying.

A police officer knocks on my half open window. "Could you please step out of the car?" he tells me. I glance at Joe quickly then step out. "What was that you threw out your window?" the words made my heart stopped.

"Officer," I choke out.

"Is this your car?" he asks pointing at it.

"Officer its mine. She didn't throw anything out the window, I did," I look over to see Joe out of the car.

"I smell marijuana, is there a reason to believe that there is some hidden in the car?" the officer looks at Joe.

"No," he says and looks down at the ground.

"Have you been smoking it?" he asked stepping closer to Joe.

"I lite it but she freaked out so I threw it out the window," Joe bite his lip nervously. He is taking the full blame not even letting me get a word in. My whole body is shaking right now. Thoughts race throughout my mind. I'm screwed.


Kaitlin's POV:

I get myself all ready quickly and head out of the apartment not bothering to say goodbye to Claudia again. I didn't want to bug her anyway. I wanted to walk to Ryan's house and really get a good look at everything around here. He didn't live to far and it would be good exercise for me. Plus, if I got tired I could always call Ryan and have him come find me. He wanted to pick me up but I told him no. I didn't want to be a burden on anyone. I cut through a park to hopefully shorten my walking time. I wasn't exactly sure. I keep looking at my phone to make sure I am heading in the right direction.

I hear a whining and it makes me look around. I follow the sound of it and find myself at a little river hidden behind bushes and trees. I could hear the whining like it was close but I couldn't see anything. I bend over to look closer to the water and gasp. I get down on my knees and lean forward pulling a puppy out of the patch of mud and leaves right before the water begins. "Oh god, everything will be alright puppy," I coo softly and pet its head.

I hold it close in my arms not caring the mud is getting all over me. I start to sprint then it turns into full out running. I need to get to Ryan's house and clean the dog. I don't care. I couldn't just leave it there. I keep running and look behind me for a second then just as I go to look forward run into someone and fall over. The puppy starts to bark.

"Sorry," I mumble and push myself up. Ian is brushing off his pants then looks up at me. "I guess me hurting you hasn't stopped," I look away then at the dog.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to call you but I didn't get your number. Are you alright?" he ask pointing to the dog.

"I was really weird the other night. I'm sorry. Do you have a car? I need to get to Ryan's house," I ask stepping closer to him.

He snorts and nods. "I have a motorcycle. If I give you a ride, can I have your number and maybe take you out where its just us and no pressure?" he blushes then looks away from me.

I forget about the dog for a second and smile like a loser. "I'd love that," I giggle then get back into caring about the dog.

"Come on," he starts to walk me towards a parked black motorcycle on the street.

I hold the dog out in front of me to see if its a boy or girl. Boy. I smile to myself and put him in my tote bag. He pops his head out and looks at me. "I'm going to call you Rocco and get you cleaned up at Ryan's house," I tell the puppy in a baby voice.

Ian looks at me smiling and holding out a helmet. I put it on and then get on the bike after him. I hold my bag close and tightly to make the dog as safe as possible. The jolt of the motorcycle going forward makes me scream and clench onto Ian tightly. I've never been on a motorcycle before and I am absolutely terrified. I keep my eyes closed not wanting to see things fly by us. I feel the vibration of his laughter against my chest. He found this funny. He found me being scared shitless funny.

When the bike stops moving I still keep myself clinging to him. Even with the engine off I don't let go. Rocco starts barking and I finally let go of Ian and take the helmet off. "Was that too scary for you?" he smiles brushing hair out of my face.

I blush and shake my head. "I was scared for the dog. I want him to be safe," my voice is shaky making my lie not believable at all. I clear my throat and get off of the motorcycle. "I uh, I should really get inside and wash him. And probably ask Ryan if I can wash my clothes," I look down at myself seeing how different I had gotten from the puppy.

"I have an extra shirt and sweatshirt if you want them," he shoves his hands into his jeans pockets and looks down at the ground.

"That would be really great actually. Do you want to hang out with me and Ryan?" I look toward Ryan's front door then back at Ian.

"Yeah, I can help clean the little pup," he turns to his motorcycle and grabs a shirt and sweatshirt out of a compartment that I would have never guessed was on the bike. I lead him to Ryan's front door and knocked a few times before opening the door.

"Ryan, I'm here," I call out. His cat Ringo jumps up my leg and into my arms. Ian shuts the door and places his hand on the small of my back. Ringo stares at Rocco like he is about to pounce on him. From around the corner Ryan appears with a beer bottle in his hand. He points at Ian with it then takes a sip. I look back at Ian quickly then at Ryan. "I ran into him so he gave me a ride. Uh, I found this puppy stuck in mud. Can I wash him and my clothes?" Ringo jumps out of my arms and out of the room.

"Yeah, give me your clothes so I can put them in the wash," he holds out his free hand and walks closer to me.

"Let me wash Rocco first then change into Ian's shirt. I'll need to wash my bag too since he got mud all over it," I look down at Rocco and he jumps up and licks my face.

"Alright, yeah yeah. Uh, you know where the bathroom is. There's dog shampoo under the sink. Want a drink?" Ryan tilts back his beer in his mouth. "Have you two been talking?" he asks with a smirk dancing on his lips.

I look at Ian quickly then walk off to the bathroom. The two follow me in, Ryan stays in the doorway and Ian helps me put Rocco in the tub. I take off my hoodie and take my wallet, glasses case, keys and makeup bag out of my tote bag and put them on the sink counter.

"Kai?" Ryan mutters.

I stare at him. We have a mental conversation. He just had to give me a look for me to know what he wanted to know. "No, we don't even have each others numbers. Ryan can we not focus on you wanting me to get a boyfriend for a second?" Nervousness falls over me. I turn away and grab the dog shampoo then go over to Ian. and sit on the edge of the tub. I get my phone out of my pocket and hand it out to him. "You can put your number in," I smile shyly and he takes it. I turn on the water and get the puppy wet. He looks up at me scared and sad. "You'll have a nice home with me Rocco," I lather up the shampoo on him and he sits completely still letting me.

"Why'd you name him Rocco?" Ryan asks. Arms go around my waist and lips press to the back of my neck. I can see Ian from the corner of my eye, so it can't be him.

"Because my favorite show as a kid was Rocco's Modern Life. Um, is there a reason you are holding me? What are you doing?" I turn in his hold and stare at him.

"I know how you like hugs from behind," he smiles.

"Yeah. Could you not right now though?" I wiggle away from him and shut off the water. Rocco looks up at me and Ian hands me over a towel. I pick up the puppy with it and hold him close. I look at Ryan. "You're freaking me out Ry," I kiss the top of the dogs head then set him down on the floor.

"Yeah, I don't know. Just get changed," he leaves the bathroom.

I look at Ian confused. Rocco scratches at my legs begging for me to pick him up again. Ian hands over his shirt and sweatshirt. I smile at him then watch him leave the bathroom and shit the door. I quickly change into his things and gather up mine. I put my dirty shirt and hoodie into my tote bag and hold my things leaving the bathroom. Rocco follows me out and into the living room. He rubs his head around on the carpet and starts to go insane.

Ryan stands up at the sight of me and grabs my dirty things without a word. I set my other things on the coffee table and sit down next to Ian on the couch. Rocco barks at me and I pick him up and put him on my lap.

"Ryan is jealous of me. I don't want to sound like a dick but first I sort of replaced him in a band and now I may replace him in a girl's life," he stares into my eyes and I start to laugh nervously. "Maybe you should tell him that you think of him as a gay best friend," Ian smiles and starts to pet Rocco.

"He knows that me and him will never be anything if that's what you mean. But if you want to replace him as my gay best friend then you better start practicing," I blush and look up to see Ryan coming over.

"Are we still having today as planned or are you going on with hobbit boy here?" Ryan sips his beer and rolls his eyes.

I hand Rocco over to Ian and go over to Ryan. "Hey, be nice. Isn't this what you wanted? Me to be normal around Ian? Why are you acting so weird? He doesn't have to be here. He can leave," I softly say so only he can hear.

"I don't know what came over me. Would it be bad if I told him to leave? He can get his clothes back another day," Ryan looks down at the ground confused.

I nod and walk over to Ian. "Hey, Ian. Do you think maybe Ryan and I could have time alone or something? I'll call you tomorrow and we can meet up somewhere so I can give you your clothes," I bite my lip nervous. Ian nods and places Rocco on the floor then stands up.

"We can go to the park. I can bring my dog and you we can walk our dogs," he smiles and then walks past us and goes to leave the house.

I bend down and pick up Rocco. "Movies and pizza?" I look at Ryan.

"Yeah, come on," he walks over to his couch and falls into it.

**hours pass**

I am half falling asleep on Ryan's shoulder as we continue to watch movie after movie. Rocco is asleep on my lap. Ryan is breathing slowly and heavily, I don't want to open my eyes to see if he has fallen asleep too. I don't even know how we became so tired. We have just been sitting here all day.

The sound of my phone ringing jolts my body up and I scream. Rocco wakes up and barks, Ryan jolts and we make eye contact. I answer my phone with an annoyed hello.

"Its Claudia. Me and Joe are at the police station. Ugh, its so stupid. Can you come here please?" Claudia groans loudly.

I stand up and stare down at Ryan. "Oh my god. We'll be there. Claudia! Oh god," I hang up and look down at Ryan. "Claudia and Joe got arrested or something. We need to get the police station," I pick up Rocco and stare at him. "What has happened?" I ask him then go into petting him.

"I'll get your things. Um. I have one of Hobo's old collars. Do you want it for Rocco?" he ask standing up.

"Please," I smile weakly.
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