Coming Alive in August

Mysteries in the Foam

Kaitlin stares up at the ceiling as she lies in Ian's bed. Rocco is lying on her stomach and she pets him aimlessly. She sighs and then looks to her side to see Claudia pulling on a red heel. ”I feel weird being here without Ian,” Kait comments. She sits up making Rocco fall to her lap. The movement makes Skywalker lift his head up from his place next to Kait's legs.

”Why? You are always here,” Claudia says with a shrug.

Kait shrugs back and looks down at the puppy. ”I really really like Ian. How long has it been now? And are we counting August first as the first day of you and Joe? I mean, you did sleep at his house that night," she smirks for a moment while leaning over and hugging Rocco tightly. "I think Claudia might fall in love, what do you think Rocco?" she says in a baby voice. The small dog barks in response.

Claudia picks up one of Ian's pillows and hits Kait with it making her fall over. "I don't fall in love. I can't bring myself to do that. Shut up. You are the one over here all Oh Claudia, I'm in Ian's bed. Ooooo, I like him a lot. Yeah. Ian Ian Ian" Claudia laughs and sets the pillow down. "I think you are the one falling in love," Claudia smiles. She sits down on the edge of the bed and pets the sleeping Skywalker.

Kaitlin falls silent and keeps her eyes on Rocco. "You know, Ian is a very loveable person," she comments softly.

Claudia shrieks and jumps up. Skywalker becomes alert and growls at her. "No growling Skywalker, be happy!" Claudia cheers. She shrieks loudly again and jumps up and down in place. "Are you actually letting a guy into your life? When are you going to tell him?" Claudia claps her hands together repeatedly jumping from one foot to the other.

"I never said I loved him, its too soon but I feel like I will soon. Things are about to change in my life. I'm about to become a woman," Kaitlin says. She sets Rocco down next to her. She scoots to the edge of the bed and gets off of it. She looks down at herself fixing her black flappet styled dress.

"Does Ian know this?" Claudia asks with a wide smile.

"No because I don't know when it will happen. It probably won't anytime soon, I'm thinking like in a few months. I can't just rush into that. Give me time!" Kaitlin says and throws her fist in the air.

Claudia laughs and pats her back. "Okay Goddess of Raditude, whatever you say," Claudia giggles.

The two girls leave the room and then the house getting into Claudia's car. The ride to Angels and Kings was short and filled with the girls belting out the lyrics to a mix tap Kait made of Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump, The Cab and others.

Claudia parks her car behind the building where the employees and VIPs are suppose to park. The two girls are let in through the back door by Pete and then led out to the main club area. People have already made a giant crowd on the dance floor. It was impossible to find anyone or even walk around.

Pete places his hands on Kait's shoulders from behind and sighs. "I think I let to many people in. I hope you two can find Joe and Ian just fine. They're around here somewhere. Try to find them before-” Pete is cut off by a loud buzzer. Soapy foam begins to fall from the ceiling and burst out of canon like objects. Pete sighs shaking his head. He walks off toward the VIP section leaving the two girls.

”Never thought I'd go to a foam party,” Claudia comments rubbing the back of her neck. She groans and readjusts the lavender colored wig on her head. ”And this?” She points to the wig. ”Has to be the most annoying thing ever. How is yours?” she asks with a sigh.

Kait touches the short blond finger waved wig on her head. ”I forgot I had it on to be honest. Its more comfortable than the red one I have,” she shrugs.

Claudia nods slowly, her eyes fixed on the foam covered people. ”You look nice as a flapper though,” She looks at Kait and smiles at her. ”I'll see you around, I am going to find Joe,” she gives another smile before walking away.

Kait stands alone for a second rubbing her arm awkwardly. She heads to the mob of people. She keeps her pace slow in no rush to get there. She stands at the edge of the crowd letting the foam cover her. She sighs rubbing the back of her head. Her eyes close so foam doesn't get in them at the same time a hand lands on her arm. Before she can react she is forced to turn around. Hands cup her cheeks and lips are pressed to hers. She relaxes almost instantly keeping her eyes closed. A moan escapes her lips and her knees begin to get weak. The kiss felt exactly like how she had dreamed a week in advance.

Claudia's POV:

I scope out the club trying to find the familiar jew fro I love so much. I turn my head hearing a man's laughter and smile wide. Joe, Ian and Brendon are leaning against the bar with drinks in hand. Joe tips back his bottle of beer with a smile dancing on his lips. I take a deep breath before I go to approach them.

With his lips still attached to his beer Joe looks toward me. He moves his drink away setting it on the bar top. With his smile wide, he heads toward me. Without any words, he wraps his arms around me tightly. I hug him back and place a tender kiss on his neck.

”Hmm, its good to see you,” he softly says in my ear.

Butterflies explode in my stomach. I pull and kiss him quickly on the lips. ”Its good to see your lovely face,” I giggle, a blush spreading over my cheeks.

He rests his arms around my shoulders then leads me to the guys. Ian gives a little wave taking his last sip of some kind of drink. ”Playing with wigs again? What color is Kai today?” Ian chuckles.

”Blond. She's probably looking for you on the floor,” I tell him and almost instantly he is off.

Joe's arms go around my waist from behind. He rests his chin down on my shoulder. I lean my head back so it rests in between his shoulder and neck. Brendon's eyes flick from me to Joe then he smiles.

”Should I leave you two alone?” He raises am eyebrow with a smirk.

”No, we can stay and chat,” I tell him and look at Joe. He kisses my nose and smiles.

"You guys should go get lost in the foam. Maybe all the soapiness will turn you on," Brendon chuckles then takes another sip of his drink.

I choke on my breathing and pull away from Joe to see his reaction. He was holding back from exploding into laughter. His eyes meet mine and in the same second his hand grips onto mine. He pulls me away from Brendon and into the crowd. I scream as the foam falls onto me. Joe laughs at me and pulls me deeper into the crowd. Joe doesn't stop until we are directly in the center of the floor. Joe pulls my hips into his and starts to grind. I cover my face and start to laugh.

"Hey, I'm trying to make you horny. Come on!" he says like he is serious and then breaks out laughing.

I shake my head at him with my hands pressed to his chest trying to keep a distance. "You are insane. We are in public!" I giggles.

"I want everyone to know I have an awesome woman in my life," he stops his moving and places two fingers under my chin making me look at him. I smile at him with a blush creeping on my cheeks. "You mean a lot to me and I'm not afraid to show it," his voice is soft but loud enough for me to hear over the music.

I make myself closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. I have no wish to move away. I was liking this too much.

Kaitlin's POV:

My eyes stay close and I feel like any second now I would wake up from a dream. His lips leave mine and arms leave my body. I take a deep breath and open my eyes slowly to see he is no where in sight. I stand up on my tippy toes in hope of seeing him. Nothing. I sigh and look at the crowd next to me. I sneak through the people getting myself completely covered in the foam not even caring. I am completely in bliss. My heart is pounding against my chest with the beat of the bass in the music.

A hand grips around my wrist. I turn around quickly and smile. "Ian," I gasp happily.

"No matter how your hair is, you look beautiful. Why are you so beautiful? Even with all this foam," he smiles back.

I blush not being able to find the right words to say. I just want to kiss him again. Have his lips pressed to mine. Have the feeling of bliss reignite all over again. I am fully ready to just be normal with him. Be like everyone else around us and just kiss.

"Come on, lets get out of here. I want to take you somewhere," he smiles and pulls me out from the crowd of people. He runs, he runs pulling me all the way outside and to his motorcycle. His hair all wet from the bubbles making it stick to his forehead. He keeps silent not saying a word as he hands me a helmet. I follow him onto the bike and and grip onto him tightly.

He zooms off down the road without a care in the world. I keep my eyes closed afraid to see the world passing by us. Afraid of losing the moment.

I stay attached to him even after the bike is stopped. I open my eyes to see the Hollywood sign right next to us. I get off the motorcycle and stare at the sign. I hear Ian's chuckle from behind me and his arms go around me. I smile and take my helmet off. Ian takes it from me and sets it down. He lets go of me and goes over to his bike. I watch as he takes a blanket out of the secret compartment on the bike. He lays it out next to me and then sits down. He rubs next to him for me to sit down.

I giggle and do it. He places his hand over mine with a smile. "Close your eyes," he whispers. I breathe in through my nose slowly and listen to him. He cups my cheek, his hand shakes like he is nervous. His breath caresses my lips. I move toward him to meet him the rest of the way. Our lips crash together. The feeling is different from before, but better. Our lips mold together perfectly. His so soft gliding against mine slowly. I cup his neck and lean even closer to him.

He pulls away pressing his forehead t mine. "I wanted to make this special, ya know, our first kiss. Kait, I can't even explain how I feel about you," he softly tells me before kissing me again.

I hesitate kissing him back this time making him pull away from me. He looks at me like he hurt me. I stare at him and think back to the club and the kiss. My mind races to my dream and the night it happened. I gasp and open my eyes wide. He quickly grabs onto my hand like he was afraid I would run. I stare at him but don't focus on him. I continue my thinking. Ryan. The kiss at the club, the kiss in the dream feeling so real. All Ryan. Those were his lips, not Ian's.

I look away from Ian and try to shake the thought from my head. I look back at him and throw myself at him. He falls over with his hands landing on my sides. I kiss him again making him groan. He can never know.