Coming Alive in August

Calm Before the Storm

"Hey! Kaitlin! Turn around!" Brendon shouts. He's leaning in a doorway with one head on his hip and a smirk on his lips.

Kait looks at Ian who is laughing before she turns around. Her eyes fall on Brendon's crotch. He is wearing a banana hammock that is bright green. "Is that you and Spencer on your dick?" she asks disgusted.

Brendon looks down at himself and nods. He puts his thumbs under the straps and smiles. "It says 'that green gentleman," he happily announces.

Kait covers her eyes and groans loudly. "This is why I hate the Panic fandom," she starts to giggle. She peaks through her fingers to find Brendon thrusting his hips in the air.

"Want me to take it off?" Brendon asks and starts to take the straps off.

"No! Oh my god, keep the cock covered," Kait shrieks.

Brendon breaks out laughing. "You act like you've never seen one in person," his smile fades when he sees Kait look at the ground and Ian whisper something in her ear.

"They still haven't had sex yet," Dallon tells Brendon softly. "Its still a bitter subject with Kait," he adds in a whisper.

Brendon's face drops. He automatically feels horrible even though he was only joking around. From time to time he couldn't stop himself and would say anything. "Kai-bear, I'm sorry," he mutters.

Kait shrugs. "In all honesty, I have seen Ian's dick," she mumbles then turns to face Ian.

He smiles at her and kisses the tip of her nose. "A lot actually. Um. It started because one day I chased her around my house after I got out of the shower. I may have scarred her for life," Ian chuckles. His words make Kait instantly turn red.

"You scarred me when I walked into your house to find you pinning her to the wall. Let's just say for a little guy, Ian is packing," Spencer says it casually like it was no big deal.

"Spence is right. He may be bigger than you Bren," Dallon slaps Brendon on the back laughing.

Brendon pushes him aside and pulls off the one piece placing both hands on his hips. "Mine wins! Suck it!" Brendon proudly says.

"These fucking children," Zack groans slapping a hand over his face. "Brendon...get dressed. We should get going to the venue," he begs.

Kaitlin has her face buried in Ian's neck and is gripping onto his shirt. "Out friends are horrible," her voice is muffled.

Ian laughs rubbing her back. "They just have no fear and are all sex addicts," he kisses the top of her head.

* * * * *

"What happened to the beautiful Belgium day? The sky is freaking me out," Kaitlin comment. Ian tightly holds her from behind. His chin rests on her shoulder. They are both standing backstage staring out at the sky.

The weather has changed drastically. The clear blue sky is now completely grey with clouds. With every second the wind started to get stronger.

Spencer comes over to them. "Go get your guitar and put it in the trailer. We aren't going on. The storm is too bad," he tells them. "Hopefully it passes," he adds shortly after.

Ian nods his head and looks at Kaitlin. "Head to the bus, I will meet you there," he kisses her on the forehead and then walks away to grab his guitar.

Kait stands still watching Ian walk away. Spencer places a hand on her back to get her to start walking forward. She sighs and goes.

The winds starts to pick up hitting the two in the face making it actually difficult to walk forward. Kaitlin cling to Spencer's arm for support in walking. Within the next few seconds, rain pours down on them.

Kait shrieks when the water hits her. A large gust of wind hits the two sending Kaitlin to the ground. Spencer stumbles around to help her to her feet. She looks at him with tears in her eyes. He is scared too but he knows right now he has to act like an older brother and keep her calm.

"It is just some wind and rain. We will be at the bus in no time," he puts on a smile thinking it will calm her.

Kait nods and goes back to clinging onto him. They start to walk and a tree falls down in front of them. Spencer stops and swallows hard.

"We need to run. Let go of me, and just run," he keeps his voice calm and she listens and they start to run.

Spencer is faster but Kaitlin does her best to keep up with him. Kaitlin trips over a fallen log and hits her head on the ground knocking herself out.

* * * *

Ian grabs his guitar and makes his way away from the stage. A beam comes falling toward him and he moves out of the way but it grazes over his arm cutting it open. His breathing is heavy and he hurries to get to anywhere but here. He looks around and see's Zack waving at him. Zack, along with Brendon, Dallon and a handful of other random people are standing in a trailer out of the storm. Ian hurries to it hoping Kaitlin and Spencer are in there. Zack helps him up into the trailer.

"Have you seen Kaitlin and Spencer?" Zack quickly asks him.

Ian's eyes grow wide. "They aren't here?" he looks out at the storm. His heart pounding hard. "I need to go find her," he drops his guitar and goes to jump out of the trailer but Zack holds him back. "Zack let me go. I need to find my girlfriend," he cries out. Tears are streaming from his eyes.

"She will be okay. I bet she is in shelter and safe. Trust me," Zack pulls Ian into a big bear hug so he cannot escape.

* * * * *

Minutes pass, and the storm clears up. The sky is almost back to being completely blue again. The group of people in the trailer exit and Ian looks around for Kaitlin. From a distance he spots Spencer holding her like a baby. Ian cannot help himself and runs toward them. Tears still in his eyes he looks at Kaitlin and cannot bring himself to even say anything.

"She tripped while running and hit her head. She isn't badly hurt, she just has this scratch on her forehead and her knees are cut up," Spencer tries to stay calm but his voice is shaking.

"Kai," Ian mumbles placing a hand on her cheek. Her eyes open and lungs fill with air. She looks at him and places her hand over his.