Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

We Were Such Fools.

After a few more rounds of karaoke, a few rounds of junk food and some small talk here and there we split ways to our rooms for bed. Ray and I headed to my room while Gerard and Frank headed downstairs to the basement.

I closed my door behind me and glanced over at my best friend who stood there, arms crossed—he wanted his explanation now.

“I suppose you want me to tell you what happened now?”

He just grinned before plopping down on my bed, waiting for me climb next to him—we were intimate as friends, but not that kind of intimate. We were just very close.

“Nothing really happened; it was really weird though we hardly spoke at all. It was like we didn’t need to speak to each other, it was like we just knew what the other was trying to say.”

He wasn’t going to say anything, not till I was finished.

“We went to the playground around the corner, well a few blocks over, but still, I hadn’t been there in years. I went to my favorite place—atop the slide. He watched me just sit up there for a while, I’m not sure how long, but when I noticed him, he had a small smile on his lips. I put that smile on his face—me!”

He grinned at my idiocy—well I was grinning like an idiot too.

“I watched the sunset and glanced back down and he wasn’t there, he had moved and I panicked. My heart raced and I felt my palms get sweaty, I felt a little nauseous and then I saw him swinging. He had the smallest hint of a smile playing upon his lips as he went back and forth; it was as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

“We just sat there, occasionally stealing glances at the other, communicating with just our eyes; it was all we needed to do to understand each other. I can’t deny I’ve fallen for him, I have and after today, well, I can’t help but like him even more. We just connected Ray, that doesn’t just happen you know.”

He took a deep breath, he was gathering his thoughts. He turned to me, truth staring back in his eyes.

“Mikes, I, I found something out today…after spending time with Gerard.”
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yay, i updated this one! i've been so focused on finishing up 'the plague of popularity' and getting things in order at work and just loving the fact that my parentals were gone for two weeks.

i've finished 'the plague', my parentals are back home [not much has changed, dad and i still bump head practically every day, if we interact at all] and mom still frets over me, i'm not 12, i haven't been 12 for 9 years now this is my focus, though i do have a one-shot i wrote which i'll post sometime tomorrow...i hope. thanks for the comments i've gotten so far, i appreciate each and every one of them!