Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

The Brightest Hour Of My Darkest Day.

I glance over my shoulder at my brother’s form and glance up towards the ceiling. Ray can sleep forever if he wanted to.

“Oh, erm, would, would you mind if I ran out to get some food—Frank’s staying?”

I just nodded as I turned back to make coffee—I cannot function properly without this stuff.

“Thanks Mikes, you’re the best!”

I heard his rushed footsteps, the door opening and closing and then the sound of a car starting, backfiring, and then finally dying in the distance—then I felt it. A presence behind me, it was one of two people and I surely hoped it wasn’t who first came to mind.

“Good morning.”

I let out a sigh of relief—Ray. I turned to him and smiled, pointed to the coffee maker which was just about done making my pot of life. He just grinned at me, knowing I don’t function without the stuff.

“Where’s your brother?”

I smirked.

“Is ickle Ray-ray crushing on the big, scary, Gerard?”

He laughed and I did too.

“No, but I heard his car, that’s what woke me up actually.”

I heard that wondrous noise, my coffee was complete. I quickly grabbed my mug and poured me a decent amount and began to sip casually on the warm liquid that gave me life.

“What are we going to do today?”

“You get to entertain me till Gee gets back! Lucky you!”

We turned to the intruder, the only other person in the house at the moment—besides us of course.

“I’ll pass, I’m going to go back to bed—I’ll bore you to death and I don’t think Gee would appreciate me killing his best friend. Wake me when the food gets here.”

With that my best friend left me alone—again—with Frank. To say it was awkward would be an understatement. Though I could use this ‘alone-time’ to my advantage; I smirked inwardly of course, didn’t want him to know anything was up now did I.

“So I couldn’t help but notice you kept staring at me yesterday, why?”

Damn, wasn’t expecting him to get all cocky on me—just another thing I adore about the guy in front of me.

“You stared back too you know, plus I liked the view.”

I walked past him and into the living room, placing myself down on the couch, gently folding my legs beneath me as I steadily sipped my coffee. Not too long after I felt weight to my right and knew he was there.

“How much did you hear this morning?”

I smirked into my cup, so he knew I heard them.

“Enough to know you still want me, even though you’re clearly devoted to that boyfriend of yours.”

I couldn’t look at him, I know the moment I did, I’d throw my cup down and make sure there was nothing between us—so naturally I was restraining myself like any normal person would do in a situation like this.

“And what if the boyfriend wasn’t in the picture?”

I smirked again.

“Are you asking what if or are you telling me he’s not?”

I felt hands grab me, turning me to face him—I could’ve died right then and there. The pure emotions that were raging through his eyes were directed at me, solely for me and I can’t deny that I was happy to see those feelings.

“Mostly a what if statement, but lately I’ve come to realize that I’m missing out on what’s right in front of me.”

With that he roughly meshed our lips together, fisting my hair in his hands, sucking and nibbling on my bottom lip—if you’ve never felt what that feels like—I pity you. My hands were still locked around my cup of coffee, I wasn’t about to spill or waste any of it.

“Put the damn cup down you idiot.”

He mumbled against my lips but I complied. As soon as my hands were free he straddled me, kneeling over my lap, using his hands to tilt my head back for easier access for him to attack my mouth.

My arms wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him closer; I needed to feel his body as close to my own as possible. My fingers danced up his back, feeling each and every muscle contort as he moved above me.

His lips removed themselves from my own, tracking down my chin, along my jaw to the spot just below my ear—a weakness I didn’t even know I had. I arched into him, I felt him smirk into my neck, and then he bit me.

The fucker was going to leave his mark on me—let everyone know that I did something with someone. He began sucking gently over where his teeth dug into my skin, his tongue playing lightly over the imprints left behind.

The only thing that I hated about being a guy was it took very little friction to excite a certain part of my body—let’s just say, we were both rather happy at the moment. I felt one his hands roam south, knowing its destination.

Just as he cupped me through my pajama bottoms I heard it—the one thing to stop what was happening on my family’s living room couch—my brother’s car. He quickly removed himself from me, resumed his previous position on the couch, and the asshole took my cup of coffee.

It was beyond obvious I was happy, I couldn’t really do much to hide it—be obvious and hide beneath a pillow or a blanket—Gee would see right through it. I could still feel the mark on my neck where his teeth sank into my skin—I can’t deny it turned me on though.

I heard the door opening and closing, the smell of some fast-food breakfast wafting in the air and then I felt my brother’s eyes on me. I didn’t blush, we’re all guys; I could just say it was an effect of a dream—no he’d see through that too.

“I swear if you two make so much as a stain on any upholstery in this house I’ll kill you. What the hell did you do to my brother’s neck?”

“It was me, sorry.”

I grinned as I saw my best friend saunter over to me, peck my forehead and sit beside me, pulling me into his arms. The look on my brother’s face was priceless.

“What’d you bring us Gee?”

I snuggled closer into Ray, as my brother continued to gape at us—his eyes weren’t the only digging holes into us. I couldn’t dare look at the boy on the other end of the couch—the one on the other side of Ray.
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yeah this was a bit longer and i hope you liked it!