Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

Note To Self--Be Careful What You Wish For.

One Week.

“Will you calm the fuck down man—why are you so antsy anyway?”

I glanced over at Ray who was void of his appendage known as my brother because of one reason and one reason only—Frank. That’s right, he was coming over. Bert tipped Frank off that my brother was home and he had promised that when he finally came home he’d stop by.

He was stopping by tonight.

“Earth to the biggest loser ever!”


He smiled, I missed something apparently.

“I said what’s your problem?”

I just gave him a look—the look, the one that let’s the person on the receiving end know they just asked the stupidest of questions.

“Right, sorry. Seriously though, he’s coming over?!”

I flopped onto the couch and nodded. I saw headlights flash through the front window—no lights were on yet, I really saw no need for them just yet. I heard two doors shut, laughter and chatter as the door opened and closed.

I heard tentative footsteps and then the living-room light came on. There he was, the Grecian god himself. I felt slightly disturbed to know that Bert’s mouth has been where mine wants to explore.

“Fro-boy! Mikes! Hey!”

He rushed to the couch, jumping on the both of us—he hasn’t changed much. He wrapped his arms around Ray, squeezing him and rocking back and forth.

“Frank, get your hands off my man.”

Gee came over and snuggled down next to Ray while Frank giggled and then attacked me.

“Fine then, I’ll just keep your little brother hostage.”

Gee smirked and then shrugged. I gulped. Perhaps seeing him again wasn’t the best of options at the moment.

“How have you been?”

“F-f-fine. You?”

He just smiled, situating himself more comfortably on my lap, arms still around my shoulders—my own around his waist. This felt right, it felt normal—it just felt good.

“Shitty actually. The parentals kicked me out, got my own place though, Bob moved down here; we broke up so it’s not the best living arrangements, but we’re both happy we went with the two-room place. Classes suck ass over at school, I can’t remember shit for nothing. I know it I just can’t remember it when I need to recall it. Hear you work books?”

I blushed for some reason. I just nodded.

“Always the geek I see.”

I hadn’t meant to, but I did, I glanced over and saw my brother and Ray lip-locked. Not even two feet away from me—gross. I love them both dearly but to see them sucking each other’s faces like that, slight moans—for one disturbed me, but worse, it was making me want action of my own.

“Can you not suck your boyfriend’s face in our presence please? It’s tacky.”

I just burst out laughing at Frank’s response and apparently Ray thought it was funny too. Gee just glared—playfully—at him.

“So what do you do for fun around these parts? I haven’t been this way, well, in a while.”

I hope he wasn’t remembering the last time he was here.

“For old times sake, can we, no you guys are going to think I’m stupid.”

“Come on Frank, spill it.”

He blushed a little before responding.

“Could we do karaoke, like the night we came home to find you and Ray singing your little hearts out?”

Gerard jumped up and pumped his fist in their, declaring a huge yes whilst Ray and I rolled our eyes.

“I’m going to need to be inebriated to do this, I utterly refuse to do this sober.”

Gee ran over to the liquor cabinet, pulled out my favorite bottle of poison and handed it to me with a smirk.

“Enjoy kiddo, your ass is singing tonight!”

I groaned as I opened the bottle, taking my first swig of what will be many more as I heard the shuffling to get the equipment set up. I felt a hand atop my own, the bottle being taken away and I glanced over at my alcohol kidnapper—Ray.

“If you can get buzzed, I can get buzzed.”

I grinned and let him take a few sips before I finally took it back and chugged a good amount. I didn’t want to remember this night.
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right...i work all day tomorrow so i won't be able to update again till probably late tomorrow night my time, or saturday. we'll see. if i'm going too fast just let me know. i hope the dating of my updates helps!