Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

You're Beautiful To Me.

He gave me his cheesy grin before placing his head on my chest, directly over my heart. Would it be cliché to say he fit perfectly? He did. The fact that I was still completely naked settled back into my mind and I felt myself blushing—remember what I said about me blushing—my entire body seems to blush.

“Not, not to ruin the moment or anything, I, I think I should get dressed.”

I felt him place a small kiss on my chest before he pulled away, he looked me in the eyes—he wasn’t going anywhere, not this time.

“Do I have to leave?”

I shook my head. He moved himself, perching himself on the edge of my bed and glanced at one of my comics lying around. I quickly turned towards my dresser, finding a pair of boxers, jeans and a tee and hurried to dress myself. I didn’t feel his eyes one me once whilst I dressed and for some reason, that made me happy.

Once I buttoned my jeans I stared at him. Really taking in his appearance—like I normally do—he really is beautiful.

“Are you just going to stare me down or are you going to come keep me company?”

I saw his lips form that familiar smirk as I grinned and made my way towards him. I climbed on my bed, lying down behind him.

“Mikes, can, can we talk?”

I nodded; he put the comic down on the floor where he got it from, crawled up the bed till he was next me and laid down beside me. Placing his head on my chest, draping an arm across my waist as I placed one of my own around him—this just felt so right.

“Would I sound lame if I told you there was just something about you that caught my attention the first time I met you?”

I chuckled, he was embarrassed to be telling me this, I could tell by the sound of his voice. I said a simple no, letting him continue.

“Well I did. I know it wasn’t the fact that you practically towered over me, or the fact your glasses looked as though they were going to fall off your nose—no, it was the pure innocence that radiated off of you in waves. The naivety you possessed. I know some of its still there—buried beneath so much.”

He shifted, moving closer to me it seemed.

“I, I want something between us.”

I froze, he could feel me tense beneath him; he shot up, looking down at me. Questioning what my freezing meant.

“Frankie, I…”

He cut me off.

“Mikey, I, I know things aren’t going to be easy, and I, I know we both have to make changes, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make something work between us. I won’t say I’m in love with you because I honestly don’t know what it is I feel for you. I know it’s not just lust, I know it’s an attraction. Something about your draws me in and I can never get enough of it. I just…”

He looked defeated; like he knew I would say no.