Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

I'll Be Just Fine.

He exhaled and silence overcame the both of us. He maintaining the aura of defeat and I, I didn’t know what to say. I kept glancing over at my clock; I still had an hour and a half before I had to leave for work. An hour and a half that I’m sure would be spent with the person in my arms.

“Why won’t you say something?”

He mumbled into my chest, I could feel each and every one of his breaths, he was fighting tears. I made him cry—well almost—he was fighting them off pretty hard.

“I, I don’t know what to say.”

He sat up again, looking down at me, the emotion portrayed in his eyes—the pure and utter confusion, the pure care and need for me was evident; was I willing to just throw that away?

Without thinking for another second I pulled him down to me, locking my lips on his own. I put everything I felt into that kiss, my own confusion, my own pain, my own want, my own need—everything.

My arms wrapped themselves around him perfectly. His body sliding perfectly over my own, straddling my waist as his lips never left my own. One of my hands roamed up his backside to entangle my fingers in his hair.

The moment my fingers were drowned in his locks I felt his tongue lightly trace my upper lip. I could feel his hot breath, escaping his nostrils as my own reverberated from his cheek to my own. I let my mouth open slightly, his tongue gently entering new territory.

My own tentatively meeting his before gently massaging the other; his taste was indescribable and yet I know I’d never tasted anything like him. The short, rushed breaths through my nose were not enough, I pulled away gently, turning my head to the side—taking in deep breaths to regain my composure.

I turned to face him, leaning just over me, arms holding him up on either side of my head. His chest heaving from his own catching of breaths; I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him.

His face slightly flushed, his mouth slightly agape as he caught his breath, hair ruffled from the antics of my fingers—and that beautiful smile that I put on his lips as his eyes met my own.

“So I can take that as a yes?”

I nodded in response before he leant down and placed a small chaste kiss upon my lips.

“So Mikey Way, you’ll be my boyfriend?”

I grinned up at him.

“I’d love to Frankie, I’d love to.”

He snuggled into my chest, placing his head directly over my heart—something he’s done twice now.

“I love the sound of your heartbeat. I like how if I move my thumb like this on your side, it speeds up just a little, or if I do this to your hand it’ll slow down and then I just like it when we’re laying here, content. The soft thump, thump, thump relaxes me.”

I smiled, even though he couldn’t see me; I moved so I could kiss the top of his head, glancing at my clock as I did so. We’ve only killed forty minutes—I could go in early. I let out a sigh, causing him to pop his head up to glance at me.

“I’ve got to go to work. I won’t be back till after eleven.”

He gave me a sad smile.

“Can, can I wait here for you?”