Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

Cater To Our Every Need.

Three Weeks.

“Are you sure that’s the last box? I don’t think my body could handle another trip up those damn stairs?”

I threw the box down—it was labeled ‘clothes’ so I knew it was safe to do so. I plopped down on the naked mattress that sat barren on the room floor. Sweat seemed to fill every square inch of my body—I felt gross.

I felt a weight land on top of me and shaking his head roughly; more sweat droplets added to the gross amount that had accumulated on my own body—I shoved him away.

“Do you have any idea how gross that is?”

I glanced over at him and he shrugged.

“Apparently you could or do get just as sweaty when you have sex so I think you really need to rethink the situation.”

I smiled at him—he would bring up something like that now.

“We aren’t having sex, we were moving you in, if I were this sweaty from sex I don’t think I’d be complaining about the gross-ness of your sweat mixing with my own.”

He inched closer—his rather overheated body caused mine to warm up and sweat even more—placing his tongue on the side of my neck and licking upwards till he met my ear. For being so hot and sweaty I shivered—the desired effect he wanted apparently.

I felt his hot breath on my ear as I felt him push his body flush against my own.

“I still want you love.”

He placed gentle kisses along my jaw till he reached my chin, moving up to capture my mouth. I do believe if it weren’t for the mere fact he was now grinding his hips down into my own that I’d have found this utterly disgusting instead of rather hot and appealing.

He pulled back, looking into my eyes for permission he’d never have to ask for—I’d always be willing to let him have me—despite having never done this before.

“Then have me.”

He captured my lips once more; I could feel everything he felt for me in that kiss. He was going to be gentle with me—at least I hoped he was. His hands began to busy themselves, one by stabilizing him above me—while the other made its way delicately down my arm then my side. Before he finally touched my slick skin, inching my shirt up—the cool air felt amazing against my hot, sticky skin.

He pulled away from me, now straddling me, pulling his own shirt over his head—pulling me up gently to help remove my own. The moment our sweat clad chests touched I felt something inside of me ignite—I wanted more. I let my hands roam all over his sweat covered torso, noticing each and every tense or twitch to certain spots of his body.

I could feel his arousal against my own—the friction was intense—but not enough. His mouth had reattached itself to my neck, he was going to leave a mark; I could feel it. He then ventured to my collar bone—that was an incredible feeling when he gently bit down. I arched into him, a small gasp escaping my mouth—I felt him smirk against me.

I tentatively reached a hand towards his belt buckle—he raised himself off of me just a little so I had easier access it seemed, to undo his pants. I couldn’t help but to venture my hand just a bit further south and rubbed his ever apparent bulge—a growl escaped his mouth as he pulled away from me.

He looked down at me; I’ve never seen his eyes as they were right now. A genuine grin erupted on his face as he brought a hand to cup the side of my face—I couldn’t help but to lean into his touch. A smile making its way onto my own face as I kept my eyes locked onto his own.

“I love you Mikey, more than I’m capable of expressing.”

My heart exploded in my chest at those words; surely we’ve said those three words before—but just then, in this moment, seeing the truth and sincerity in his eyes, it was more than I could’ve ever asked for.

He leant down once more, capturing my lips with his own, molding us together as one. My arms wrapped themselves around his back as he pressed himself flush against me once more. I moved a hand to lose my fingers in his raven locks—ignoring how wet they were from sweat—just content in touching him this way.

“Oh for the love of anything holy—can’t you two keep your hands off of each other?!”

I groaned as his lips left my own; he turned just enough to face the intruder—killing them with a glare I suppose.

“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

“Haven’t you ever heard of shutting the fucking door? My own brother, I’m scarred for life—I swear it, now I know what you two do when you’re alone.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at my brother’s dramatic antics. Frank ground himself into me once more, making a small moan—unwillingly—leave my mouth; I blushed severely as my brother pretended to wretch.

“Can you not do that while I’m standing right here?”

“You could just turn away, or walk away or just shut the door. I plan on ravishing him actually, you oh so rudely interrupted.”

I heard an agitated groan and the slamming of a door before I felt teeth against my collar bone once more. I arched into him—moaning on my own this time.
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i'm usually not one to go into depth when it comes to relations between my characters...i usually imply it...however, i'm going to try to write my very first ever 'boysex' next chapter. so that will probably be up sometime long as i don't crap out on you and just 'imply' it.....thanks again for the feedback/comments guys, i really do appreciate it! i've got 32 suscribers now and 6 stars...and to all of my suscribers {who don't comment but still read} thanks!!