Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

Break My Heart.

One Week.

“You do realize that if you wanted to be completely organized you’d have alphabetized everything according to price—cheapest to most expensive.”

I rolled my eyes yet again at that remarks this child was giving me. Why we hired some stupid, stuck-up sixteen year old was beyond me. There was no getting around her—nothing anyone did was apparently good enough in her opinion. She always found a way to put it down. I needed a smoke.

“Meghan, I’m going to take a smoke break—say whatever the hell you want about that I don’t give a rat’s ass. Go back to your counter and don’t leave until the end of your shift or so help you, you don’t have a job.”

She just rolled her eyes as she strode over to her counter, tapping her fingers along the counter top—eyes locked on my form as I made my way outside. Fresh air, it was apparently good for you. I dug in my back pocket for the pack of cancer sticks, taking one out and digging for my lighter—igniting the end of my cigarette and taking that first drag was divine.

I was leaning against one of the pillars—a few feet away from the entrance of course—with my eyes closed, taking in the sounds of what surrounded me. Cars, people, the faint sound of bugs and a few birds—I wasn’t aware of someone in my presence till I heard a voice directly in front of me.

“I knew I should’ve never let you try that. You’re going to kill yourself with those you know.”

I opened my eyes, my ears recognizing the person in front of me by their voice alone. A smile tugged at my lips as I took in the sight of my friend.

“Is that your way of asking for one or are you actually criticizing me?”

He just shrugged before holding out his hand. I chuckled and handed him my pack and lighter as he lit up and joined me in smoking.

“So how’s it going? Haven’t heard from you and you just up and left the other week.”

“You don’t normally search me out, let alone at work, to see how I’m doing? What’s going on?”

He gave me his grin and took a drag of his smoke.

“I assumed we were friends, friends apparently care about each other right? I mean, that’s what I’ve always heard they did.”

He just shrugged before continuing.

“I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to a small get together—for old time’s sake—my place, tonight. The guys will be there and they’ve been missing you, but if you’ve got plans with that boyfriend of yours we’ll understand.”

I nodded eagerly; it’s been a week since I’ve done anything and I mean anything. My body was itching to have some form of excitement. He smirked at me before throwing his smoke down to the ground and rubbing it with the toe of his shoe.

“See you tonight then.”

He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek—something we used to always do.

“See you.”

I took the last few drags of my smoke before extinguishing it in the same manner and returning inside. I had to pass by the insufferable brat to get back to where I was organizing the magazines. I knew she was going to say something, she had a clear view of me and she’s never one to keep her mouth shut—even if she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

“Mr. Way, was that man your partner?”

I just shook my head.

“Why’d you let him kiss your cheek? That’s a sign of intimacy in our country, is he from another country?”


“Then why’d you let him kiss you if he’s not your partner?”

I about had it with this child. I turned back around, placing my hands on the counter, staring her in the eye—my annoyance and anger more than evident in my eyes.

“He’s someone I’ve kissed, touched, sucked and fucked just for the hell of doing so. Any other stupid questions from that useless mind of yours or can I get back to doing my job so I can leave in an hour?”

Her lack of response and wide eyes let me know I was free to go. I wasn’t loud, not at all, in fact I didn’t speak more than a whisper. That probably freaked her out even more than what I unloaded onto her.


My fingertips were dancing on my steering wheel as I was pulling onto the all too familiar street. I noticed a few cars out front of the house I was going to visit tonight and a smile played on my lips as I recognized a few of them.

I turned my cell off and placed it in my glove box before exiting my car. I wasn’t going home and I didn’t need the constant nagging of anyone asking about my where about. I walked up the path and let myself in the front door—greeted with the smell of what I have been craving.

I said my greetings to those I knew and made my way to the bar that sat in the corner of the living room, Quinn was the bartender tonight. I grinned, he knew what I liked; he smiled once he saw me and began to make my drink—vodka with a hint of lemonade.

I smiled as I took my cup from him and taking the first sip. I could smell the faint smell of weed somewhere in the house—I’d find that later. I let my eyes wander around the various groups of people—keeping my options open as to what I wanted to do tonight.

“Glad you could make it.”

I felt a body flush against my backside and hot breath on my ear. I grinned as I knew who that was; turning to face my personal space invader I was caught on the arm.

“No, you’re in for a treat tonight.”

I felt him leading me out of the living room and into the side room, the room that only he and a select few people ever used. I felt apprehensive only for the few seconds I saw needles lying on the table, then I saw someone put them away—carefully of course.

“My friends, this is my dearest friend James.”

I heard a few murmured hellos and I mumbled one back as he spoke again.

“Ah, now that I’ve deemed everyone is here let’s begin. I’ve got something very special for you tonight. Don’t ask where I’ve gotten this from I won’t tell.”

He grinned at all of us with his mischievous grin and reached behind him, into his back pocket and pulling out a small bag. My eyes lit up at what was inside. I was glad for taking my green box today—it fit nicely in the cargo pocket of my pants.

“This is its purest form, it wasn’t cheap but I’m not worried about money so I say let’s all have a go shall we?”

I grinned up at him as I had placed myself on the floor next to someone I didn’t even know. That’s the thing about Bert’s parties, I only knew his housemates and I’ve only seen a handful of people a few times. He seemed to know everyone and I only knew him in the current room—but I was more preoccupied with what he was holding in his hand to care about who I was sitting next to.