Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

Someday I'm Going To Be Free.

“You can’t be serious Mikey? Your brother practically begged you to spend a night with Frank! I’m not doing it; your brother might give me rabies or something!”

I shoved Ray in the arm—playfully of course. We were currently in my room, door closed and trying desperately to find ways out of next Friday. Ray and I had our own Friday night ritual, it just started later because we’re such geeks that we go home and do all of our homework before starting weekend fun.

“He can’t give you rabies Raymond.”

“Don’t call me that! I sound old.”

I laughed, we always did this, but not over this stuff. He knows I like guys, he just doesn’t know I like Frank.

“How come Gerard didn’t choose you, why couldn’t he just say I want some brother time, let’s cool it on rituals till the following week? Why me!? I’m a walking encyclopedia for the love of anything holy! Who wants to get to know that?”

I giggled; Ray didn’t harbor secret feelings for my brother, no he genuinely was afraid of him. He doesn’t like the unknown and my brother is a huge unknown for Ray.


“Relax?! Relax?! How can you tell me to relax, you’re not the one who has to spend a night with your insane brother! You get the easy one, the one you can pet like a dog and he calms right down, I’ve seen your brother do it!”

I fell off my bed laughing at the displeasure we had to wait an entire week for. I was anxious to say the least.

“How come you’re not saying anything about this—wait, do you actually want to get to know Frank?”

My lack of a response to his knowing gaze confirmed he was correct. I did want to get to know him, why not? I just shrugged my shoulders and he just stared at me, dumbfounded.

“Mikey, you can’t be serious? The kid’s a walking life hazard, in more ways than one. He’ll get you hurt, how many times have he and Gerard been to the emergency room together?”

I looked up from my spot on the floor—I’m lazy, I wasn’t about to climb back up on my bed.

“How many times has Gerard actually been hurt? Three, the other twenty-seven times it’s all been Frank’s injuries.”

“They’ve been to the ER thirty times!? What do they do?”

I shrugged.

“I guess we’ll find out next Friday. You do realize this is going to be the longest and shortest week of our lives right?”

He nodded, mostly in defeat.