Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

Take The Biggest Part Of Me.

I woke up the next morning, a light weight on my left arm. Opening my eyes I saw a small mass of brown hair—smiling, I realized what had happened yesterday.

”Do you think they like me?”

“Of course they like you Tuck, don’t you ever think they don’t.”

He let out a big yawn, closing his eyes as he snuggled up to my side.

“Goodnight daddy.”

I grinned at the recollection of him calling me daddy for the first time.


I had left him to sleep, noticing my mother’s car was gone, but a note hung on the fridge—she was out for a few hours. Someone was coming by today to see me; she didn’t say who. I had just poured a cup of coffee and just as I put it to my lips the doorbell rung.

I cursed in my mind as I made my way over to the door, unbolting and unlocking it to reveal someone whose presence I didn’t know how to take. They enveloped me in their arms, holding me close, placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Hey Mikey! I’m glad you’re finally home!”

They pulled me into another hug, this time kissing me softly on the lips. I just stood there—he had no idea about the boy asleep in my bed—my son.

“Hi Frank, how, how are you?”

He walked past me, into the house and into the living room. I could only shut the door and follow him—keeping an ear out for movement up above. He sat down at the couch and just looked at me, taking my appearance in almost.

“You look really good Mikes, a healthy good. Your mom called me last night and told me that I should come over today; she’d have surprises for me. I think she made a mistake, unless she got me that giant teddy bear I wanted, there’s only one surprise here.”

He grinned at his words; I could only let the fear surge through my body. How do I tell him? He began rambling about something else, freezing once he saw something over my left shoulder, his eyes widening as his thought stopped mid-sentence.

“Daddy, I, you weren’t there…”

I turned quickly to face a teary eyed Tucker in his pj’s, holding my old stuffed teddy bear. I opened my arms, ushering him to come to me which he did. Once he was in my arms, head resting on my shoulder I turned my attention back to Frank. He hadn’t changed positions since I turned to face Tucker; mouth still agape, eyes wide—he’d drool if he didn’t close his mouth soon.

“Why’s he looking at you like that?”

I smiled at Tucker’s question. That seemed to bring him out of his daze.

“You, you have the kid?”

I think he meant that more in a statement rather than a question—I don’t really know. I could only nod as he shut his eyes. Timing was perfect, I heard a car pull up out front and a door open and close, another opening and closing and moments later the front door opening and my mother’s voice calling out for a sign of life.

“In here grandma! Daddy’s friend, the one with the cool tattoos is here!”

We saw the form of my mother in the entranceway to the living room; she smiled at all of us.

“Hello boys! Did you have a good rest Tucker? Want to see what I got for you today? Come help me put these away and I’ll show you your presents!”

I could tell he had a huge grin on his face as he climbed off of my lap and followed my mom into the kitchen. I heard them rustling around with a few bags and then Tucker’s squeals of excitement; I couldn’t help but grin at his happiness.

I glanced over at Frank, his eyes still unmoved from my form. I gave him a shy, small smile—like that’s going to make it all better.

“Can, come to my room with me.”

I stood up and walked over towards the stairs, hearing him follow I walked upstairs. As soon as he was inside my room I closed the door behind me and watched as he walked and sat on my bed.

This was it; I had to explain a lot of things to him. Mostly how much I’ve changed.
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yeah...i'm not too thrilled about this definitely wasn't my best and i apologize profusely for that.