Sequel: Hold Me Down

Autumn's Monologue.

I'm Tangled Up In You.

“Look, I know you’re used to people just being out right honest with you but I have a hard time doing that, I’m not a liar or anything, I just, I just don’t know how to say what I want to say.”

Now would be a good time to start the car; I could feel his eyes on me—I hadn’t glanced at him since I saw him walk around the car to climb in.

“So then just say it, say whatever comes to mind.”

Why did I just say that?

“I can’t explain it, I, I just, I just feel so many things right now and so many things run through my mind right now and I’m going to start rambling just so you know.”

I just nodded—still not looking at him. I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I heard him groan before I felt his hands on me.

“I need you to look at me when I say this.”

He turned my face towards him—when did he get that close? He seemed to freeze as I turned to face him—was I that hideous?

“Mikey, I, have you ever felt like you know everything and nothing at the same time about someone? You see them everyday and yet it’s still not enough—you want them to be the last thought and sight each and every night and the first each morning. They’re in your every dream, your every thought—and it's still not enough. They’re so close all the time but you’re too afraid to take that chance, to just, just tell them how you feel?”

His left hand still cupped my face, almost holding it there to make sure I don’t turn and run away from him. I had no idea he could even feel like that—he just doesn’t seem the type that would get sentimental and romantic-ish. His eyes were begging me for a response.

“Well, erm, well, yes. Why?”

He clenched his eyes closed before removing his hands from my body—my cheek tingled. My cheek effing tingled!

“Do you like my brother?”

He sighed as he started the car, giving me one more glance—sorrow written all over his face. Then in the blink of an eye he was back to the Frank I knew and saw everyday. He turned up the music, rambling about how shitty his day was—he was shoved into a locker during fourth period. Had I said something wrong? Was I not supposed to answer? Did he like my brother?

“What’s on your mind? I know you’re usually quiet but not this quiet.”

I shrugged.

“You do know Ray’s terrified of Gee right?”


He grinned before he laughed his laugh Ilovedliked to hear. It was genuine.

“Fro-boy’s afraid of Gee, that’s crazy! Oh, I completely forgot, you two like to do homework first don’t you? That’s why you’re always holed up in your room right?”

I nodded—that and the fact I’m terrified I’ll just blurt out I love you, but that’s nothing too big.

“Wow, you really are geeky—no offense, it suits you though.”

Somehow the tone of his voice when he said that made me blush—I turned to face the window—realizing exactly where we were heading.
♠ ♠ ♠
i can't lie, i rather do like to make people squirm....

anywho, i've written and updated this at practically if it's not that great my deepest apologies. i have to get up for work--my first day opening the store--i usually close. i'm hoping to have an update for 'the plague' later today!